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Agents of D.E.L.V.E.


First Post
Scene: Nameless Legion HQ: The Briefing Room
Interior, mid-day.

Rested and recovered, the surviving D.E.L.V.E. members return to the portal chamber.

Paymaster Hawk and Paymaster Wolf stand at the head of the table, impassive as ever. Hawk begins in his (?) usual fashion by folding his hands behind his back and pacing. Analysis of your accounts has lead us to believe that we have been, as Kazadi’s people would put it, ‘set up’..

Paymaster Wolf leans over the table, the wolf-masks voice more of a growl than the thin, reedy quality of Hawk. We have assigned new members to your team with skills more relevant to the situation we now face. It is suspected that this was, as Kazadi’s people would put it, ‘an inside job’..

Hawk resumes speaking as Wolf leads the new arrivals into the room. .“We have discovered the Portal was sabotaged. There are few who can manage this feat. It has been recalibrated. You will resume your mission. However, be aware that all is not as it seems. Proceed with due caution, and be prepared for the need to act with more initiative than usual. Unthinkable as it is, we may be dealing with one of our own.

The paymasters leave in haste to attend to other pressing Legion business. In the outer chamber, the portal can be heard establishing its link.

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A small elf wearing fine ivory garments embroidered with arcane patterns clicks finely lacquered nails and looks at the others assembled with a self-assured critical eye.


Xid arrives

An older gentleman, white-haired but still fit, saunters calmly into the room, smoking an odious cigar. He is wearing a Legion casual dress unform, complete with a simple military cap and sergent-at-arms insignia on his breast. A simple pack is slung across his shoulder. He carries himself with the air of a vetran soldier, saluting crisply at the Paymasters as they leave the room, then turns back to grin at you. "One hell of an operation, eh? Smells like you boys got kicked right into the middle of some very bad stuff. Word out in the camp is that some of your men didn't happen to make it back. Sorry to hear it."

"Heh. The biggest problem with this outfit is the complete lack of information. You never know what you're getting into, huh? I'm sure you've heard that old joke about why they call it the Nameless Leigon, right? It's 'cause when they send you on a job, they don't tell you the name of where you're going, or the name of who you're looking for, or the name of what you're trying to find...heh."

"Anyway, I'm Xid, reportin' for duty." He tosses off a quick salute, then takes a deep drag from his cigar. "Who's in charge here? Can you brief us on the mission parameter--that is, can you pass on what little information our stingy officers have chosen to give us?"

They seem to be buying it, Xid thinks. The 'crusty old vetran' personality usually worked well with military types--he'd been playing the part since he arrived, and had managed to fit into the Legion like he had always been there. The hat helped, of course, since his hair wasn't actually white any more, thanks to that damned contract. So this is D.E.L.V.E., eh? These people look fairly competant. A cut above the usual Legion fodder, at least. I wonder if it's true that this is the branch of the Legion my father worked for?

Kazadi steps from the shadows in the cornor of the room. The rims of his goggles glitter in the light of the portal. "I am Kazadi. D.E.L.V.E. has no leader, but I can speak of what I know. We are charged to recover the Liber Praesusomes, a tome of some power. We were supposed to rondevouz with the Sons of Shadow already on site to gain more intelligance on the situation. I believe you know the rest." He pauses on his way out to to portal chamber. He looks over his shoulder and says lightly, "Welcome to D.E.L.V.E."


Erran merely nods to the newcomers, but for the moment says nothing. Something's nagging at the back of his mind, something he thinks he should remember from earlier. It's only as he follows Kazadi out and back towards the Portal Chamber that it hits him: he wanted to get something of the flaming variety, just in case they ran into more leech-zombies and their troublesome ilk. Too late now... well, if he's lucky, he won't have that sort of problem to worry about.

Rae ArdGaoth

R'ae Ard'Gaoth, Elven Celestial Cleric of Corellon Larethian

A tall elf with giant, white, feathered wings glows near the entrance. His wings, though folded up at his back, take up a good bit of space. His long green cape has large slits cut for his wings. Under the cape, he is clothed in standard uniform, and around his neck a beautiful, silver, crescent moon hangs. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. My name is R'ae Ard'Gaoth. I suppose I am a new 'recruit' to this organization, so I am afraid I shall be a tad... ignorant of certain policies. If anybody should like to fill me in on those, 'twould be nice. But just because I am new does not meant that I am weak! Corellon Larethian has granted me many powers. If ever you are in need of healing, the grace of Corellon shall shine on you." He looks about his companions with a proud head held high and with a bold smile on his face. .oO(Well, I hope I didn't sound too arrogant there... Gotta keep up my image. Hopefully one of the veterans will be loose lipped. Patience, R'ae, patience...)


First Post
Scene: Prime Material Plane P4A-994
Exterior: Desert, night.

Deserts are surprisingly cool at night. Above, a thousand thousand stars shine nearly unblinking in the moonless sky. Sand is gently by blown into drifts by an evening wind, brining the faint smell of water.

A wide caravan road is visible in the desert, compacted and kept clean by years of constant use. The clattering of pots and pans in the near distance speaks of the presence of life. Over a rise can be heard the unmistakable rustle of canvas and cries of a busy evening bazaar.

The faint glow of campfires outline a wavering shimmer in the distance. Pyramids and sandstone ruins. And far, far beyond, something blacker than night rises tall from the sands.


Appearing over the rise, two armed figures approach and halt in the universal posture of watchmen between the twin palms.


Welcome, travelers. What is your business in Kashral?
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Rae ArdGaoth

Glancing at his companions, R'ae thinks to their short briefing at D.E.L.V.E. .oO(Were we even given an objective? I don't think so...) He turns to the watchman who spoke to the party. Bowing, he says, "Good evening, sir, we are but what you say, passing travelers, hoping to find a rest in your fair city, and perhaps a visit to the market."


Xid nods at R'ae's speeh. "Yeah, we're just passing by...more than a little lost, to be honest." He's wary, feeling quite nervous, but he doesn't go so far as to reach for his weapons. These watchmen seem quite seasoned, and it might be a bad idea to make them nervous, Xid thinks. As R'ae talks, Xid stands back a pace or two and scans the area, alert for anything unusual.

Voidrunner's Codex

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