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And So It Begins.. (Babylon 5 d20 Game)


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It was the dawn of the Third Age of Mankind, ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. The Babylon Project was a dream given form. Its goal: to prevent another war by creating a place where humans and aliens could work out their differences peacefully. It's a port of call, home away from home for diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs and wanderers. Humans and aliens wrapped in two million, five hundred thousand tons of spinning metal .. all alone in the night. It can be a dangerous place, but it's our last, best hope for peace. This is the story of the last of the Babylon stations. The year is 2258. The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Babylon 5. The one place you thought you might never see. Now, you call it home. For reasons of your own, or reasons of those who hold power over you, you have come to live and work in this city in space. Though the signs are subtle, you can feel something changing in the air. With the recent skirmishes between Narn and Centauri forces far away from here, to strange aliens coming on board and causing quite a stir. It is now the middle of March in the Earth year 2258, and things have quieted down. For now...

Your eyes were opened to a new world of experiences the day you arrived on Babylon 5, from the issuing of your first identicard to discovering that not all of the people on this station work together in harmony, each day brought new learning and new questions to you. Today was no different. You spend almost a half a day exploring Brown sector, a place that most have abandoned hope for. You however, see something different. You feel that you bring hope to the downtrodden of this place, and for that, the less violent people of this place afford you a bit of respect. Never mind the fact that you are Minbari. In all your times down here, you have never seen a Minbari. Minbari take care of their own. In your mind, you ask yourself who will take of these people, if not you? Today, you are approached by a man that you have seen before a few times, you know him as a gambler of sorts, someone who has taken one too many risks in life. "Selise, please, I need your help," Ivan says in his heavy accent. From what you know of him, he hails from an Earth republic called Russia. "I have to get out of here, fast. There's been some guys down here looking for me, and I think they have been after you too."

The last time you stared at the stars was through the cockpit of the last freighter you were asked to pilot. Now, you simply look at them through the observation dome, wishing it was you behind the controls of one of those new Starfuries flying around the station. At least then you might feel more alive. In the last few weeks, jobs have dried up. Even though you helped evacuate the station as numerous aliens wanted to leave as fast as possible during the so-called 'Soul Hunter' incident, ever since they have returned, few people are willing to trust a pilot that does not work for them directly. That feeling changes however when you return to your rented quarters. Upon entering, you find you have a message waiting on BabCom.

The woman is beautiful, lightly tanned skin and sleek dark hair coming down to her shoulders. Her deep brown eyes sparkling with the blinking lights of the station's computer. It is her message that piques your interest more, however. "Mister McCall, my name is Alison. Alison Fernandez. I represent a group of individuals seeking unattached people like yourself to perform a task of utmost importance. Of the people we seek, a pilot is highly necessary to the success of this task. Your background and skills have shown us that you would be the perfect person for this position. You will be well compensated, if you are interested. If so, please reply to this message and I will send you the details. I hope to speak with you soon."A slight smile and she is gone, screen blanking.

Ah, the life of a nobleman. Lots of money, women and fame. Too bad that wasn't to be the life for you. Your house elders already had plans for you, none of which felt appealing. Until now that is. Your life as a doctor for Babylon 5 has brought you new understanding and a new purpose for your own personal ascension. Lately though, ever since that new Human doctor has shown up, your work has slowly dwindled. Even some of your more regular patients have started seeing this Doctor Franklin. There is still work though, though it seems lately, all you get is overflow from MedLab. Occasionally, you may get a call from them, asking about this or that some such.

Today however, you get an unexpected call. Relaxing in your quarters after an exhaustive night at the Dark Star, the BabCom chimes with an incoming message for you. The tag says it's from Vir Cotto, the bumbling assistant of none other than Ambassador Mollari. "Greetings, Doctor Janno. I have an important message for you from..." He pauses, his plump face visibly concerned. "From some mutual friends. It seems that there is a group of people on board this station looking for something in old Centauri territory. They claim it is a scientific expedition. We want you to check it out. Your skills as a doctor would give you the resources you need to fit in with their group, but we also need you to report back to us just what it is they found. You should be receiving a message from them shortly. Reply to them positively and we will help you any way we can. Oh yes, one more thing, don't mention this to anyone. It's very important."

Sure enough, after Vir disconnects, another message comes in, text only, telling you about an expedition in deep space looking for people of your talents and all that. The message states that message details will be sent if a positive reply is received.

Every day is a battle, as it should be. However your battles consist of haggling with people over the cost of the 'toys' you build for them. Though automated robots are a dime a dozen, you feel that yours have an intrinsic value because they are hand built by you. Though your Drazi brothers would harass you for making this your life's work, instead of trying to fly fleet or march in the grand Drazi armies, you still feel that your aggressive nature is sated by the arguing over how much you should be compensated for your work.

This is what drives you over the edge when someone comes to your kiosk and causes trouble. The man is fairly large for a human. Easily bigger than you are, and his friends are no better. The man looks over some of the tiny machines you have available, and then breaks one. His apology seems empty, especially when another one is broken. Then he tells you that your work is shoddy and he wouldn't take one of these if he was paid. That's when he starts to break more of them. His friends only watch as your anger rises.

It never was a peach job for you. Each day, escorting someone or another that has caused some sort of minor trouble here and there. To the holding cell, back out an hour later, just to be brought in again the next day. It became so much that every day became a blur of activity. All the same. You wondered why you even bothered to bring people in some times. Even going so far as to let minor transgressions slide. The others were doing it. Some were even taking credits to do it. You never stooped to that level, but the thought had crossed your mind. Today was just another day on the job.

The perp was basic enough, human, older man, smell of alcohol all over him. He apparently had one too many this time and decided it would be in his best interest to cause a ruckus about it. This didn't last long. You and your patrol partner stopped the fight before it really got started. Now you found yourself escorting the man to the already overpopulated cells. Your partner's link beeped. "Hey, Rogers. You got a minute?" Rogers looks at you, "You got this?" Barely waiting for your affirmative nod, he answers. "I'm on my way." You find yourself staring after him as he almost runs away from the boredom of escorting this.. wait a minute. The man you were taking away stands straight up, brushing himself off. He holds out a hand. "Sorry about the smell. Paul. Paul Ramirez. I had been sent here to find someone of your nature to bring with us. We know that you fought during the war and we need someone capable of fighting against the odds. If you're interested, we can secure you some time away from your duties here and we can compensate you for that time." His other hand produces a card. "Go here. All the details will be explained when you arrive." He then turns away, leaving you alone in the corridor.
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David quickly sends a reply

"All I need to know is when are we leaving, where do I meet the ship, where I'm flying her, and finally how much I get paid. I want half now and half when I'm done."

David then makes his way back out to the many hallways of Babylon 5. He wonders from secotr to sector just loosing himself in the crowds of people and busy nature of the station.
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Varn replies to the message as follows:

"Well, since it appears that the good Doctor Franklin has things under control here on Babylon 5, it would be my pleasure to offer my services. Please forward me the details of this expedition so I can prepare accordingly."

While waiting for the return message, Varn will download all current vid recordings on his recorder into a data crystal, then wipe the recorder clean. "I think you might turn out to be quite useful on this mission..."

OOC: Yes, he talks to himself.

Selise sensing Ivans urgency. She cocked her head for a moment and reached for his hand.
"Come with me, I have a place where we can go and be safe." From her first encounter in Brown Sector Selise become somewhat familar with the area. She motioned him to follow her to a small door behind a large box.
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If there any Drazi around, he calls to them in their native tounge.
There is a stupid Human here!
He then smiles to the human.
Hey Earthling, you pay for toys?
without waiting for the human to answer, His fist goes straightly to the human's face.
Dobar will move away from this place, to where Drazis are. Leaving his toys to the mercy of god

Attack: Dice 14 + 4(mod) = 18
Unless you want to throw.

OOC: The dice roller isn't working


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Flipping the card over and over in his hand, Geoff looks to see the place to meet and more importantly a time. Running his hand across its texture he abruptly looks up to see if anyone is watching. Nonchalantly, Geoff slides the card in a pocket hoping to draw little attention.

If no one is paying any attention to what just happened and a time and date is found on the card Geoff turns to go back to his duties. Mumbling as if talking to himself he says,

He was only a drunk, too old to cause too many problems. The holds are overfilling anyway. (Sighing) a chance to do something different, no one has ever come to me to do something like that, why would he choose me...

Geoff then turns and heads back to his duties. Lost in thought most of the rest of the shift, yet, one thing roils within his head. Paul Remierz or was it Ramirez... I should probably do a background check to see who he is.

If Geoff gets a few moments while on shift he will use the security computers to run a check on this Paul to see if he can find out anything more about him.


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Upon wandering the passageways of Babylon 5, you come upon what appears to be a fistfight between a Drazi merchant and a group of unruly humans. On closer inspection, you can see that these men seem to be wearing a small pin. One you recognize from earlier. You saw it... You saw it on the woman in the message.


A message almost immediately is returned to you, again text only. Its only words are:

Nova Nine Pub, 1600 hours EST. Back room. Details will be explained there.

It’s as if whoever sent it was anticipating your reply. Shaking the thought from your head, you finish clearing your recorder. The meeting time is a couple hours from now, so you have ample time to prepare.


The moment you grab Ivan’s hand, a rush of thoughts assault your mind. Something doesn’t feel right here. It’s as if Ivan is keeping something from you. You don’t have much time to think about it as Ivan begins leading you through the tunnels of Brown sector. Eventually you emerge into an area full of activity.

A struggle seems to be occurring between a Drazi merchant and some humans. You also notice that there is another human off to the side who just arrived. As soon as Ivan gets clear he shouts, ”Hey! I got her here.” Looking at you he says quickly, ”I’m sorry Selise. They offered me a ticket home.” Shrugging, he runs away from the brawl. Two of the four humans in the brawl turn towards you.

Remember that your Accidental Scan works as soon as you touch someone’s skin.


The fight begins in earnest. The man easily dodges your fist and counters with one of his own. Fortunately, his aim is as good as yours. You can see that two of the men turn away to look elsewhere when you hear a shout from behind them. Dodging another fist, you notice that another human has just arrived, but he seems to be unconcerned with what is happening at the moment.

I’m not sure what you mean by the Dice Roller isn’t working, it’s been working for me pretty good. Let me know what happens when you try it out.

Glancing at the card, you see it comes from the Nova Nine Pub, a recently established watering hole here on Babylon 5. On the back, a time is written.

1600 hours, back room, all will be explained there.

Figuring that leaves you a couple of hours, you go to check out this Ramirez guy. Before you can do so however, you get a call on your link. ”Redgrave, this is Welch. There seems to be a fight in Brown Eleven. I need you to go check it out. Be careful, there’s a Drazi involved.”


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shadowbloodmoon said:

Upon wandering the passageways of Babylon 5, you come upon what appears to be a fistfight between a Drazi merchant and a group of unruly humans. On closer inspection, you can see that these men seem to be wearing a small pin. One you recognize from earlier. You saw it... You saw it on the woman in the message.

As long as it seems like a fair fistfight, I'll let it continue. But if somone pulls a weapon I'm going to try to tackle them and disarm them. Are other people watching? Any security around?


shadowbloodmoon said:

A message almost immediately is returned to you, again text only. Its only words are:

Nova Nine Pub, 1600 hours EST. Back room. Details will be explained there.

It’s as if whoever sent it was anticipating your reply. Shaking the thought from your head, you finish clearing your recorder. The meeting time is a couple hours from now, so you have ample time to prepare.

"Well it would have been nice if they gave me at least a taste of information."

Well, I have a few hours, but I see no reason not to get there early. I can have a few drinks while I wait.

On his way, Varn purchases a second data crystal.

ooc: Character sheet updated accordingly


First Post
Muttering to himself Geoff says,

I guess the background check will have to wait.

Taping his comlink, Geoff replies,

On the way to Brown Eleven. I'll report in when I arrive.

Sighing loudly Geoff just shakes his head, he better get their quickly before someone gets sent to medlab or worse, for he had seen what a Drazi could do to a person first hand. He then takes off in a quick trot towards Brown Eleven as quickly as possible.

Voidrunner's Codex

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