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New Publisher
I'm no SW expert.....and may wife isn't either. We both believe there should be "witches" and others that use the force, in ways other than the Jedi and the dark Jedi. So that's good. Maybe the new galaxy will be more bonkers (hahahahahah, no, this is SW).

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I'm no SW expert.....and may wife isn't either. We both believe there should be "witches" and others that use the force, in ways other than the Jedi and the dark Jedi. So that's good. Maybe the new galaxy will be more bonkers (hahahahahah, no, this is SW).
The Nightsister witches have a long history in Star Wars. They're the ones who created Darth Maul and his brother, Savage Oppress. Their home base on Dathomir was wiped out by Count Dooku during the Clone Wars after Ventress betrayed him. Clearly the Nightsisters once lived on other worlds as well. You can meet another survivor in Jedi: Fallen Order.


I'm no SW expert.....and may wife isn't either. We both believe there should be "witches" and others that use the force, in ways other than the Jedi and the dark Jedi. So that's good. Maybe the new galaxy will be more bonkers (hahahahahah, no, this is SW).

Both canon and old EU have other force traditions other than Jedi/Sith.

Nightsisters originated in old EU and they retconned the witch in Ewoks Battle for Endor as one.


New Publisher
I'm not sure why y'all feel the need to tell me that, but thanks. I'd guess i'm in the majority....people that have only seen the movies and some/all of the non-cartoons. My point was, it's stupid there aren't more force users than Jedi, and it's good to see them show that in a live action show.

edit to add: feels like you are trying to correct me or something.....
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As I mentioned upthread, I think what @Clint_L is demonstrating here is that this show unfortunately doesn’t stand on its own that well for someone who isn’t familiar with the cartoons.

Case in point: @wicked cool David Tennant’s droid, Huyang, was previously seen in the Clone Wars. He’s the droid who taught younglings how to make their lightsabers after they’d retrieved their kyber crystals from Ilum. If you haven’t seen the Clone Wars episodes he features in, you’ll have no idea who he is.
I've never seen the Clone Wars episodes that feature Huyang, and all of the information you mentioned above was conveyed succinctly within the course of these two episodes.


I've never seen the Clone Wars episodes that feature Huyang, and all of the information you mentioned above was conveyed succinctly within the course of these two episodes.
Cool. I'm happy to be proven wrong on the "you need context to fully appreciate this show" point. :)

If anyone is interested in checking out the Clone Wars episodes featuring Huyang, you want episodes 6–9 from season 5. It's a fun arc starting off with Yoda taking some younglings to Ilum to find their lightsaber crystals. They meet Huyang after and he teaches them how to craft their lightsabers. But then they get accosted by Hondo's pirates ...
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Precisely. There's an expectation of genre savviness that is not necessary. In a galaxy with at least billions of sentients ... Jedi were 10,000 strong at their height before Order 66. Now there's less than a 100, but we are calling the Captain an idiot for making the logical thought that some Imperials got their hands on an old Jedi code?
I'm calling him an idiot for:

A) assuming it's safe to let this ship on board in the first place - what is it carrying? Is it going to blow up? Is there one of many possible super weapons onboard? They are obviously trying to get on board for a reason.

B) assuming that the two VERY Jedi looking people (lightsabers!) are not actually Jedi.

C) showing up with just six guards and letting the two Jedi walk right up to them.

Basically, what this Captain does is make a bunch of snap assumptions, all of which are obviously terrible and clearly there to just facilitate lazy writing. And he's wrong because of course he is.

Similarly, when the green lady - Hera? - says to just trust Sabine with the super important space map that can restart the war, that's DUMB! Ahsoka is right that it's dumb. It doesn't matter how much you like or trust the person, it is just a terrible idea to let something that important vanish to who knows where with one person protecting it. Because, I dunno, maybe the bad guys are trying to get it? Oh look, they got it. Hera is instantly made to look a fool. And real people don't do that, only characters in poorly written stories. Let's say it's a nuke, and Hera is a real world general. Do you think that, for even one second, she is comfortable letting the nuke vanish with her buddy? Let alone while knowing bad guys are after it? It's absurd.

Cool. I'm happy to be proven wrong on the "you need context to fully appreciate this show" point. :)
As I pointed out in my OP, I think any show should stand on its own merits, and I know a lot more about Star Wars than the average viewer anyway. And knowing all the Easter eggs wouldn't make the basic plot less ridiculous.
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