(Adventure) The Island of Varras'zul (Manzanita Judging) (Concluded)


LEW Judge
Unlike the sudden downpour last eve, the morning was gifted with clear skies and a refreshing breeze. The good weather especially affected the mood at the docks, bringing a cheery atmosphere to the scene.

Mona stood atop the deck of a small ship named the "Winder". Though she was talking with the ship's gnome captain, she threw a friendly wave at any adventurer from the Red Dragon Inn who was looking for her. Her demeanor was different from the nervous halfling lass they saw and met at the Inn. Here in the outside, she seemed more confident, more in control of the situation. Her attitude seemed on par with the Winder's own captain in authoritativeness... though she retained a sweet quality to the tone of her voice.

When one of the party neared the ribbed plank entrance to the deck of the winder, she pointed them out to the captain. The gnome captain would then bade the adventurer to board the ship. He then proudly introduced himself.

"Fair Morning to ye, Adventurer. I be Captain Wanderificus Barsuvian II, though Captain Wander be fine if that be too long for ye. This fine ship you stand on be the Winder. She be the fastest ship on these here docks! How be ye this morn? Slept well 'fore a fine 'venture, I trust?"

Mona let the captain do the greetings as the adventuring party filed unto the Winder. She gave an amicable nod and a gentle "Hello" at each member of the party though.
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Scun arrives first, and boards the boat after a slight delay at the gangplank. "Captain Wander of the Winder. I am Scun, and am a wanderer as well. Hello Mona, a fine morning it is, as you predicted. Captain, please tell me what to expect on this journey, for I haven't traveled on a boat before." Scun shrugs his shoulders and looks at the captain questioningly. The ugly half-orc almost looks meek amongst folks half his height.
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LEW Judge
"A ship not a boat, landlubber! A ship the Winder be!" Captain Wander wagged his pipe authoritatively at the unintended slight. He understood the ignorance of the half-orc on the matter though, so he was not at all harsh.

"As for our trek, I be expecting calm sailing to our destination. Of course, There be the usual dangers of sailing, such as a change of sky or piracy. But the ship's soothsayer tells me that the likes of bad weather won't be troublin' the Winder in this journey. For the other, I pity the bootleggin' fool who dares step the wrong way at Captain Wander be they land or seabound!" Captain Wander hooked his thumbs to his belt then puffed out smoke like a furnace.


Ogrin steps up on the plank after Scun, excited about being on a ship again. "Hey Scun, never been on a ship before? Don't worry, this will be fun! Just remember, if your breakfast doesn't stay down, use the side of the ship where you have the wind at your back!"

Ogrin turns to the captain as soon as he's aboard. "Good morning, captain. About how long will we be out to sea?"


First Post
A tall, young man carrying a massive pack comes running around the corner of a nearby building, face red, and breathing heavily. As he nears the ship, he starts yelling,

"Wait for me, wait for me, I'll help!"

Suddenly he realizes the ship is still tied to the docks and stops dead. For the next few minutes he stares at the ship, a slightly suprised look on his face, as he drops the massive pack to the ground, and leans over, lungs pumping as he tries to get back his breath.

Eventually, having regained his composure, he sweeps his pack back off the ground, and makes his way up to the ship.

"Hello, " he calls as he climbs the gangplank "I am Rillian Trilnason, and Joe, over at the Red Dragon, he told me ya might need some more hands. So here I am, do ya? I mean, was he right?"

Rae ArdGaoth

Rasereit Vundinn, Dwarven Barbarian 1

A dirty, tangled-bearded dwarf comes bouncing along the docks to the ships. He isn't actually looking to the sea, though. In fact, he almost seems to be avoiding it. He reaches the tied boat and hesitates at the end, whistling to himself, looking around, pretending to search for the ship. Finally he stomps his foot and growls as he storms up the dock. He reaches the end of the walk and grouchily says to the captain, "This'll be a short trip, righ'? I mean, er, I'm not scared or nothin', I just ah... Aye! Short trip! Lookin' forward to it!" As he grumbles to himself, you can pick up little snippets of phrases like, "Never should've signed up," and "Damn ye, boy, what've ye gotten yerself into?" He stares up at the sky, avoiding all eye contact with people or water.


First Post
"My apologies, Captain. I mean no disrespect to your fine ship. I look forward to our journey." Scun then walks around the ship, making himself acquainted with the various features and areas.
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First Post
Nezrak walks steadily to the ship, nodding to everyone present. "Greetings again.", he says. He nods one extra time towards the captain and introduces himself.


LEW Judge
rln said:
. "Good morning, captain. About how long will we be out to sea?"

"Actually lad, we be merely a-waiting for a few more supplies to come aboard. An' waitin' for the rest of Miss Ellenrowe's employees. We be leavin' within the hour. Ye be free to wander the deck of the ship 'till we set sail. Just don't touch nothin'!"

Mona smiled and whispered to the Captain his mistake.

Captain Wander scratched the back of his head. "Ah! How long will we be out to sea, ye meant? My sorries and apologies, lad. The trip itself be taking a week's time. The island is that far off, ye see"

"Hello, " he calls as he climbs the gangplank "I am Rillian Trilnason, and Joe, over at the Red Dragon, he told me ya might need some more hands. So here I am, do ya? I mean, was he right?"

At the young man's questionings, the Captain deferred to Mona. "Yes, of course!" said the halfling with some enthusiasm (though without the anxiety she felt in the inn). "Just one more hand would certainly be helpful! Umm... Let him onboard Captain"

"Aye, lass. Come aboard the Winder, lad" Captain Wander bade him enter and gave him the same introduction he gave the others.
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LEW Judge
"An elf, a half-orc, a man, a dwarf and a halfling. They be a strange bunch to my eyes. Only trouble comes from strangeness like this... Be here now all whom ye need?"

"Nay, Captain. There is one more who would join us, a human who introduced himself as Remi." Mona smiled when she thought upon the Captain's other words. "A strange bunch? Were you not an adventurer once? I remember hearing about a Captain Wanderificus Barsuvian II who loved the taste of stormy seas and the hunt for pirate blood."

"Ye be rememberin' a tired gnome, lassie. The Winder be all I have now. My days of glory be finished, though they haunt me still. Those ancient days be the reason why I took your mission on instead of ferryin' foods and trade stock back an' forth. The Wooden Sword be a friend still to this sea-burned gnome."

"Captain!" Wander's first mate was a young gnome who had the same sea-burned quality to him as his superior. "We're done loading, Cap'. Waiting on yer orders to set sail!"

"Good! Standby, First Mate. We be havin' one more passenger to wait for. Show the ones here their rooms, will you Gunterson?"

"Aye" First Mate Gunterson nodded. He then met with each member of the party to lead him to his place below decks.

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