• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Aryana Players Fourm


Hey Ajax, why don't you take the leadership feat too? You could get a fireball mage to join us that could blast you whenever you are in the thick of it. Or you could recruit a 4th level monk to help flank everything we face. :D

So are we set on going to the mines first? You should stock up on rope, torches, spikes and such before donating the rest. Things like that can come in handy, and having an armor-less monk carry it around would lighten the load on everyone else. Anything else we need?

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I actually thought that if Ajax dies, I'll start my new character as a mage. I probably shouldn't say that, seems like begging for a character death.

Already planned on some rope and such. Felix, do you think that Cato, might be able to make us an everburning torch or two while we're in town? The one we had got sucked into the void and having one would really cut down on baggage.


By the way, MX, did Corey let you use the feats from OA?
Oh, and if you need to meet up with a PC, Ajax is typically roaming the streets aimlessly waiting for his next deal, er, adventure. Of course, I don't suppose a Monk and Rogue would have much to talk about, and Ajax certainly won't be actually, physically helping with the construction of anything. He's much happier with the whole liberal guilt "throw money at them" point of view (and not much money at that). But if you need the option, there it is, I think these other two are actually making constructive use of their time.


Ajax said:
By the way, MX, did Corey let you use the feats from OA?

Yeah, he is going to, although I don't have any of them yet. I am burning to get into a fight now just to see how Asad can manage, but nothing too deadly. Perhaps he should pick a fight with a certain flail-weilding fighter and see what happens...


Ajax said:
Oh, and if you need to meet up with a PC, Ajax is typically roaming the streets aimlessly waiting for his next deal, er, adventure. Of course, I don't suppose a Monk and Rogue would have much to talk about, and Ajax certainly won't be actually, physically helping with the construction of anything. He's much happier with the whole liberal guilt "throw money at them" point of view (and not much money at that). But if you need the option, there it is, I think these other two are actually making constructive use of their time.

I think Corey is coming up with something and will have us do PC introductions when we meet on Sunday, as Asad is in Phrada (poor Empty Quarter) doing simple tasks in between training for enlightenment. I am leaving it up to him to do a run-in meeting now, as the time has passed when I thought he might do a meeting of Cyrus & Asad in the ENWorld thread for us.

Oh, while you are all feeling generous, you might want to save some cash to buy Asad some extra monk-ish items when we have the chance... like a whip.

Just to get this straight, we are heading out to the Slave Mines 1st, assassinating any Ghinn along the way, to free more slaves to be sent to Phrada (if they aren't mindless also). Afterward, we will get word on what Volgar and the Dost are doing before heading up to Heta/Cyopolis to check on the disks. Then what?

Should we risk bringing the disks with us to Phrada? Perhaps we can find anti-Ghinn help in the mountains (Duranni survivors) and get them to run interference. Should we visit the old temple that we raided so long ago to see if all of the statued figures are still there? We could retake our favorite mountain pass with a tower and crane and see what's going on in that old valley. Or even start blocking up those nifty mountain tunnels with an avalanche, as those guard towers are probably too armed to take out with an assault, but being at the bottom of a mountain could be so easily crushed by tons of rock. It might not do much now, but could mean plenty when their supply lines are cut off in the dead of winter.

Another idea is to win over others of the Dost tribe to be on our side, usurp Volgar, and have a new ally right in the middle of the new Ghinn territory. Or just murder Volgar like we always wanted to and take his place, leading the Dost army to swing down on the unsuspecting Ghinn, leaving a path of merciless destruction in our wake before disappearing like ghosts in the silent mountains...muhahahaaa....


First Post
I think that Getting Vulgar should be last on the list of things to do. The Discs are very imprtant to get even if we bury them down here someplace till we fond out what to do with them.


Check out the cool monk/sorcerer combo on this thread. Could be a nasty combo with tumble and combat reflexes. I think I like it. I will come up with something once I get my to my books, mostly to see if it's 'legal'.


I didn't check the thread, but you have to be sure you take the SOR levels first, unless you're allowed to use the OA monk, which can multi-class freely.
I think we go through Dost territory on the way to the mines, so our decision about what to do there might be made for us. If we run into Volgar, kill him (I'm afraid that's up to you Cyris, Barbarians of his level, assuming its the same as ours, can't be flanked, so Ajax's damage will be pretty low).

Yeah, getting the disks is a pretty high priority, almost as high as figuring out what they do. The way they bounce magic off them, I'd love to make one into a shield, or something. I guess Cato is the only one who has a shield, but hey, it couldn't hurt.
But I agree get the disks and bring them back, at least to this side of the mountains. What we do with them from there, perhaps we should worry about having them first.


MX: A sorc/monk? You twink!:D

The next bit is a touch off topic, but bear with me. I'm putting together a campaign world and I've put all that I have on the boards. I would appreciate it if you guys would look at it and tell me what you think: bad as well as good. Here's the world in the Plots and Places board:

Nurn, After the Fall

And if you want to help me go fishing for views, you can always bump my pimping thread on the General Board. I mean this thread has a hard time staying on page one!:D :

My [pimp] thread

I finished my leveling of Cato: you might like to know that Continual Flame has a 25 gp material component. I won't remind Corey of this, but if he asks, I don't actually have the gold... I would most certainly sell at cost though.

You will enjoy having a cleric casting 3rd level spells in the party.:D

Voidrunner's Codex

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