Airwalkrr's Maure Castle 3.5 OOC


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Well, that's good to know about the xp and crafting. I'm not sure if there is anything that I would be dying to craft though, besides some wands perhaps.... maybe a runestaff, but then again, I think those are in the MIC, which is not part of the source material.


1st - extend spell
1st human bonus - combat casting
3rd - spell penetration
5th (wizard bonus) - empower spell
6th - silent spell
9th - improved familiar (Pseudodragon?)
10th (wizard bonus) - quicken spell
12th - Still spell

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I think I have my character pretty much finished Airr. I gave him a name and a short history. I bought him regular equipment, everything a good dungeon crawling professional *should* have I feel, and I think he's really all set to go now.

Rhun said:
On a side note, each PC might want to put aside 5000gp in diamonds. That way, if someone dies, my Cleric will be able to use the diamonds to cast Raise Dead.

I took your advice Rhun and knocked down the Cloak of Res. a bit and freed some gold to purchase some diamonds my friend!


s@squ@tch - if you don't want to take advantage of crafting, I won't force you. :) Of course it would at least be a good idea to take advantage of your free ability to scribe scrolls. I would encourage you to carry around at least a handful for emergency combat situations as well as the kinds of things you wouldn't necessarily be preparing on a regular basis but might need every once in a while.

Rathan - 1st, I actually meant for hp to be half HD as in the average of the roll, so you'd actually have 68 hp I believe. 2nd, I am a bit confused about how you arranged skill points. Depending on how I look at it I am coming up short or getting close. Could you clean that up a little bit, perhaps with the code tag, and indicate more clearly how many ranks you have, along with ability modifiers in another column and misc stuff in another. 3rd, I think you forgot to add a +1 bonus to hit somewhere. WF maybe? 4th, I do believe you need Combat Expertise for Improved Feint.


First Post
airwalker said:
Rathan - 1st, I actually meant for hp to be half HD as in the average of the roll, so you'd actually have 68 hp I believe. 2nd, I am a bit confused about how you arranged skill points. Depending on how I look at it I am coming up short or getting close. Could you clean that up a little bit, perhaps with the code tag, and indicate more clearly how many ranks you have, along with ability modifiers in another column and misc stuff in another. 3rd, I think you forgot to add a +1 bonus to hit somewhere. WF maybe? 4th, I do believe you need Combat Expertise for Improved Feint.

1st: Fixed my HP, now they read 68/68

2nd: Fixed skills so they are a bit easier to read, my Craft [Traps] was messed up, but now I am getting 180/180 sp's used. Should be correct.

3rd: +9/+4 BAB, -2/-2 Two Weapon Fighting, +5 Dex (Weapon Finesse), +2 Magic Short Swords, +1 Weapon Focus (Short Sword), should be +15 if I have my math right? So a full attack with TWF would be +15/+15/+10, or +17/+12 with just two attacks with my primary hand.

4th: I gave up Combat Reflexes for Combat Expertise, so now that should be fixed.
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[MENTION=1322]Rathan[/MENTION], I am considering using these rules for extra attacks. As I have said, I won't use them if the players strenuously object. And of course we can always change things midstream if we find they don't work well.

For fighting with two weapons it works like this: TWF lets you make an off-hand attack as part of a standard action attack. ITWF lets you make an off-hand attack as part of a move action attack after a standard action attack. GTWF lets you make an off-hand attack as part of a swift action attack after a move action attack.

Yes, this does mean you can make two attacks as a standard action if you have the TWF feat (you normally have to make a full round action to make more than one attack), which might be a boon for a melee-focused rogue. But I am willing to try it. I want to see if there are some kinks in this system that I can work out.


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So If I'm reading this correctly... I get two attacks at my max bonus for my standard action? Then when I pick up ITWF at 15th I will get two attacks at max for my standard action and two attacks at max for my move action?

EDIT: Right what I'll get with feats currently taken is two max attacks as standard... one max attack with move action.

EDIT2: I'm happy with this new system... it allows me one more attack at the current moment more than I would get while moving first... and when I get 'full round' action to attack I'll get my max of three anyways for now... I think it's a good system and I'm not just saying that being biased heh.
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Yep, that is the long and short of it. Keep working on the character and we'll get to see how it works in actual play soon enough.


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airrwalker: Looks like I fixed the attack portion of my sheet...

To the Rest: Anyone interested in intertwining histories and character connections?


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Neutral Good Human Male Cleric 12 (OF Heironeous)
[sblock=Experience Tracker]
Start [/sblock]

Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 190 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Fair

STR: 16 [+3] (4 points, +4 enhancement)
DEX: 12 [+1] (4 points)
CON: 16 [+3] (6 points, +2 enhancement)
INT: 10 [+0] (2 points)
WIS: 23 [+6] (10 points, +3 level increase, +4 enhancement)
CHA: 14 [+2] (6 points)

HP: 93 (8 + 49 + 36 CON)
Armor Class: 25 (10 base + 11 armor + 2 shield + 1 deflection + 1 dex)
- Flat-footed AC: 25
- Touch AC: 12

Initiative: +1
BAB: +9/+4
- +1 shocking longsword +14 (1d8+4+1d6 shock/x2on20) [can make 2nd attack at +14 as a move action]
- Masterwork longbow +11 (1d8+3/x2on20) [can make 2nd attack at +11 as a move action]

Speed: 30' (40’ base)

FORT: +13 (8 base, + 3 con, +2 resistance)
REFL: +9 (4 base, + 1 dex, +2 feat, +2 resistance)
WILL: +16 (8 base, + 6 wis, +2 resistance)

- Human Bonus Feat
- Human Bonus Skill Points
- Aura: Overwhelming Good Aura
- Turn Undead 9/day
- Spellcasting
- Spontaneous Casting (Cure)
- Domain Powers

1st Level
- Lightning Reflexes
- Extra Turning
3rd Level
- Divine Armor
6th Level
- Skill Focus (Concentration)
9th Level
- Spell Penetration
12th Level
- Quick Draw

Concentration +20 (15 ranks, +2 con, +3 skill focus)
Diplomacy +17 (15 ranks, +2 cha)
Heal +15 (10 ranks, +5 wis)
Jump +08 (0 ranks, +3 str, +5 competence)
Knowledge (Arcana) +05 (5 ranks, +0 int)
Knowledge (Religion) +15 (15 ranks, +0 int)
Perform (Singing) +5 (3 ranks, +2 cha)
Spellcraft +12 (10 ranks, +0 int, +2 synergy)

- Common
- Old Oeridian (bonus, spoken by the Church of Heironeous)
- Celestial (1 skill point)
- Gnoll (1 skill point)

Weapon Proficiencies
- Basic Weapons
- Heavy Blades
- Bows

Armor & Shield
- Full Plate +3 (10650gp)
- Heavy Darkwood Shield (267gp)

Melee weapons
- Vile Silencer, longsword +1 shocking, adamantine (11,315gp)

Ranged weapons
- Composite Longbow, masterwork, +3 STR rating (700gp)
- 20 cold iron arrows (41gp)
- 20 silver arrows (41gp)
- 5 adamantine arrows (300gp)

Magical Items
- Headband (periapt) of Wisdom +4 (16,000gp)
- Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16,000gp)
- Handy Haversack (2000gp)
- Ring of Sustenance (2500gp)
- Boots of Striding & Springing (5500gp)
- Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000gp)
- 2 Wands of Cure Light Wounds (1500gp)
- Rod of Extend, Lesser (3000gp)
- Amulet of Health +2 (4000gp)
- Scroll [Divine] of Raise Dead (6125gp)
- Scroll [Divine] of Neutralize Poison (375gp)
- Ring of Protection +1 (2000gp)
- Bracer of Pale Flame (Simple bracer w/continual flame enchantment, 50gp)

- Explorer’s Outfit x3
- Cleric’s Vestments x2
- Bedroll
- Flint & steel
- Beltpouch
- Wineskin

Other Goods & Gear

Weight Carried:
Remaining money: 1636 gp

Domains: Good, War
- Good: +1 caster level on all spells with Good descriptor.
- War: Martial Weapon Proficiency (Longsword), Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Spells Per Day:
- 0-Level: 6
- 1st Level: 7+1 domain
- 2nd Level: 6+1 domain
- 3rd Level: 5+1 domain
- 4th Level: 4+1 domain
- 5th Level: 4+1 domain
- 6th Level: 3+1 domain

[sblock= Typical Spells Prepared]
- 0-Level: Detect Magic x 2, Create Water, Light x 2,
- 1st Level: Bless, Command, Remove Fear, Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Obscuring Mist, Doom + Protection from Evil
- 2nd Level: Consecrate, Hold Person x 2, Lesser Restoration, Silence, Resist Energy + Spiritual Weapon
- 3rd Level: Daylight, Invisibility Purge, Magic Circle vrs. Evil, Summon Monster III, Dispel Magic + Magic Vestment
- 4th Level: Freedom of Movement, Summon Monster IV, Dismissal, Divine Power + Holy Smite
- 5th Level: Break Enchantment, Righteous Might, True Seeing, Symbol of Sleep + Flame Strike
- 6th Level: Banishment, Heal, Heroes Feast + Blade Barrier[/sblock]

Brisarion is a handsome, athletic man. Even were it not for his armor and blade, it is obvious from the way he moves and the scars he bears that he is trained combatant. He wears his wavy blonde hair almost to shoulder length, and he has piercing emerald-hued eyes. While he has several scars upon his face, these do not detract much from his handsome features, and indeed add character. Brisarion enjoys singing, and his voice is a rich low tenor.

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