Amazing Tales from Centropolis


First Post
GM: You do have Hero Points, just in case you want to spend them...Otherwise also you will have Injury -2 (penalty to future toughness saves)

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OOC: Spending 1 HP to reroll that first Toughness save

That's better. Editing previous post

Do I need to roll for the Damage Aura, or is it an automatic 3 electrical Damage to Snakeroot (DC 18)
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First Post
GM: If you are Daze (or Staggered) you can only take Free actions and a Standard or Move actions. Your Damage Aura is a Reaction so you couldn't use it. BUT now that you made that first save you are no longer Dazed so he will have to make a Toughness save vs. DC 18


First Post
OOC: spending a hero point: Toughness vs DC24 [roll0]
not great, but certainly better, regen will handle any damage quickly.

GM: Not to be a mean GM but you do have Sunlight limitation on your Regen which is cuts the price in half. I kind of think you need to be somewhere where sunlight can get to you (even if its cloudy, etc.) to use the power. Not just 'daytime'. You are indoors right now



The Shadow
Saturday, February 11, 2017/12:08 PM
Round 5

Shadow evaded the electrical attack again, dropping back onto his hands. He brought his rubber soled boots up to drive them into the electric villain’s gut before rolling away and shifting back into the shadows.

Saves:Dodge and Toughness saves: 1D20+9 = [15]+9 = 24
1D20+9 = [20]+9 = 29

Unarmed Attack: 1D20+9 = [6]+9 = 15
DC 24 Toughness
Move: Shadowform
Regeneration: 5/5r
Hero Points: 0

GM: Not to be a mean GM but you do have Sunlight limitation on your Regen which is cuts the price in half. I kind of think you need to be somewhere where sunlight can get to you (even if its cloudy, etc.) to use the power. Not just 'daytime'. You are indoors right now

OOC: I asked MANY times where the windows are. I assumed The Princess was sticking to the lit area of the building. And if it is that strict, the limitation should be worth more. In a building made of glass, I would assume there was sunlight just about everywhere but the elevators.


First Post
GM: Oh I see, I might have missed that... yes if you had maneuvered Princess closer to the windows I am fine with you being in Sunlight. Sorry I just wanted to be sure

"Ugh," The Princess grunts though it sounds more like a school girl crying out "Oo". She seems to aim at Esper #2 again as she unleashes another light beam but she uses the ricochet effect to bounce it off a wall behind Esper #2 and have it come back and strike Esper #1 from behind.
OOC: Attack roll vs Dodge [roll0] DC 18 (up to GK whether the subterfuge affects the result.)

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