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Age of Worms: Act I - The Whispering Cairn


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Orin Heartwood, Male Half-Elf Ranger

Feeling that he might survive out in the storm, but that the wounded priest certainly won’t Orin collects his bow and the priests' spear which he lays on the priests body before dragging him into the front room, keeping his greatsword which is still covered in blood to hand. Keeping as far away from the small humanoid as possible he moves toward the open door of the kitchen/dining area. If he makes it safely that far, he points to the creature and then out the front door, giving it the option of leaving and a clear path to do it by.

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"As you wish."

Ignoring Damien completely until William arrived a few minutes later and began setting up the Dragonchess board for the patrons at the table, Khellek rubbed his goatee absently for a minute before spinning the board ends to face Damien and himself. One set was carefully carved from obsidian and the other from ivory, but even for a house set Lazere would only have the best for his patrons.

"I will allow you to have the black, as well as first move. I would wish you luck boy, but as you know, luck has little to do with anything in this game."


Lurker (sort of)
Shadow - Rogue 1

As I approach the back of the building to see if I can enter the backdoor I hear some creatures speaking from inside the building and then once again the sounds of battle.

Hmm, seems like the two people in front are having a bad day, at least with them being distracted I have a little more time to get inside. Seems the battle is going well - wait was that scream one of the humans...Hells Gate I know I am going to regret this later, especially if I have to share, but I should go and help.

I will then draw my rapier and a dagger and run around to the front corner of the house and attempt to hide so no one can see me. Depending on what is going on I will attempt to sneak up on any enemies that I can make out and attempt a sneak attack.


First Post
Damien looked at the man from across the board, measuring him up. Khellek was right. This game required skill. He sometimes considered himself a strategist. Whether the games he usually won, when playing against his friends could be attributed to their lack of skill over his abundance of it, he did not know exactly. He always seemed to win more with games of chance. Perhaps he should have bet the map on a game of dice instead...

No matter. He had found his way out of sticky situations before. Perhaps if not with the game, luck would be with him somewhere else.

Damien smirked at Khellek's comment and without a word, reached for a black piece, to make his first move.


First Post
Chryse grunts as the second spear is jabbed into him, darkness soon following.
Hades? Surely I have not failed you, Apollo? Has my service been so meager that I am so easily discarded to the cold river Acheron?
Do not lose hope so soon, brother Chryse.

[sblock]Close-calls and Criticals galore!
Orin will be turned to Apollo yet :D [/sblock]
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As soon as Damien had moved his hand away from his piece, Khellek seemed to study the board for a moment before glancing at you as if trying to gauge what your opening gambit meant. Reaching whatever decision he needed, Khellek shifted his first piece and the game began in earnest.

While you knew the basics of the game, it became quickly clear that Khellek had long since mastered it, and as he slowly began to capture your pieces, striking from hidden moves, feints, and blocks, you knew that if you did not make a move soon, you would have no pieces left to do it with.

Launching all the counterstrikes you knew, and some you hoped would work, you managed to fair slightly better as the match progressed, but it almost seemed as Khellek was building you up, allowing you to spread your forces out across the board by the sacrificing of some of his own troops. The question was why?

The answer was rapidly visible when Khellek suddenly went on the offensive again and suddenly you saw his plan, understood the weakness of it, but had to accept the fact that you simply did not have enough troops left on the board to win. But you did have enough to block him if you could lay a trap of your own.

Forcing your thoughts to stay locked onto that thin straw that could keep you alive, you retreated and remarshalled and as Khellek's smirk grew into a wolfish grin, you launched a reckless attack that took out the last of his attacking pieces, at the cost of your own.

A stalemate.

OOC Dragonchess:[sblock] Round One was all Khellek's. He rolled a 22 to Damien's 10. Round Two belonged to Damien. With a roll of 14 to 9. Round three was once again Khellek's, although in the post it could be said it belonged to Damien. Khellek rolled an 18 to Damien's 7. Round Four, the moment of truth, belonged to Damien with once again Irony Dice server loving you guys. Damien rolled a 20, and Khellek a 19. Stalemate.[/sblock]


As Shadow rounds the corner of the house, he sees the cloaked man dragging the prophet into the house. The prophet's tunic is torn, and on the ground in front of the door are two bloodied rusty shortspears.

There is a loud pitched wailing coming from inside the house also, heard even in the rain that is soaking you to the bone.
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Lurker (sort of)
Shadow - Rogue 1

Hmmm, I at first thought the two humans knew each other but now it seems one of them is preying on the other. Why am I sticking my nose into this again, oh yea Kelleck was very interested in this old building so there must be something of value hidden inside somewhere. Well let’s hope my luck holds out as I have not been attacked yet but that might change quickly.

At which point I will attempt to stealthily creep to the door and peer in to see what is going on and what is making that god-awful noise. If things look somewhat clear and I can get to the second floor without anyone seeing me I will make my way there.

Hide and Move silently to get in and upstairs before someone sees me, unless of course I see some threat to myself. I will also intervene and attempt to save the two humans and try and get some reward out of them for saving them.


First Post
Verbatim said:
Jorun:[sblock] You had long since learned that when your father called for someone, it was not in their best interest to keep him waiting, even if it meant that your breakfast would be taken cold this morning.

Walking through the stone keep that housed the soldiers of the garrison, you quickly came to your father’s door and unconsciously adjusted your sword belt and glanced to make sure that your tunic was clean and pressed.

Knocking on the door, you waited a moment before opening it and speaking the greeting all soldiers serving under Captain Tolliver Trask, decorated officer of the Greyhawk wars and garrison commander of Diamond Lake, were required to say, son or no son of the man himself.

”Sergeant Jorun Trask reporting for duty, sir.”

”Enter Sergeant, and close the door behind you.”

Stepping inside your father’s office once again you were reminded that all the man knew was how to be a soldier. His bed was a simple canvas cot, and had been since your mother had passed away, and while some officers had moved feathered beds into their quarters, all knew that when Tolliver said he would sleep as privates did, he meant it. His desk was covered with small neat stacks of documents that awaited his signature, blessing, or thoughts and while you remember growing up hearing him say that it would be paper not steel that finally killed him, it was not until you began serving with him that you fully understood the depth of that statement.

As the door closed, the senior Trask stood up from the desk and began walking towards you and for a moment you thought the man might be wishing to speak to you as a father to his youngest son, vice a Captain to a Sergeant. However, that thought was quickly dashed by the simple blunt statement that came next.

”There have been goblins spotted outside of town Sergeant, and I think you should take a ride out to investigate Chief Sandovar’s sighting. They are holing up in a shack about an hour’s ride away, the one all the kids think we forget about once gray begins to show. Chief says they are small in number, so I see no need to send others with you, unless you feel it is needed?”

”If the Captain sees no need, I trust that Heironeous would not guide him wrong.”

”Then you are dismissed Sergeant, I trust you will have this matter resolved with all expedience. No need for the Mayor to feel we are not keeping the town secure under our watch.”

Turning around and heading back to his desk, you turned to reach for the door latch when your father spoke, much softer this time.

”Be careful son, and ride in the light.”

Leaving his office and heading for the stables, the dark storm clouds matched your mood exactly. [/sblock]

(OOC: Sweet! I can see that I'll have to update my background... unless maybe she's not as dead as I thought... Also think that the stable-girl should work in the garrison, so...)

Jorun quickly saddles up his horse and prepares for the mission. As he was ordered, he goes alone. He double-checks all of his equipment and prepares to ride to the shack in order to investigate and, if necessary, confront these goblins.

He speaks with the young stable-girl, "Thank you, Fern, for taking sure care of Copper for me. I should return afore noon. Perhaps with a tale or two." He smiles as he mounts to leave.

He also speaks with the quartermaster. "I am riding off to check on Chief Sandovar's report. I expect to return by noon. Inform the Captain if I am delayed." With that, he heads out into the graying mist of the morning.


First Post

I run out of the house with every item I consider valuable and light enough to escape this town on foot with. I make my way for a shortcut Jim told me to take. He said the travellers were on horseback so that may be my only hope of catching them. Unfortunately, the shortcut turns out to be somewhat of a long-cut as the rain makes travelling on foot hard and slipping in the mud frequent. I travel quickly though, knowing my future greatly depends on catching these travellers.

OC: I'm trying to give an in game reason for my lack of posting...

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