(Adventure) The bastards of XXXXXX Bluerun

Kahuna Burger

First Post
In the courtyard is a wagon pulled by two sturdy draft horses. A young man tending the horses looks quite similar to Therick but in somewhat more practical clothes. He looks both shocked and happy at those approaching.

Therick nod to him and says "This is my Truebrother Redarn. He will take us back to Bluerun. It is a journey of two days, though we may run into some bandit activity on the road sooner than that. These Whoresons have grown bold of late..."
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Rainca strides out of the inn with the others and takes a deep breath hoping for a lungful of fresh air. She doesn't get it. Grimacing, she looks sadly at the horses. She whispers something in a strange language.

She shrugs the pack on her back, settling it, "Rainca thinks slavery is evil. She would prefer to walk."


After exiting the tavern Dioran crosses the courtyard with a rather peculiar happy gait. He nods a greeting to Redarn and boards the wagon. He looks around with an unnerving smile, laughs with a short, almost bark-like sound and shouts "Thautang Shackern, om Fuerckim Sorleiss"

After this he sits back in a much calmer demeanor, waiting for everyone to get ready to leave.

OOC: If anyone speaks Abyssal or Celestial, or just wants to know what strange stuff Dioran says at times, i'll write them in spoilers if you wish.


First Post
Gath exits the inn, holding his polearm tightly in his hands. He seems disappointed after seeing the wagon and hearing Therick. "Two days ? Me think bandits nearer." He jumps in the wagon and puts his weapon on his back. He seems really eager to go.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
OOC: assuming that Lupic is accompanying the group as well, anyone else who wants to retcon a tagalong, feel free...

The coucilor seems confused by the barbarian woman's words and says "I assure you, my Truebrother is no slave... but if you will not ride with us, I won't force you..."

Once in the wagon, he makes room on a couchlike bench for Dioran, and offers him some soft cheese. "I hope you and your followers will be able to solve this problem for us. The royal family of our region is concerned with political matters of late and has sent us no aid." Looking over at the half orcs he adds in overly slow speach "There's water in that box there... It opens with a latch. And bread. Good bread."


Registered User
Rainca shudders at Dioran's utterance, Unnatural sounding, that. A toss of her head sets the feathers, crests and beads that adorn her long hair rattling. She drops to a knee an unslings the bow at her back stringing it with a swift and steady hand. As she works she looks up at the lamplike eyes of the great red dragon... "It is not your brother Rainca was talking about, Council Man."

She finishes her work and stands, a coiled spring, taking up a position not far from, and slightly ahead of, the wagon. "Speak freely, Rainca's keen ears will hear you as she scouts."

[OOC: I should oughta have waited for Gath, shouldn't I have... still getting the hang of this. Please let me know if I make any gaffs.]

[OOC: I should oughta have read the posts more carefully. STILL getting the hang of this. :)]
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Still the Same
Joseph Dar`maryon shudders as well, his body forced to rise from the shadow it had been hidden in, but deffinitely not for the Celestial. ' The cry of Taka'.

It has not taken long for the foulness of that language to find me, once more.

Joseph takes a soft white cloth to the black of his boots. "I am sorry my friends, there were preparations and polishing to be made." Taking the blade of his sword, Joseph brings about another cloth, and runs it down the length of it's five foot edge, down to the crimson cloth, wrapped around the hilt of his claymore.

OOC: No need to worry. If anyway has foiled thus far it is me.
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First Post
Gath stuffs a lot of bread in his mouth. "Hummm ... Fffwe goooo nooww ?" He finally succeeds in smallowing it by hitting himself a few times in the chest. "Buuuurrp ! Got gloobock to wash it down ?"

OOC : Sparky, what did you do wrong ? I think you're doing a great job so far. Your character is at least far more original and interesting than mine (thought I'm having fun being disgusting and crude). Oh, and that's one warrior heavy party :)


OOC: Perhaps I wasn't clear before, Dioran was shouting in Abyssal. He also speaks celestial, just not right now. I was just wondering if you guys would like a translation (hidden in spoiler text) when he does his crazy talk again, or not.

IC: "Oh before we leave, should we buy travelling and combat supplies here in town, or will there be an opportunity to stock up in Bluerun?"

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