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Are 4e feats far less exciting than 3.x?

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I'd happily poo-poo the +1, but I have bigger fish to fry. All of those on a critical hit you get to do x feats. Who in their right mind takes those?
LOL people who have the 19-20 crit feats in epic (although they are still pretty lame, I agree)...once again only weapon users need apply!


Anyone else find 4e feats lacking?

Nope, they are just perfect for what they are supposed to be. Icing on the cake, tweaks, whatever you want to call it.

Feats and Prestige Classes broke the last edition - Here's to hoping it doesn't happen again.


First Post
Stylistically, I'm a... lets call me a points shaver. I build characters by finding the thematic feats I need to accomplish my vision for the character, and then taking feats which weight common die rolls ever so slightly in my favor. The outcome tends to be a character who goes through all the same things all the other characters at the table go through, but who always comes out just a little bit better off than everyone else.

So for me, feats are about the same. Feats like Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus, Human Perseverence, Lightning Reflexes, and so forth, are my bread and butter.


First Post
So for me, feats are about the same. Feats like Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus, Human Perseverence, Lightning Reflexes, and so forth, are my bread and butter.

Yep, I'm the same way. I'll branch out now and then to snag some of the class' "must haves," but I'm most likely going to have Durable and Improved Initiative first.

Initiative wins battles. I wish I could persuade every frickin' player I've ever gamed with to take that feat. Or at least Quickdraw.


All of those on a critical hit you get to do x feats. Who in their right mind takes those?
You mean like scoring a critical hit, on an opportunity attack, when you have combat advantage, while wielding a pick, on a Tuesday...?

They all remind me of the Dodge feat. FIddly little circumstantial things you forget about.

I particularly hate the "Opportunity attack" feats. Namely because getting opportunity attacks require the DM to make the monster incur the OA in the first place. If the DM never makes the monster move when it's not got the clear, then they are utterly pointless.
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My problem right now with 4e feats is that I feel there are too many specific restrictions on them.

I have no problems with feats with harsh restrictions...as an exception. But I don't like reading the pages and literally going "Nope, nope, can't take it, nope, not that one, etc".

This was one of the problems I hoped would be fixed with MP, but from my first reading it appears to be the same. So I have trouble finding a lot of good feats I can actually take.


First Post
Most of the exciting feats in 3e are either:

(a) Now a part of powers (i.e. stuff that let's you "do tricks" like tripping and grappling)

(b) Have a lot of prerequisites (i.e. paragon/epic feats)

The Martial Power book at least gives a few more options for each of the races with each of the martial classes, etc.

Also, feats are never the "only" cool thing you get as you level. They will always be in addition to a utility power or stat increase, and at 11 and 21, you get even more stuff.

I'd rather have good feats that are limited to single race/class combos (as long as just about every race/class combo has a few) than have mediocre feats that anyone can take (because too many "anyone can take it" feats that are good means you'll get into situations where a combination of feats may cause problems.) With Martial Power, there is now at least enough feats for martial classes to have choices ... you could go with nothing but class specific/race specific feats ... but there are still at least a few other things, like weapon profs, armor profs, improved initiative, etc.

Arguably, skill focus is better in this edition than in 3e, for the same reason that any bonus to hit is good. With skills scaling for everyone, the extra +3 is pretty big in skill challenges, or in other situations that scale over levels (for example monster knowledge checks).
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Fallen Seraph

First Post
Only thing I would hope to see of return from 3e in terms of feats would be stuff like Daring Outlaw. Where it combines different aspects of two different classes to work together. Now that being said, if we continue to see Paragon Paths oriented around two classes like we have already seen, then this will do fine.

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