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AGoT - House Steadfast


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Viviene turned to face the young man and returned his smile with a slight one of her own, and a nod of her head. "Of course, good sir," She said softly. She wasn't sure what to call him. Jonas seemed very informal for who he was and how the lord was apparently treating him, but he held no true station. For now, she'd be polite and reserved. Being out scouting with the unknown left her very uncertain now. She glanced back to Aleksandyr and then looked back to the crowd in general.

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"If you may excuse me Ser, I will go to the rookery and send the messages forthwith. Please provide them at your convenience." Helwyn scrunches his face quizzically " Oh my! I had forgotten to feed the ravens. Please excuse me Ser!" he says, eyes going wide with the sudden realization that he might not have fed the birds in a day...or was it two or three?


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Septon Sarah looks over at Ser Harrick Grove "I will gather some servants if will gather some soldiers." She states with a gleam in her eye. Ser Harrick nods.

Aleksandyr looks over at Ser Harrick "You will find a group of men near the gate. Tell them they are to escort you and they shall listen. If they don't let me know I will take care of them."

"Lord Osric, you will need to name a Captain of the Guard. The men will expect someone to lead them since Caron has left and took the last captain with him." Ser Harrick Grove states to the new Lord.

"Seeing that the Maester is busy with his 'crows' I will gather some men to take with us to the farmers." The mercenary captain states to Lord Osric.

Ser Rickard snorts a laugh at the leaving Maester and the Captain's joke. "If I may, I will prepare a letter for the Tyrell's."

Ser Allister states "With your permission lord I will start to prepare the defenses. With what men we have left over I would like to use them and some of the new masons and start building the wall you spoke of?"

As the meeting adjourns Aleksandyr stops Viviene. "My lady. I am afraid I words will have to wait until later. When you return I will speak to you." The captain spits out, more of a demand than a request.

After the Captain departs, Ser Harrick stops Vivene. "I know you will be careful, but please be very careful. When Aaron hears of this he will be furious. He has a temper that could scold a dragon. As to that one, he has a nasty reputation. He is a skilled warrior, but demands absolute loyalty." Ser Harrick states nodding at the departing mercenary captain.

Ser Allister stops Jonas. "I know this will sound strange lad, but you have your father in you. Don't be afraid to use it lad. Your father was a brave a courgeous warrior. Your brother is overwhelmed at the moment. You need to be there for him and to protect him. When you return stay close to him, there are many dark days ahead." Ser Allister states to the bastard brother.


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OOC - I hope it’s OK to back up slightly. Osric would definitely have responses to the last post before adjourning the meeting.

IC -
Osric's eyes blaze at the lovely septon, his nostrils flaring. The young lord straightens to his full, almost inhuman height as he addresses her. "Septon, when I invited you to raise objections to my orders I did not give leave to change them. Ser Stark will lead the men protecting the servants and he will choose them. I do not doubt Ser Harrick's ability to select fine soldiers, and Stark is certainly welcome to consult with the master-at-arms should he find it necessary. However, if Ser Tirron is successful in his quest, and I shall see to it that he is, Ser Harrick will be quite busy training new recruits."

Osric relaxes slightly and continues. "I see no reason why Ser Allister should ever have been replaced as captain of the guard. And many of the returning Outriders may quit Aaron upon seeing Ser Allister again in his proper role. Captain, please proceed with your preparations. Maester Helwyn and I shall join you shortly. Ser Rickard and Aleksyndr, thank you. You may proceed as well. But I should you find foodstuffs in the towns of Highgarden without troubling the Tyrells, Ser Rickard, that would be preferable. Nevertheless I shall be happy to affix my sign to your note. Aleksyndr, be forewarned, it may take a day or more to make certain that the fortifications are properly planned."

"Again I thank all of you for your service to the House. I would speak with each of you privately as time permits. In particular, Maester Helwyn,"
again the steel returns to Osric's voice, "we needs must discuss matters of etiquette."


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Viviene smiled at the announcement of Ser Allister returning to head the outriders. That made her feel better, despite the momentary anger from Lord Osric. After the lord was done speaking, she turned back to her grandfather with that warm smile and put his hand in hers. "Of course, Grandda. I'll be very cautious. I want to come back as much as you want me back after all. As for Captain Aleksandyr," She sighed and looked in his diection, "I'll be double cautious there."


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Septa Sarah turns red with embarrasment. "Forgive me my Lord, I am just used to having Ser Allister in charge of military matters. It will not happen again." She nods her head.

Ser Allister stands a little taller. "Thank you Lord Osric. While the title may fit now. I think in the future it would be wise to announce another man. The men need new blood and besides I am getting old. I am better an advisor now than a leader."

Ser Rickard nods at Lord Osric's assesment but responds with confidence. "While I have no doubt that we can acquire foodstuffs through other means. The Tyrells will know matter what. It is impossible to hide the amount of food we are going to acquire, let alone how to purchase it. Even if I did manage another way, it will be extremely dangerous. The Tyrell's will consider it a slight of honor. We have enough enemies as is. It would be best to speak to them directly. They have never been friends of the Caron's. From my experience they would be willing to give the food at a much cheaper price if they knew it was to hinder the Caron's."


Widowmaker said:
Ser Allister stops Jonas. "I know this will sound strange lad, but you have your father in you. Don't be afraid to use it lad. Your father was a brave a courgeous warrior. Your brother is overwhelmed at the moment. You need to be there for him and to protect him. When you return stay close to him, there are many dark days ahead." Ser Allister states to the bastard brother.
"I'll stay as close as he will allow, Ser, but I don't want the taint of my birth or my past deeds to spread to him. Lord Osric will have enough trouble solidifying his power over Summerhall without a bastard half-brother there to diminish his position," the bastard of Summerhall says, and then sighs.

"As for my father, I'll have to trust your word that I'm as like him as you say. If Lord Simon was like Lord Vyncent, then I still have much to do before I live up to that reputation," Jonas continues.


First Post
Viviene finished her cup of wine and quietly moved towards the doors of the chamber, ready to head out and make preparations for her trip, her mind racing with thoughts about what was happening, and going to happen. She took her time though, making sure she wasn't the first, nor necessarily the last, to leave the room when Lord Osric finally gave leave.


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Widowmaker said:
Ser Allister stands a little taller. "Thank you Lord Osric. While the title may fit now. I think in the future it would be wise to announce another man. The men need new blood and besides I am getting old. I am better an advisor now than a leader."

Ser Rickard nods at Lord Osric's assesment but responds with confidence. "While I have no doubt that we can acquire foodstuffs through other means. The Tyrells will know matter what. It is impossible to hide the amount of food we are going to acquire, let alone how to purchase it. Even if I did manage another way, it will be extremely dangerous. The Tyrell's will consider it a slight of honor. We have enough enemies as is. It would be best to speak to them directly. They have never been friends of the Caron's. From my experience they would be willing to give the food at a much cheaper price if they knew it was to hinder the Caron's."

"Very well Ser Allister, we will discuss a successor when time allows. In the meantime, I have full confidence in your capabilities to lead the Outriders in the coming storm."

Osric flushes upon hearing Ser Rickard's words. "Ah, yes by all means contact the Tyrells directly. I ... look forward to reviewing the letter."

"As you wish Lord. Mayhap we can talk at the rookery? I do need to feed the birds and get them ready for their journey." says Helwyn, failing to make good his escape from the meeting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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