Are you out of the D&D closet?

Viking Bastard

If someone asks of my hobbies I tell 'em. Otherwise I usually don't tell them of any of my hobbies at all.

But then again, the only place people ever ask me of my hobbies is on the net.

I mean its' stupid!

A: "Hey, my name is Joe."
B: "Glad to meet you Joe, I'm Paul."
A: "Ditto that Paul. Now what are your hobbies?"
B: "...pardon?"

I usually never talk about my hobbies to anyone unless I know he shares my interests. Doesn't matter whether it's my gaming or my love of films.

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First Post
I don't hide the fact nor do I tell everyone.
If someone asks I tell them. To me it is just a hobby that everyone might not like forced on them.

For example take bowling. Just because you bowl doesn't mean you tell everyone about it all the time. But if it comes up in conversation you would tell them.


First Post
LOL@ this thread. I'm difinitely "in the closet". I like to read my Dragon or Dungeon mags while I'm on the bike at the gym, or out eating some fast food. But... I'm always careful to try to conceal what I'm reading. I'll put my cell phone or something on a page that has a big picture on it. Kinda lame, but just something I do unconciously. I don't like my non-gaming freinds to know that I play. If they know, it's no big deal, but I rather keep it to myself.


I never hesitate to mention it if the topic comes up... Ya know... if someone asks "Whadda doin this saturday?" or "What do you do in your spare time?", or something like that. I really could care less... I've had a lot of people do the usual DnD=Evil bit, but frankly, I don't care. Let 'em think that. The one time it got bad (harassment level) the person was suspended from work over it, after I mentioned it.

I even do stuff that labels me as a gamer... I've spend lunchhours in the campus cafateria reading a new DnD supplement or planing out an adventure while trying to choke down a ball of meat-flavored fat they call a burget. I sometimes wear a T-Shirt that has a DnD reference. I carry a dice bag quite often on my belt (Almost all the time at college, sometimes in "public", but never at work... against dress code).

Frankly, I'm comfortable with gaming, and if someone decides I'm a lesser person for it or something, I ignore them... they don't warrent my consideration enough to be bothered by them.


First Post
Hahahaha...well....I am a 30 year old mom of 4. People are usually quite shocked to find out I play. I have to actually HIRE a babysitter so I can have my "D&D night" My friends know and accept it...tho they think I am odd. My family knows & they pretty much thinks the same thing. I have some online friends who are absolutly amazed to find out that not ONLY do I play...but I freely admit it! OMG! Hahahahaha :D


serves Gnome Master
About the concealment: I actually cover up some of the gratuitous artwork when I'm reading Dragon at work (but only at work), but I'd happily show them a picture of an Ancient Gold Wyrm.

I often say that I like fantasy. and then someone usually asks "do you play that complicated/weird game?". I reply honestly.

In the Netherlands, there is no stigma to D&D other than a geeky one. Religion never came into play here - not really wanting to start a political thread, but you have to ask yourself: Did the US not evolve (at least part of it) out of religious oppression in Europe? Makes you wonder now doesn't it? No? Oh, well... can't say I blame you.



Tom Cashel said:

Hey, me too!

Who do you root for?

I'm a diehard Rangers fan [oh, woe is me...still waiting for a win in 2002...yes, we are wretched...]

Um, well, I'm a Habs fan. :eek:

Hey, at least they kicked the stuffing out of TBay tonight. :)


First Post
Well, I don't really run around with "Dungeons and Dragons" stapled all over my shirt. I'm not really in the closet, I just don't share the information with everyone. If someone asks, well, it depends on who asks. Seeing as how I'm 15 years old, a good amount of people would be too immature, and they are people I'd definately not say anything about it to.

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