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Airwalkrr's Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)


Daonil walks through the front door of the inn, his large, imposing frame silhouetted by the rising dawn. Then he steps into the room, and as the light hits him full it becomes clear that he looks like hell. His clothes are on crooked, there's a twig in his hair that he keeps missing as he brushes his hand across his head, and there's a strange covering of fur on one side of his face. He moves toward a water trough, and through parched lips on a dirty face he says, "So it's the wizard we need ta visit, right? I assume y'all have found out that the locals here got a bit of a spooky bandit problem and the most likely culprit is also the one behind the town's guards." He takes a big drink out of the ladle and continues, "We best have words with that wizard who runs Burne's Badgers." The second ladle of water goes down his face.

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Vicroar laughs at Daonil's appearance. I must teach you how to sleep outside sometime. Beware the Hair Twigs! He jokes as he goes over to Daonil and snatches the twig out of his hair.


Ostler and one of the young girls you recognize from last night (who also bears a striking similarity to the innkeeper) bring you bowls of porridge and biscuits along with a bit of beer for breakfast. Overhearing your conversation, Ostler butts in, Pardon me for sayin' so, but Rufus and Burne be your best hopes for information. Burne's Badgers are the law 'round here and they answer directly to the Viscount himself. Ol' Ashstaff is a nice enough fella though, and he serves on the council, so he'd probably know at least a bit himself. Lotsa the Old Faith followers 'round here trust him like no one else though. He's been a fixture in this village as long as anyone.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Ah, thank you young lady." Aredal says with a warm smile. Had he been a ladie's man, one would have thought he was flirting. Unfortunately for Aredal though, he had never understood the affairs of love and so some of his natural charm went once again wasted. He listens to Ostler and nods. "It seems this Burne would be our best bet to start looking into things. I do believe it would be best if we stayed together, or at least within earshot. So Vicroar's plan sounds good to me. First to meet Burne, then see if this Ashstaff has anything to add and then to take a look around the road where these attacks happen." While waiting for others to finish their breakfast, Aredal again picks up the piece of wood he started carving last night and continues on his work. It is starting to show a definite shape of a fourlegged animal.


Vicroar stands as soon as everyone finished their meals, I am eager to be going. We should not waste time. Vicroar paused then added, Os jhori kysti thol tyr aer eir pae! He couldn't help but smile at the gnome.

[sblock=Translation for my Elven]

Our little gnome friend could eat all day



First Post
Drynethael nods towards Aredal. "I agree. Burne would seem to be the logical first step in this investigation. Besides, it probably would be wise to get the blessings of the local law enforcement before we go traipsing across the countryside." Drynethael turns toward Dolan "Plus, while we are there, we can check into any bounties these bandits may have on their heads. No sense in doing the constable's job for free, eh friend?"

Drynethael smiles at Vicroar's comment and pats Mulnock on the back. "After breakfast, of course."


First Post
Dolan nods at the plan, gruff in even the gesture, and returns to his meager breakfast. This food be fit enough for me, I'm not needin' yer handouts, priest. I'm just lookin' to earn a bit o' gold, not beggin' fer vittles.


After finishing your breakfast you gather what few belongings you will need on your errands around town, leaving the bulkier bits with Ostler who promises to keep an eye on them. You then set out to see Burne on the east side of town.

[sblock=OOC]Wearing armor heavier than leather or carrying two-handed weapons such as greatswords or pole arms would be considered garish and offensive to most people in town. This is a peaceful village, not a dangerous frontier settlement. If you walk around town armed to the teeth, most people are likely to regard you with guarded avoidance, if not hostility. You can have one light or one-handed weapon with you (sheathed) and wear leather or padded armor if you have it. Anything more than that will cause penalties as described above. Also, please check the OOC thread as I've decided to make some slight adjustments to the campaign rules in light of this situation.[/sblock]
Here are the beginnings of a smallish castle, being built around a new tower atop the low mound. A deep trench has been dug about ten feet wide and as deep, down to hard clay. They currently seem to be in the process of mortaring the foundations of the wall to be built above. Work has barely begun, but the outlines of the bastions, towers, a gatehouse, and a keep are noted.

The keep is atop the second hillock, and considerable excavation has taken place. The earth from this digging has been used in the walls around the whole. Some dressed stone blocks are visible, but not similar to local stone.

The tower structure on the first hillock is some 55 feet tall, a smaller tower rising inside the greater at about 35 feet above the ground. Its entrance is accessible only by going up a curving flight of stone stairs which terminate in a landing about 10 feet above the ground. The outer door is of the tower lowers to form a bridge to the stone landing. There are numbers of arrow slits around the tower, and it has a splay around the base to about 6 feet in height.

The lower and upper battlements are machicolated, the merlons being pierced for archery as well. Two men-at-arms watch from its roof.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
"Hmm. They seem to be expecting the troubles to become worse. Or then just making this a real city someday." Aredal says to his friends. When they finally get within earshot of the castle he shouts to the guards. "Ohoy there! We come seeking audience with a man called Burne! May we approach!?"

OOC: Aredal has left most of his possessions to the inn, not even wearing his leather armor, but instead wearing the priestly garments of his faith.

Voidrunner's Codex

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