Alignment/Multiclassing/DM Screen/Power Source From I-Con


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On the multiclassing feats and new class design:

I don't think developing the class-training feats for a new class will be especially difficult. I bet even the feats are pretty standard.

Probably something like:

X training I:
-Learn a new skill from X's class skill list (in place of a skill you already know)
-Learn a new power from X's power list (in place of a skill you already know)
-Gain Iconic X class feature, at reduced power (i.e. 1d6 sneak attack instead of the 2d6 that the rogue gets)

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Charwoman Gene

Here are some more tidbits from the 10 AM Sunday Session.

Power Sources:
WotC has identified 8 power sources that should take care of basically 90% of the classes they foresee making. They did not mention which ones these are aside from Arcane, Divine, Martial and Psionic.

New Classes:
New classes are mainly going to be introduced in PHBs.

Paragon Paths:
I asked if you "had" to take a paragon path. I was told you had the choice of what path to take when it was appropriate. There is another thing you can do if you absolutely do not want a paragon path, but it didn't sound like that was a recommended idea.

Magic Item Creation:
There will be a ritual available to drain magic from captured items to add to other items. This ritual will be usable in a dungeon.

There has been some talk about creating a more detailed crafting system.

Bull Rush:
Strength Attack vs. Fortitude Push one square back.

Ritual, DM free to limit access in the world.
No longer using the term resurrection, ritual is Raise Dead.

Purpose of the DMG:
The DMG's focus is on aiding the DM in customizing and "kit-bashing: the D&D game.

Sorcerer will be in PH2. Power Source not revealed. (My vote is primal.

Skill Challenges:
Natural Hazards.
Social Encounters.
Party must get a certain number of secrets before a certain number of failures.
Mixing skill, everyone can participate.

There will be a epic tier adventure centering on a jelly-bean eating contest on the DDI.

Gain an action point. Recharge magic items.

Cleric specialization is mostly done through feats.

Paladins choose their god, must have the same alignment.

Magic Items:
Magic items are definitely focused on powers, not bonuses.

All powers have keywords.

Half-Orcs: No stats, the closest thing would be to use the orc race stats from the MM.

Marketing: Early marketing is for migration of current D&D players. Acquisition is in the fall. [Starter Set]

Alignment: [A paraphrase]
Me: What's going on with Alignment. Are Lawful and chaotic still in the game?
M. Mearls: There is still Lawful Good, Good, Unaligned, Evil, Um do we still have chaotic evil?
B. Slaviscek: I tihnk that was changed? Did we change
M. Mearls: Umm, that's more of a "world issue" I'm more of the rules guy.

So, I think we may be looking at:
Lawful Good -- Good -- Unaligned -- Evil -- Chaotic Evil


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Charwoman Gene said:

Alignment: [A paraphrase]
Me: What's going on with Alignment. Are Lawful and chaotic still in the game?
M. Mearls: There is still Lawful Good, Good, Unaligned, Evil, Um do we still have chaotic evil?
B. Slaviscek: I tihnk that was changed? Did we change
M. Mearls: Umm, that's more of a "world issue" I'm more of the rules guy.

So, I think we may be looking at:
Lawful Good -- Good -- Unaligned -- Evil -- Chaotic Evil
Ah ah! I knew it! I predicted that alignment will be Lawful Good -- Good -- Unaligned -- Evil -- Chaotic Evil just after the release of the Ampersand Sneak Attack, before the DDXP. So, I was dead on, I think. Anyway, we'll see for sure when the core book will be released in June.

EDIT: It was in the thread I did: Ampersand: Sneak Attack! - Alignment.
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Hmm, strikes me as somehow strange that there won't be Lawful and Neutral anymore.

Then again, people appearently didn't make any big differences between Neutral Good and Chaotic Good (really, when are you behaving truly chaotic and when do you simply not do it just because?), so I can see why it might have possibly been nixed, along with Lawful Evil and Neutral Evil.


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Let's not forget that alignments won't have any impact mechanically wise (Different alignment paladins, alignment based spells removed, etc.)
As it should be.


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Charwoman Gene said:
Here are some more tidbits from the 10 AM Sunday Session.

Power Sources:
WotC has identified 8 power sources that should take care of basically 90% of the classes they foresee making. They did not mention which ones these are aside from Arcane, Divine, Martial and Psionic.

Wow.. I foresee alot of speculation on what the other Power Sources will be besides the named. I think everyone keeps saying Primal but is that actually confirmed?

Skill Challenges:
Natural Hazards.
Social Encounters.
Party must get a certain number of secrets before a certain number of failures.
Mixing skill, everyone can participate.

Now this is five kinds of awesome if you ask me. I like a little more game to skill use than just a one roll = win/fail. Hopefully it will be explained how to give the RP and dice chucking equal status in social encounters.

Magic Items:
Magic items are definitely focused on powers, not bonuses.

Hmmm... no more +5 Hackmasters? There is going to be an uproar over that sacred cow going into the meatloaf. Meanwhile I'll be asking for a second helping of meatloaf :)

All powers have keywords.

That bit reveals how much they have streamlined the rules. Perhaps there will be less argument over interpretations if we can just turn to a keyword index. "aha.. You can't do that with a push, but you could with a slide. Lets remember that for next game"

Marketing: Early marketing is for migration of current D&D players. Acquisition is in the fall. Starter Set

I think they should shoot for new players right off the bat. An influx of new blood would do the industry good.

MaelStorm said:
Ah ah! I knew it! I predicted that alignment will be Lawful Good -- Good -- Unaligned -- Evil -- Chaotic Evil just after the release of the Ampersand Sneak Attack, before the DDXP. So, I was dead on, I think. Anyway, we'll see for sure when the core book will be released in June.
Nothing in that statement says there won't be Chaotic Good or Lawful Evil.


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FallenTabris said:
Wow.. I foresee alot of speculation on what the other Power Sources will be besides the named. I think everyone keeps saying Primal but is that actually confirmed?
There's one official source from WotC that confirms Primal will be a power source. If you download the revised stat cards for Unhallowed Night Below, you will see Primal, Psionic, Arcane, Divine and Martial mentioned. One example of it is a kind of sorcerer: The Hierophant of the Seventh Wind mini which has: Human * Good * Primal, in abilities.
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