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Another day in the Tavern


Yam Inverhan

The gnome looks down at the pink haired little girl with a most unplesent look on his face.

" Ack! Er... well no you can't touch Smithers. He's all complicated and such. Although I suppose I could build you one I mean with a genius such as mine it wouldn't be that hard but... *sigh* so time consuming. Oh, and Gond no He's well He's not a machine. He's just well the greatest diety ever. "

He cracks a small smile, realizing the small girl's innosence (sp?) in the matter.

" Ohhh, I'm sorry dear um, Miss, uh... pink haired uh... yes well little lady. I didn't mean to yell. Well any which way I don't think young ladies should play with mechanical beings such as Him * points to Smithers* Hmm but maybe I have something else you could play with."

He reaches down to his belt and starts rummaging thru the many pockets. He starts pulling out various gadgets, odities and placing them on the table, often not looking a second time at what he had pulled out. Finally after several secconds of searching he pulls out a very plain looking stick. He looks it over, then looks to the young elf. Then looks at the stick, then looks to the young elf, shrugs and holds it out.

" Here miss, it's not as shiny as Smithers, but *he shoots the robotic creature an angry look* it's definatly more USEFULL! Go on take it, it's a Rod Of Wonder. Just... be carefull about using it inside, and.... OH, never aim it at your face. Don't worry I'll get it back from you at a later date."

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*the veluptuous brown haired woman walks back into the tavern, she walks straight to the boards and looks it over, seeing no responses to her work wanted note, she sighs, brushing a bit of brown hair from her eyes as she looks over Duilya's drawings again, smiling slightly, she takes up a table near the boards, and scoots close to it, reaching into a backpack which seems tattered and worn, pulling out a thick hardcovered black book, she pulls out her favorite quill, ink well of the silver/gold/black ink, and opens the book to a near middle. On the left page there is writing, on the right, its a blank page. She rests an elbow on the table, leaning her head into her hand and begins to write constantly, hair draping into her face as it always seems to do. She continues writing, not paying attention to the crowd of patrons in the tavern.


First Post
Kat studies the ring a bit more, grinning to herself at Kheldar's version of the incident. Of course she'd seen him, but now she was sure which "Kheldar" it was.

She glances over to Melynxt's table. The artist has returned and, it seems, settled in for a while. Well, she could offer no commission yet, but an apology was definitely called for.

Kat tucks the ring away, finishes off the first cider, and walks the brief distance to Melynxt's table. She stands a bit, then clears her throat to attract attention from the rather distracted young woman.

"Milady Melynxt? Perhaps you do not remember me, and if so, I think I'm grateful. But if you do remember, then I must apologize for my behaviour. You were upset. And rather than helping to calm you, if anything I goaded you further. I am... sometimes... too easily irritated and severely lacking in kindness."

Kat glances over at the pictures on the board, then turns back to Melynxt, smiling ruefully,

"And I don't want to miss a chance to be on better terms with someone of such great talent."



*melynxt blinks, her quill comes to a hault after a moment, raising her vision from her book toward Kat, she squints a bit, hair hanging in her face she speaks calmly, a faint smile forming*

"ain't ya fault...ya dint make me go to tha clearin' an try an get myself killed dear....i did it...but aint no thing ...im not tryin ta end my life anymore...but i appreciate ya appology...and the compliment...thank ya...have a seat if ya like, might as well get ta' know ya a bit 'fore we start throwin' out compliments eh? "

*she smiles at her fully now, kicking out a chair lightly, at the table. Slides a black silken ribbon in between the pages and shut the book gently, resting her hands on the hard cover, folded over top the other, she waits for kat to sit down*



Tired old wizard

Sits down near the fireplace to warm his cold aching bones and orders a bottle of the inns finest elven wine. His face is cloaked in darkness, but you can feel that there's something more to this old man that meets the eye. He pulls his hood back and his face takes on an almost demonic look as the flames from the fireplace reflect off of his skin and out of his cold emotionless eyes. He studies the patrons of the tavern one by one and makes a mental note as to which ones he might have to be weary of.


First Post
Kat grins at Melynxt with relief that the woman doesn't seem upset at her, and sits in the offered chair.

"Thank you, I'd be happy to sit with you, and talk more. I'm glad you're feeling better. Your drawings are wonderful! It would be a great shame for the worlds to lose such gifts."

Kat's voice drops slightly, in case the elf-girl hears and misunderstands,

"And your kindness to the child...that is quite a gift as well."

Then Kat laughs,

"Well, but I still seem to handing out compliments, instead of conversation to help know each other better. What do you want to know of me? I'm afraid there isn't much to tell, but I'll do my best."

She smiles at Melynxt.




Duilya stares at the rather pain looking stick that Yam had handed her.

A Rod of Wonder? What's that? How's it work?

Without even thinking about the old gnomes warning, the young elf points the stick directly towards herself as she stares down it's shaft. . .

Artwork copyright © 2003, Christopher C. Quigley


First Post
The Lich King Story...

"Yes, yes, your quite right, Kheldar, liches can be very difficult to deal with. Especially if your dealing with a Lich King. if ye have the time, I can tell ye the story, if ye'd like.'
She seems to shudder at the memory.

"And as for that Paper and D'win...yes, I do see her now and then again...
It sounds like you've had some...*ahem* interesting turn of events...But what can I say? Trouble seems to follow ye."


Coyote Skyheart

He blinks, opening his tired eyes

Did I just doze off?

He shifts his head, working out the kinks in his neck, and casually looks about. He glares woefully at the now empty mug and orders something slightly weaker.

I must be more weary than I thought. There's several other people here, and a ... What is That??
He blinks again as he looks at the man shaped metal contraption standing by a small gnome. Beside the gnome is a cute little female elf looking down the shaft of some sort of intricately carved rod.

Not far from them is also some women chattering together, and in the back corner an old man nursing a drink alone, and... someone standing beside him!

He looks over at Eliria and smiles. "Hi. People call me Coyote. Care for a drink?" He pulls out the seat by him for her, a little abashed at not noticing her approach and frantically trying to recall what she said.
"I arrived here today, and its been an interesting journey. Are you from around here? So..." He says clumsily, but with a well-meaning smile "... what's your story?"



(stupid quote button...)
*mely smiles back, brushing a bit of hair from her face, leaning slightly in her chair*

"well let's see, seems ya know my name already, what's ya name dear? An' i dun spoze it would hurt ta ask ya what brings ya round Oerth and Juxta as well? Hmm...what do ya do here ? Oh i have lots of questions...but i'm talkin too much...anything ya wanna know about me shoog? "

*she blushes slightly as she glances to the boards briefly, eyes moving back to focus on Kat * "and as fer the girl that likes ta draw, well, i love children...an it makes me happy ta know there's young ones out there that are interested in art...but please...im nothin special to this world...im just me" *Smiles at her, waiting for her replies, her eyes reflecting light oddly as hair falls into her face again. She flips it back off her shoulders, leopard spots visible on her bare neck*

Voidrunner's Codex

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