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Airwalkrr's Maure Castle 3.5 OOC


[MENTION=36150]Herobizkit[/MENTION], Rhun's answers are quite accurate and close to what I would have posted myself so I won't repeat.

Re: Battle Dancer - That feat appears broken. A bard already benefits from his own song, so a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls for moving doesn't stack, which means the whole feat is completely pointless with 8 levels of bard. Even before you get 8 levels of bard the feat seems worth less than Weapon Focus. I would probably go with the assumption that the developers intended the morale bonus to stack with the bard's morale bonus for inspire courage, but even then, it is a touch on the weak side.

Re: Monk - A 12th-level monk with all the right magical item choices could be an extremely potent character. But the 3/4 BAB is a liability for the warrior slot, especially for a class that emphasizes melee combat without weapons (read: weapons that can have magic enhancement bonuses to hit and damage). You are stuck having to choose between an amulet of mighty fists, a periapt of wisdom, an amulet of health, and an amulet of natural armor for your neck slot. The best solution would probably be to go with the periapt of wisdom or amulet of health and rely on the party wizard or cleric to cast greater magic weapon on your unarmed strike (pretty sure that's a legal use of the spell for monks). Even then, you are stuck with a tough choice. A half-orc or halfling is the best way to maximize your to-hit bonus though; either the half-orc for Str or the halfling for Dex + Weapon Finesse. The half-orc is arguably better because Str improves damage as well. Final thought on the monk: by 12th-level the monk is actually a comparable class to the fighter or barbarian in terms of what a warrior archetype needs to do. It's still better at defense than offense, but it could work. Just don't multi-class. If you go monk, you better go all the way, otherwise those monk levels are pretty much wasted.

Re: Bard - This is one of those classes that I feel is worth dipping into for only one or two levels. Otherwise it's best to just go with a pure bard. A 12th-level bard packs a punch with crowd-control abilities like fascinate, which has an insanely high save DC at that point and up to 5th-level spells, which isn't too shabby. Add to that your Use Magic Device score would be incredible and you've got a very nifty character to add. If the party included both a 12th-level bard AND a 12th-level wizard, I could probably allow the party to forgo the warrior slot. At that point you've got enough battlefield control to handle virtually anything you come across without having to rely on someone to soak up the damage. I would probably stress that both bard and wizard would need Improved Initiative though because if at least one of them isn't going first there could be problems. By 12th-level, save-or-die effects begin to become common and you will need to rely on being able to go first to pre-empt a lot of those in one way or another.

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First Post
A half-orc or halfling is the best way to maximize your to-hit bonus though; either the half-orc for Str or the halfling for Dex + Weapon Finesse. The half-orc is arguably better because Str improves damage as well.

Also, the halfling inflicts "small damage" which further makes the half-orc a better choice.


First Post
I love monks for some reason. Don't know why. Maybe it was the first edition that sold me -- the whole "you need to beat the crap out of another monk at each level gained in order to make it" -- kind of like how druids have that special spot as well, due to the same mechanism.


I thought I put a lot of thought and effort into character creation; clearly, I was wrong. I'm starting to get the World of Warcraft "Make this build or u suck and we're not playing with u" vibe.

A warrior is a warrior is a warrior. I COULD make a 12th level Bard - it's probably the only time I'd ever see one. I am hardwired for multi-classing, so it would be a challenge to play a class past the point of dull. Same for 12th level monk... I'd never see one outside of making one from scratch.

After reflection, it might be best to drop out of this game. It's sounding like I'm not going to be a good fit. S'all good in the hood.


First Post
OK, my crunch is done, I think. Just need background info.

[MENTION=12460]airwalkrr[/MENTION] - post #89 in this thread has the info if you want to look over.


First Post
Hedowin doesn't have much magical gear, and his AC is abysmal, but he does have quite the scroll collection and fits the archetype weak-wizard, hobbling along with a staff quite well.


First Post
Don't feel too bad S@s.... my chaa is going to think he's king of turd island until he's hit by something much bigger and badder than he is and he'll fold like a deck of cards LOL


[MENTION=42885]s@squ@tch[/MENTION], I noticed a couple things.

1) you need to add 250 gp to the cost of the true seeing scroll because of the cost of the material component. Also don't forget to stock up on those costly material components if you plan to be casting them in the dungeon.
2) you need a gemstone worth 1,500 gp as a focus for analyze dweomer. Didn't see that anywhere on the sheet.
3) legend lore requires a focus worth 200 gp and has a costly material component worth 250 gp.
4) the cost per scroll for identify is 112.5 gp. That is 12.5 gp for the crafting cost and 100 gp for the material component. You put 188 gp as the cost for three scrolls so I'm not sure how you came up with that. It should be 337.5 gp.
5) you listed a cloak of protection +2. I think you meant cloak of resistance, which grants a bonus to saving throws.
6) stoneskin has a costly material component too (250 gp).

So it looks like you need to make some equipment adjustments mostly. Otherwise it looks good. Your character is approved pending those changes.

The only slot left is the warrior slot. [MENTION=36150]Herobizkit[/MENTION], my comments were only intended to help you create a viable character for this adventure. It is not for the faint of heart. It is a player-killer adventure and old-school style dungeon crawl. But if that kind of adventure isn't your thing, it's no problem.


First Post
Don't feel too bad S@s.... my chaa is going to think he's king of turd island until he's hit by something much bigger and badder than he is and he'll fold like a deck of cards LOL

We'll just have to be EXTREMELY careful inside the dungeon.

[MENTION=42885]s@squ@tch[/MENTION], I noticed a couple things.

1) you need to add 250 gp to the cost of the true seeing scroll because of the cost of the material component. Also don't forget to stock up on those costly material components if you plan to be casting them in the dungeon.
2) you need a gemstone worth 1,500 gp as a focus for analyze dweomer. Didn't see that anywhere on the sheet.
3) legend lore requires a focus worth 200 gp and has a costly material component worth 250 gp.
4) the cost per scroll for identify is 112.5 gp. That is 12.5 gp for the crafting cost and 100 gp for the material component. You put 188 gp as the cost for three scrolls so I'm not sure how you came up with that. It should be 337.5 gp.
5) you listed a cloak of protection +2. I think you meant cloak of resistance, which grants a bonus to saving throws.
6) stoneskin has a costly material component too (250 gp).

And that is how they try to nerf the power of high-level wizards. Expensive material components. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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