[Adventure] Underneath Hadeys' Door: DM ScorpiusRisk, Judge Renau1g


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Amended proposal:
Illarion scouts slightly ahead
If Illarion spots an enemy while scouting, silent signals are sent back.
Kamotz attempts to spot tracks, and traps as he follows, hopefully catching anything missed by the scout
Hunzu stays back with Sound of Stone identifying and elaborating on any of Illarion and Kamotz' findings
Sound of Stone works with Illarions aid to disable traps, and unlock doors
Kamotz opens doors (blocking the area with himself and Whiggins)
If no ambush or enemy is present restart process.

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[sblock=OOC]So basically we have a group that no one wants to go up front with. Ha! Awesome.

Maybe if the DM is nice enough we can recruit another Leader and Defender for this group, as we seemed to of lost three players right off the bat for this grouping. Currently we have two strikers, a controller, and a leader/defender hybrid. Could make a good difference.

Just a thought is all.[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I don't mind going up front, but Illarions is not perception character and unfortunately, good stealth will get you in, but won't allow you to spot the ambush or a trap. Also, he lacks darkvision of any kind. Stealth part if mostly for fun and CA on the start of the combat. So, I will go first, but prepare to bail me out and/or bury me :)

If nothing jumps out at Kamotz, the elf again takes the lead, slinking into the shadows.


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Kamotz opens the door with a heavy shove. It slams against the next wall, causing a large echo to ring through the tight chambers, and kicking up dust. Your faced with a new hallway, forty feet long, and ending with another stone door. Another door, rests halfway down on the northern wall.

The hallway opens up to the south, just passed the northern door. None of the visible doors look as heavy in make as the one you just passed. The first person through the door may notice the dart firing mechanism on the oter side of the open door, slightly damaged in the door's opening.

OOC: The party can stop at any time and head back to recruit. Doing so moves forward time, and the dungeon may change in your absence.

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Great, how are we gonna fit in there? puzzles Kamotz as he looks for the continuation of the tracks. Could someone hand me my torch?


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"I will have a look around..." whispers Sound of Stone ducking through the doors and disappearing into the shadows.


OOC: I will scout ahead, stealthed...

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