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AI is stealing writers’ words and jobs…


Generally speaking it's relatively menial jobs, not creative ones, that are made redundant by advances in technology.
Yes. The new thing is that creative jobs are going under. There's this simmering sentiment this is somehow worse, as if we can live with the fact poorly educated people are made redundant but suddenly now it's unacceptable.

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Yes. The new thing is that creative jobs are going under. There's this simmering sentiment this is somehow worse, as if we can live with the fact poorly educated people are made redundant but suddenly now it's unacceptable.
To me, it is worse. I see nothing good in endlessly recycling what has gone before, in preference for what could be. There's an awful lot of SF based on the concept of humankind becoming complacent and letting machines do literally everything for us, leading to our downfall. Now I guess such fiction will be produced ironically?


So you do study history.

As far as history can speak to something which at its most extreme is a shift that can take place across the global network of connected countries, at the same time instead of gradually over decades if not hundreds of years.

I'm still a way's out from retirement, crossing my fingers I dodge the layoffs again next round.


endlessly recycling what has gone before
If you reduce the generative AI revolution to "endlessly recycling what has gone before" you REALLY need to check out some of the incredibly cool and creative results that enrichen our Internet.

Plus: you don't get to cherry-pick which aspects of generative AI we get to keep and which aspects you get to discard. You can't have the life-saving cancer diagnosis tools that are better than experienced cancer specialists in identifying tumours, without the lawyer-brief writing AI bots that "steal" the mind-numbingly boring jobs from junior lawyers .

And it seems you share the mindset that there's nothing lost when poor people get replaced by machines, and that "this is worse". I find that notion distasteful.

The experience of being made redundant by technology is a humbling one, but again, the upside is always thousandfold greater than the downside.
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so i got bored

Will ChatGPT lead to writers losing jobs?

The impact of technologies like ChatGPT on employment for writers is complex and depends on various factors. Here are some considerations:
  1. Automation of Routine Tasks: ChatGPT and similar language models can automate certain routine and repetitive writing tasks, such as generating content for news updates, product descriptions, or customer support responses. This could potentially reduce the demand for manual content creation in these specific areas.
  2. Creation of New Opportunities: While automation may reduce demand for certain types of routine writing, it could also create new opportunities. Writers may find themselves working alongside AI systems, using them as tools to enhance creativity, generate ideas, or streamline the writing process.
  3. Focus on Creativity and Complex Tasks: AI is currently better suited for tasks that involve pattern recognition and generating text based on existing data. However, it may struggle with tasks that require deep creativity, emotional intelligence, or a nuanced understanding of human experiences. Writers may find that their skills in these areas become even more valuable.
  4. Shift in Job Roles: The integration of AI could lead to a shift in the roles and responsibilities of writers. Writers may need to adapt to using AI tools effectively, understanding their limitations, and focusing on aspects of their work that require human intuition and creativity.
  5. Increased Demand for Quality Content: As automation handles routine writing tasks, there might be an increased demand for high-quality, original, and creative content that reflects a human touch. Writers who can provide unique perspectives, storytelling, and creativity may find increased demand for their skills.
  6. Evolving Industry Dynamics: The impact on employment also depends on how industries and employers adapt to the use of AI. Some organizations may use AI to reduce costs, while others may invest in human creativity and expertise to differentiate their content.
In summary, while AI technologies like ChatGPT have the potential to change the landscape of certain writing tasks, they are unlikely to replace the need for human writers entirely. Instead, the relationship between writers and AI tools may evolve, creating new opportunities and challenges for professionals in the field. Writers who can adapt to the changing landscape, leverage AI tools effectively, and focus on areas where human creativity and insight are essential may continue to thrive in the evolving job market.

Why is chatGPT bad for writers?

The impact of ChatGPT on writers is not inherently negative, but there are concerns and challenges that writers may face with the advent of such advanced language models. Here are some potential reasons why some writers may perceive challenges or downsides:
  1. Automation of Routine Tasks: ChatGPT and similar models can automate certain routine writing tasks, potentially reducing the demand for manual content generation in areas such as basic news reporting, product descriptions, or customer support responses. This could lead to a decrease in opportunities for writers focused on these types of content.
  2. Increased Competition: The availability of AI-generated content may increase competition, especially in industries where speed and efficiency are prioritized over creativity. Writers may find themselves competing with automated systems in markets that heavily emphasize quick, standardized content.
  3. Quality Concerns: While ChatGPT is capable of generating coherent and contextually relevant text, it may lack the depth of creativity, nuanced understanding, and emotional intelligence that human writers bring to their work. There may be concerns about the overall quality, authenticity, and depth of AI-generated content.
  4. Devaluation of Writing Skills: The ease with which AI systems can generate text might lead to a perception that writing is a task that can be easily automated, potentially undervaluing the skills, expertise, and creativity that human writers bring to their work.
  5. Ethical and Bias Issues: AI models, including ChatGPT, can unintentionally perpetuate biases present in their training data. Writers using such models need to be cautious about the ethical implications of relying on AI-generated content that might unknowingly include biased or inappropriate language.
It's important to note that while there are potential challenges, there are also opportunities for writers to leverage AI as a tool to enhance their work. Writers can use AI to generate ideas, streamline certain tasks, and focus on more creative aspects of their craft. Additionally, the increased demand for high-quality, original content may create new opportunities for writers to showcase their unique skills.
Overall, the impact of ChatGPT on writers will depend on how these technologies are integrated into various industries, how writers adapt to the changing landscape, and how the value of human creativity is recognized in content creation. Responsible and thoughtful use of AI tools can lead to a collaborative relationship between writers and technology rather than a detrimental one.


As far as history can speak to something which at its most extreme is a shift that can take place across the global network of connected countries, at the same time instead of gradually over decades if not hundreds of years.

I'm still a way's out from retirement, crossing my fingers I dodge the layoffs again next round.
History will tell you that people have had this exact feeling before; that "now things are moving too fast".

Like I said before, welcome to being old. And have my regards.


History will tell you that people have had this exact feeling before; that "now things are moving too fast".

Like I said before, welcome to being old. And have my regards.

Can you at least see how its different this time? The scale, the speed, the potential impact?

This isnt oil lamp lighting. This isnt spinning thread. This isnt using a horse to plow dirt.


Can you at least see how its different this time? The scale, the speed, the potential impact?

This isnt oil lamp lighting. This isnt spinning thread. This isnt using a horse to plow dirt.
No, I don't think it's different. That's my whole point.

Previously "they" came for the lamplighters. Now it's other, more privileged sectors' turn. Nothing suggests we should feel more sorry for the visual artist than for the weaver or farmer.

Anyway, we could choose to wallow in misery, but it's entirely unproductive, and it will only limit our ability to see the plentiful upside.

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