Artificial intelligence is gradually making its way into all areas of society and will sometimes even disrupt them. Parliament will not escape this. The Senate is currently working on a solution to facilitate the processing of bundles of amendments tabled during the finance bill (PLF), each year. The services of the High Assembly rely on a generative AI developed by the General Directorate of Public Finances (DGFIP) in open source, that is to say with a code accessible to the public, usable and modifiable by others. [...]
The birth of this AI was made public a month ago by Esther Mac Namarah, digital transformation delegate at the DGFIP. “Last fall, we implemented a solution that automatically assigns parliamentary amendments received during finance laws to the right teams, and is responsible for automatically summarizing them using a generative AI solution. This work allows agents to concentrate on preparing the political part of the response by freeing up their precious time, in an emergency context,” explained the manager in
a post on Linkedin. Touting an “innovation […] born from the meeting between data specialists and legal specialists”, Esther Mac Namarah affirms that “this AI, in the service of democracy, is a common heritage that could be of interest to other administrations ".