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Ashin's Commission: The Great Escape!


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Almayce takes a shot at a wounded afflicted (the big one?). He misses (7) badly though. If there's anywhere he can move to avoid being charged by afflicted, he'll try to get there.

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Rystil Arden

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(OOC: If you're willing to do that, you still have an interesting option, since you've increased the squares you threaten with the power from 20 to 36--if you stay put, you can hit all of the previously stated enemies, plus 4 more semi-Afflicted. However, if she moves, she hits all of the previously stated enemies, plus an additional smaller full Afflicted, and though she hits fewer in total, she is also in a relatively safer spot, as she's hedged from all sides by allies except the square she just vacated. She is regrettably just one square off in the new spot from hitting an additional large Afflicted)


(ooc: she has a full move, is it possible to get into position to hit the big guy too? or would that require moving into melee range of something?

provided that is not feasible, her main targets are those in front not in behind, so she'll move to accommodate those targets up ahead.)

Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Assuming Hulgyr stepped forward to confront the big one after his cleave, which is not an unreasonable assumption, and he did have the step left over, even though he didn't say it, she can indeed proceed to Hulgyr's spot. In fact, the only reason I didn't suggest is was that I thought it was 10' and thus would provoke three AoOs, but it's actually just a diagonal)

Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Okay--just remember Eternity is still level 4 until she rests up, so she has to expend focus and use Overchannel and Talented to achieve 5 PP. That's fine, of course, I assume?)

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Eternity moves to Hulgyr's old vacated space and lets loose a burst of mental disruption at most of the Afflicted's front lines ahead and a few of the semi-Afflicted as well. One small Afflicted, two large Afflicted, and six semi-Afflicted reel back, stunned and unable to act.*

"Good, the ones behind us are weak individually, but they were starting to form a mob. Those are messy, like swarms, but bigger, and then they engulf you and you can't move. That would be bad, so we'll have to break our resolve as well and toss one more power--you guys up front can handle that side hopefully? And no complaining that this hits a few of the innocents--if we die to the mob, what do you think will happen to them?"

*Zaeryl sets off another explosion, a weak one this time, and ground zero is just far enough into the mass of semi-Afflicted that the party is untouched, though a small number of the innocent bystanders shying away from the battle in horror are caught in the blast, insignificant compared to the maybe 30 or 40 semi-Afflicted that Zaeryl hits. All of them drop. A few seem to still be alive, but most are just dead.*

*The stunned large Afflicted block the way for many of the remaining allies Afflicted, but the ones all the way on Ironwolf's side who avoided Eternity's disruption altogether walk over Ironwolf's near-corpse to attack the pesky Egoist and that meddling Zaeryl too. More specifically, only the little ones can get to Zaeryl, so the big one attacks Eternity. Since Ironwolf is so large, the enemies are only able to get a single attack off each. Zaeryl's psionic protections deflect his two attackers, but Eternity's meagre defenses are rather pitiable and pathetic for such a relatively powerful Egoist (OOC: I can't believe a natural 20 followed by a modified 13 confirmed :confused: ). She suffers a devastating blow, but remains standing.*

*Meanwhile, some of the few remaining straggling small Afflicted who couldn't fit in at first move from deeper in the tunnels to reach the spots those Afflicted vacated. Also, the Afflicted who warded off Eternity attack continue their crusade to end the lives of Michael and Hulgyr. Two small Afflicted attack Hulgyr and cause a minor slash, but the big one hits hard. Because of this, he enters a berserk rage.*

(OOC: Eternity takes 26 HP, minus any you'd like to Resilience away, I suppose, but that costs even more PP

What is it with Hulgyr today? The enemies keep rolling 4 and 3 against him. He took one hit for 6 Damage from the pair, total damage 21. However, the big one hurt him badly, 15 in total. He's taken 36, but he's in rage now, so he's okay.

Everybody's turn again)

Voidrunner's Codex

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