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Another day in the Tavern


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"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Kathryn, but most people call me Kat...and I prefer it. As to why I'm here, it's a silly story and no reason to bore you with it. Currently I do very little, just living off the sales of a few trinkets. Eventually, well, still deciding. I've had a couple of job offers, but they didn't really interest me."

Kat shrugs, smiling and apparently not too concerned about her finances. But then she looks at Melynxt with a sharper expression.

"No. Don't discount your talent. There are too few true artists in any world, those who have both the skill and the need to create.

"So, you *are* an artist. But what else? what amuses you? what else interests you? and what has brought you here?"

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*nods as Kat talks, smiling, up until the part of 'what brought you here', her smile falling rather abruptly, for a moment, before returning as she draws in a breath, and begins to speak*

"well...i dunno what really intr'ists me other than art...its about all i do....er...but i guess gettin ta know more people is somethin ive been workin on lately" *smiles* "an as fer what brought me round this place..well..thats a long story in which i dont wish to delve into at this point, but let's just say i freed myself and came in search of happiness?" *attempts a smile but looks a touch more sad/worried then before* "So what sort a trinkets ya sell? Anything int'ristin?" *she reforms her smile fully, hair falling into her face*


First Post
So it seems neither of us really wants to get into what brought us here? so be it...*I'll* not push it!

Kat grins reassuringly at Melynxt.

"I'm not sure you'll find happiness here, but I wish you luck. You'll certainly find a lot of interesting people to distract you meanwhile. Trinkets? Well, this one is next to sell."

She pulls out the silver leaf ring that she'd been playing with earlier, and hands it Melynxt to examine.

"Pretty, huh? Should get some reasonable amount for it, if I can figure out a good place to sell it. I only wish I remembered where...um....I have some problems now and then with my memory. I'm not completely sure where that came from."

Kat leans back in her chair, trying to make light of it.

"But it has some advantages. I can make up any story I want! Adventure: a great king gave it to me for finding the information that saved his crown. Romance: it's a token from a lover in memory of a moonlit night. Darkness: given to me by an elven lady, to stop me from torturing her children--"

Kat stops herself in horror as she remembers who else is in the room. But a quick glance at the girl seems to show her still distracted by the wooden stick...

"Maybe I'd better just shut up for a while."



Eliria beams at Coyote.

"Hello, Mister Coyote! Yes, a drink would be nice, especially a very expensive and overpriced one that would help Siani garner extra profit. And don't forget to tip extravagantly!"

She stops and considers, then perks up again and starts burbling again.

"No sir, not from here. I'm from Juxtaposition of a Million Spheres. I'm a Moonbeam Adept--did you guess? Sometimes the patrons do, they're funny folk. Do you like lettuce?

"What? My story? Well, let's see: I have a twin sister, Lomiel, my mother's a druid and my father's an evil psychotic elven mage. And I was nearly squashed by an owlbears. Owlbears seriously aren't fun. But oh well, the past is the past is the past. No need to worry! I'm quite hale and alive.

"Have you been to Juxtaposition? It's very nice, although you might not be used to the whole sunless thing. And there are crazy people about. But it's very interesting! You should go there and buy goods from the vendors in the emporium and thereby support the Juxtan economy. Sound good to you?"

She nods solemnly, as if that explains everything there is to know.



a youngish half-elf strides in. she glances about, absorbing the details with an experienced gaze. dark auburn hair peeks out from beneath her black, weatherstained hat. she wears black breeches, a brown shirt and black vest. her black cloak is draped over her shoulder, and her black boots make no sound as she walks towards the bar.

mead, please

tanrinia leans with her back to the bar as she drinks her mead, and continues her observations. she appears to be looking for someone, as her grey eyes scan each patron. she spends only a few seconds on each person, but spends maybe a few seconds more on any elves, especially fighters/warriors/paladins that may be around. there is no malice in her gaze, only curiosity.


Kheldar Devaentar


Kheldar lets out a weak chuckle.

"I'd just as soon have trouble leave me alone. . ."

Kheldar looks around the tavern

". . . But then I suppose I wouldn't be living a very exciting life. . . It seems I can't go a day without having someone want to bring me to justice."

Kheldar relaxes in his seat a bit and smiles.

But no ones managed to catch me yet. . . How long do you think you can do this for Kheldar?

"Oh, and D'win and I are still more-or-less friends. . . We just had ahh. . . an awkward situation. . ."

Well, we were grabbing for our daggers to slit the other's throat. . . I can't believe she got so hostile! . . Maybe I need to work on my people skills. . .

"Any way, I'm interested in hearing this story about the Lich King. I've heard a few rumors. . . Some poor Elven girl was ripped to pieces. . . But nothing beyond that."

Kheldar eye's widen. He heard Kat slip up when she was talking to that artist, and now he was chatting over dead Elves like he would about the weather. Duilya wasn't more than 15 feet away! Maybe he wasn't as awake as he thought.

"Ahem-* So please. . . If you'd like to share the story I certainly have the time to hear it."

Artwork copyright © 2003, Gordon R. Quigley


Yam Inverhan

The Gnome looks at the wee ( well maybe to him not so much) elf girl with wide-eye'd horror.

" AAAAH! What on earth did I just tell you?!"

He quickly leaps forward with suprising speed and grabs at the Rod. He firmly sets both hands on the shaft and with all his might.... pulls. Beads of sweat appear on his brow as the elderly Gnome attempts to wretch the Rod from the Elf's hands. Although his attempts seem entirely fake, as if he was acting. The Elf girl's arm barely moves from it's spot, probably not even inturupting her observation of the Rod. What appears to be genuine in effort in removing the Rod from Duilya's hands is appearing to be almost comical to those watching. The Gnome simply didn't have enough physical strength to remove the object from the child's grasp. Breathing heavily, he breaks his grip and looks Duilya straight in the eyes.

" *gasp* Well *huff* Duilya it *pant* appears that you have *wheeze* managed to maintain your titan-like grasp on my rod, despite my mighty strength. Well just you wait ... I'll... *gasp*

With that the Gnome quickly passes out from complete exhaustion. Only to be caught by the ever present "Smithers" contraption. Picking the Gnome up in one arm "Smithers" rests Yam's limp body on a bar stool and stedies his body. The Gnome looks up weakly at " Smithers" and whispers...

" Smithers, pass me my spell component pouch, I require healing...."



morning all

supose they all have stories too ,wonder if they'd like mine

*Sits down next to person at bar*

i was fighting a :behold: and he had almost got me until i cut off all his eyes

am i braging too much?


First Post
Kat grins at the way the gnome was "wrestling' with the elf-child over the wand.

A good play-actor I think...I wonder if he overheard me (and Kheldar!) and is helping distract her?...and what *is* that rod? Surely he wouldn't have given her anything actually dangerous?

She turns back to Melynxt, but the other woman still seems to be examing the ring. Idly, Kat turns her attention to the book on the table. Her hand reaches towards it...but stops.

"Um...your book? I saw you doing something in it earlier, but it looked more as if you were writing than sketching. Do you write stories or poetry, as well as your drawings? I do some wordplay myself, occasionally...to mixed reactions it seems."

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