• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Any word on the GSL?


Mod Squad
Staff member
I do not believe that a corporate directive to employees, should one exist, suggesting they do what they legally can to try to remove or curtail competition would necessarily be a matter of malice by any in particular or all involved in such a corporate policy.

Perhaps - that way leads the debate of "what counts as moral/ethical action for a business". That's a goodly pool of quicksand there, and it was not my intention to step in it...

I'll restate and rephrase below, in a manner to sidestep that particular puddle.

Also of note, when someone is doing something in one circumstance that could be taken as a matter of survival, in another set of circumstances it could be viewed less charitably.

True. However, I am not sure it is relevant - simply because I have never seen or heard any cogent evidence that there is any "matter of survival" at hand. Does anyone here have any real evidence, or even solid argument, that a 3rd party product ever took a real bite out of WotC sales? If not, then there's no "matter of survival". Third party publishers do not seem to be any threat to WotC.

On the other hand, I am not sure there's much hard evidence that 3pp were a particular asset to WotC's overall bottom line, either. We here, who are a small group of atypical gamers may collectively love and buy things from 3pp, but I am not sure that translates into significant benefits to WotC. The original intent of the OGL was to have it be a major benefit, but I strongly suspect that the benefit turned out to be questionable.

So, lacking evidence that it is either a strong benefit or detriment, it is reasonable to expect the upper management to be... uninterested. Current progress is consistent with this simply not being a major priority. Rather than being quick and clean, it is turning into a slow, complicated beast. That is normal corporate behavior, no?

So - don't ascribe to particular intent what can be reasonably explained by apathy :)

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Hi scott,
Thanks for the update, it will be great if you can release it soon (I want to release a 4e book next month, duh :) ).

Also, regrading the statement of acceptance, do I have to snail mail it? or is there an email option as well?


Snail mail since we need the original signed copy.

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