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Aeon (updated 10/9/14)


Delemental said:
One of the many things I love about this SH is how themes show up in unexpected places.

In regard to Eadric's changing of his colors: I happen to be rereading the whole Wyre tale, and came upon this scene from Mesalliance - a dream meeting between Eadric and Sonellion.

Edit: Of course, my point was to compare this to the more recent Eadric dream, and revel in the symmetry, but apparently I was just too darn excited to finish my post. :)

Nice spot, Delemental---I'd missed that completely! :D

edit: several updates in the RG thread if you haven't checked that lately: http://www.enworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5652&page=24&pp=30

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First Post
Try Gene Wolfe, eg The Book of New Sun pentalogy and Wizard-Knight duology. Both are influenced by Jack Vance, Pseudo Dionysius Areopagite and Plotinus, both feature epic characters growing into half-gods and raising dead, fighting monsters, giants etc. Wolfe isn't relativistic, however.


First Post
Jack Vance

Sep's excellent story is deeply influenced by both the style and content of Jack Vance's Lyonesse trilogy. It takes a few chapters to warm up, so don't be dissuaded by the first fifty pages. I'd recommend any Vance.

Mr. Norrel & Jonathan Strange has a similar feel to Sep's world. Mostin would fit right in to the Golden Age wizards of that book.

I'll second the Gene Wolfe recommendation. The Book of the New Sun is amazing. The first time I read it I liked it. The second time I thought I understood it. The third time I actually started to understand it. And so on.


Truly magnificent!

I stumbled onto this story hour long ago. I think it was before Soneilon ever made an appearance, but the memory is hazy.

Since then, I have found, lost, and re-found the story. I have been entranced, influenced, driven to high pinnacles of adrenal excitement and forced to tears. Even now, after several months of inactivity at the Compiled Sepulchrave Story Hour, I was driven to search for the quietly mentioned "original thread". And again, I am suprised and elated to find both that the story continues, and how it has continued.

Sep, Thank You. Your gaming and your recounting have enriched my life.


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Wyre FTW

DarwinofMind said:
I just reread all the way from the beginning and introduced half my gaming group. Wow. Always wow. Hope you keep posting sep, even if it's just a summary.

Yeah, no kidding. I registered JUST so I could say how amazing Wyre is. Although now that I'm here....


First Post
Sep, I am wondering whether your campaign will switch to 4E or remain with 3.5E (including your houserules and modifications). I would imagine that it will remain with 3.5E - conversion of the materials you have already created to 4E would take an inordinate amount of work.


First Post
I don't care whether his campaign switches or not, as long as he post even a vague summary of what happened...even if it is "Ortwin-dead, Mostin-ascended, Nwn-became an ancient treant". :)


Maybe Sep's just busy. You know...working on the screenplay. :D

Actually, I just watched the first Narnia movie and, while it was pretty much made for kids, it just goes to show what can be done with fantasy movies. (Note: I've not seen any of the Harry Potter movies, so they might be just as visually compelling.) Imagine on the big screen:

The binding of Rurunoth
Nwm and Tahl speeding to the abbey
Nwm's decimation of the army at Trempa
The battle, and Cascade, at Khu
Good guys plus Planetar versus Inevitables!
The battles in Afqithan (Crosod, Mostin discovering Time Stop, Soneillon, Nwm's epic awesomeness, etc.)
Enitharmon and Urthoon(?) meeting with Ainhorr and Feezuu
The Sela freeing Nehael via Rintrah
Nehael, the Green Aeon :cool:
Gihaahia, Thrice Magnified
Sibud, Temenun and Yeshe

Well, I could go on and on, but you all get the gist.


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