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Another day in the Tavern



Eliria jumps at the sound of the harp's strings being snapped, not noticing the young pink-haired elf. She tip-toes over to Khaira...

"The evil super villain Lich King should play the lute?"

She tilts her head, puzzled and concerned, having gotten it all wrong, as usual.

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First Post
The Adept Meets a Bard!

She looks up at Eliria behind her. "EH? Lich King? Play the lute? What in the 9 layers o'....ahhh....you heard me talking to meself, eh?
Oh no, no, m'dear...I was speaking of something else....a very long story....long and short of it be that I lost my harp in a battle, which I had a long history of. Now this onepoints at the troublesome harp on the table is just not the same. Not the same music, nor magic y'see. Which is why I said....to my harp...I should pick up the lute. As in, learn to play it, y'see.
'Sides, I didn't know I was being listened to....
She blushes sleightly



*nods to Siani*

Aye, I am well M'lady. However, I'm not usually here at first light.




*a veluptuous young woman looking around 22 years old, long brown hair draped in her emerald green eyes, wearing a black tshirt and black pants, spattered with all hues of paint, walks in and heads to the nearest table, sitting down and taking out a parchment and quill, she begins to sketch furiously, after a few minutes, she begins to write at the bottom of the parchment carefully, in caligraphy style. Laying the parchment flat atop the table, she stands, putting the quill away and walking out the door, hair falling into her face*

*the parchment is written in ink that seems to change from a black to gold then silver then back to black again, continuously changing. In the picture, a detailed sketch of a large oak tree is seen , a few leaves are still left on its branches, a brown haired female sits under it, knees drawn up to her chest, hair blowing in the slight breeze that whisps through the scene, a small pool of still water is to the left, with cat tails bending and blowing slightly in the same breeze. Several autumn tinged leaves float on air currents as they sweep toward the water. The overall background of the scene is gloomy and laced with blackness, an overall depressive tone dripping from the picture. Under the drawing, words are scribbled semi-carefully in caligraphy.*

"My life's been nothin' but a cruel waste of time. Im not wastin' time anymore......Im gonna be happy iffin' it takes me the rest ah my life! Alot of ya have used, hurt and or lied to me..and ya know who ya be, but aint no more......Im not going to continue living dead inside......This is a declaration of my new life, and tha' Obituary of my old one. And as such...iffin' ya a real friend, ya'll find me an' be a part'a that new life...iffin' not..then ta' hell with ya!

*scribbled nearly illegibly*


Kheldar Devaentar


Kheldar's ducks his head at the sound of the TWAAAAAANG. It was a natural reflex. . .

HUH?!? Where did that come from?

Kheldar turns too see a frustrated bard fumbling with a harp. He wasn't quite sure what the bard was trying to do to it - but it didn't look like she was having much luck.

Kheldar stretches and gets out of his seat. Well, at least after a terrible noise like that he felt much more awake. . . And, although he couldn't help the bard fix her harp, he could help her another way. Kheldar approaches the bard and drops 10 coins on the table.

"Well, I must say. . . That last note was played to perfection! Thanks to you I feel much more awake. Those 10 platinum pieces should buy you a well made harp. One that wont b. . . Khaira?"

Kheldar blinks at the Bard. She looked a little different, but it was definitely Khaira.

"You're looking good. I. . . I haven't seen you since that paladin chased me out of here! . ."

. . . yes, it felt so long ago. . .

". . . that was yesterday, wasn't it? Ugh, what a terrible day! . . Avoid spooky looking angels when you can, they're nothing but trouble!"

Kheldar shakes his head, then looks towards Eliria.

"Where are my manners?"

Probably in bed where you should be!

Kheldar turns to face Eliria, and does a grandiose bow. It was graceful, but so extravagant it almost looked ridiculous!

"Good morning my lady! My name's Kheldar Devaentar. And who have I the pleasure of meeting?"

Kheldar awaits an answer, but keeps an ear out for Khaira. He might have cut her off with his introduction.

My manners really are in bed!

Artwork copyright © 2003, Gordon R. Quigley


First Post
Kheldar's Introduction

As she is attempting to fix her harp, yet another string goes TWANG! with a little higher pitched twang. She curses softly again at the Lich King of her past as somebody drops a remark about a perfect note. "Go away, stranger. I have no time for riddles." And then that person drops 10 platinum. What the..... She blinks...looking up she sees Kheldar!

"Well! It is isn't Kheldar!Aye, paladins can be downright stubborn as 'n herd o' oxen, eh?"
Picking up the harp, she mutters something about firewood, and tosses it in the fireplace.She picks up all the platinum pieces, and holds out a hand for Kheldar to take them back.
"No, no, that's quite all right. I spent a pretty gold piece on that harp there, as well as bargaining with the shop keep to let me have it! Aye, I'll have to think of some sort of trick to get 'im back. Nobody gives me a faulty harp and gets away with it! Besides, perhaps the best kind of instrument that I'll be able to find is one that I make meself.Aye...the one I had before was only so grand because so much love was in it. I'll have to do that meself....Aye, take back yer money, Kheldar.
Anyway, what acts of mischief have you commmitted lately?" :D




Speaking of acts of mischief, the Elven girl was still sitting in her corner with the little brown book and vial of colored ink. She was so happy with herself! She had drawn a picture of a horsy, a rainbow, a heart, a puppy, a flower. . .

Duilya turns her head to look up at the other patrons in the tavern, when something shiny on the corkboard distracts her. Leaving the brown book and colored ink on the floor, Duilya approaches the shiny image and her eyes light up!

WOW! This picture shines! That's. . .AMAZING!

The Elven girl reaches out to grab the shiny picture but it's ink suddenly turns black.

Huh!? What happened!? It's not shiny anymore!

The girl looks at the picture disappointedly. It was still a gorgeous drawing, but it was no longer silver. Suddenly, the image turns gold.


Duilya smiles and claps her hands in fascination! This picture changed colors! It was. . .NEAT!!!

Artwork copyright © 2003, Christopher C. Quigley



*a veluptuous young woman looking around 22 years old, long brown hair draped in her emerald green eyes, wearing a black tshirt and black pants, spattered with all hues of paint, pushes the door of the tavern open, standing off to the side, she notices a small elvin girl with pink hair looking at her parchment. She smirks slightly and shakes her head, chuckling a bit as she watches the girl's reaction to the changing ink. A soft smile forms as a thought crosses her mind, she takes up a seat at the nearest table, unrolling another bit of parchment and taking quill and ink out. Dipping the tip into the well, she begins to sketch apon the paper, dragging the quill's point over her canvas of choice with light happy strokes. She looks back at the elvin girl and then back to her work every now and then, biting lightly on her bottom lip she squints, critiqueing herself. After several minutes, she finally sits back up, stretches and lays the quill down next to her picture. Hair hangs in her face defiantly as she brushes it away, giving one last look to her sketch, smiling. She takes up the quill once more, and quickly scribbles something at the bottom, and places it next to her other picture, smiling softly before turning and walking to the door once more. She slips out the door just as quickly as she came in.*

*the parchment has a wonderful exact likeness of the elvin girl with pink hair, playing in the forest with several woodland creatures. She runs around a tall tree, chasing a small fox, two ferrets seem to be joining in behind her. The scenery eminates light heartedness with its morning sun rise and beautiful landscape of late spring. The ink is the same, changing from gold to black to silver then back again, repeated endlessly. At the bottom of the parchment, something is scribbled*

"I hope ya enjoy this young one, ya inspire me! I'd love ta see some ah' ya own art! ya are more 'an welcome ta' take this an' keep it! Enjoy ya self and r'member...art comes from tha heart!"

*scribbled nearly illegibly once more*




A slender, elegant elven lady dressed entirely in white robes walks into the tavern. Her hair and skin are pure white as well, making her seem as a statue of carved ivory, or perhaps a snow sculpture. That is, until one takes note of her eyes, as brilliantly red as rubies that seem to pierce and penetrate what they gaze upon instead of merely viewing. Giving a polite nod to those present, she settles into a comfortable chair by the fire. She reaches into one cavernous sleeve of her robes and draws out a massive leather-bound tome. In fact, the book is so large that it could not possibly have fit inside there... She opens it and begins to read.

The bargolem, apparently familiar with the white-robed lady, carries a cup of tea over and sets it on the table at her elbow. She glances up, smiles her thanks, and deposits a coin in his stony palm. Without a word, she takes a sip of the tea before going back to her reading...

Voidrunner's Codex

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