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ASoIaF RPG - A Tourney of Gulls IC

Ser Jarl entered the common room, taking a seat at the table where his nephew and Ser Patrek sat and greeting them with a nod. He judged from the daggers Jacelynn was shooting out of her eyes that Laton had informed the knight of the truth. The point past, Jarl decided he had to focus on keeping the lady safe and securing her unborn child's legacy.

He waited to listen to Lady Palla's story before planning a course of action.

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Cor Azer

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Jacelynn bites her lip at Palla's question. Here it is... Does she know?

Lady Palla Lynderly eyes her squire curiously. "I suppose there's a family resemblance, but I'd be hard-pressed to believe Jacelynn would ever allow her hair to get that tousled." She sighs, and smiles wistfully. "I'll never get the humor some knights get in mocking young squires. One of Ser Ondrew's men was fond of making the squires dress in women's smallclothes beneath their armor - to teach them to -"

She turns away, deftly wiping away an unseen tear.

"Jace, please. Fetch us some breakfast."

Relieved to be out of the conversation's spotlight, Jacelynn wanders over to the bar to find the serving wench. Warm eggs... bacon... anything but that cold oatmeal from on the road...

While the meal is prepared, Jacelynn overhears snippets of Palla's explanation to the knights Laton, Jarl, and Patrek, and the third House Vantri man - Mhyrko. What little she misses, she knew already, having lived it herself. Palla and Ser Ondrew meeting at a tourney; secret trysts between the House Weatherley heir and the House Lynderly daughter. Palla's father's illness, and her brother Jon's ambitions - hoping to essentially sell off Palla in hopes of cementing an alliance with a powerful house - the Hunters or Graftons, perhaps. She tells of the kindly septon in a village that married Ser Ondrew and herself in secret - a much briefer description than Jacelynn recalls, but then, these men likely aren't as interested in tales of lace and flowers so much as steel and steed.

Jacelynn returns to the table with two breakfast servings as Palla is moving into the end of the story.

"... I... I had returned to Sunkenwood to make final preparations to leave; to join Ser Ondrew at his keep. He had a short campaign to lead against some bandits - it wasn't supposed to be difficult, but it would keep him away for a few weeks, so I had time. I left without my brother Jon's knowledge, but I did say goodbye to my father; although with his illness I'm sure he remembers naught. I'll spare you kind Sers the details, but suffice to say, I knew I was pregnant, and wanted to be safely with Ondrew before sending a raven home to my brother with my deed."

Her breath catches, a painful memory in her thoughts.

"I met Jace on the road a day out of Sunkenwood. Ser Ondrew had been killed by the bandits, and his uncle Slynn had more-or-less moved to take over the house; I would not find shelter at Squallfield, nor home again at Sunkenwood given my pregnancy. I didn't - and still don't - know where to go. With Jace's sword to guard us, we began riding south; I have a few friends in the heart of the Vale; I guess I had hoped to find someone willing to house us until after the birth."

She places a hand gently on her stomach, the signs of pregnancy just enough that the men present could believe them.

"This child will likely never see its true home. Only the old septon knows of the marriage, but with Ondrew's death - Slynn Weatherley will decry my word as some sort of Lynderly plot to steal Squallfield; I suspect Jon will fight against my claim as well - he'd be as like to claim Ser Ondrew misled me in an attempt to steal status from Lynderly; denying the marriage is the only way to keep me 'pure' for a more advantageous union."

Palla seems to gather strength from an appreciative glance at Jacelynn. "The rest I'm sure you know. During our flight, we got caught in the rainstorm and our horse tripped. I remember nothing of what happened next, but Jace tells me that Ser Laton's entourage found us and cared for us until we got to this inn. And now with a good night's sleep, my headache is lessened, and the maester says I should be fine for some easy travel."

She takes a small bite of her meal while her story is absorbed by those present.

"I don't know what to do now. I do not wish to return to Sunkenwood, but valiant though Jace is, I'm sure the young squire cannot stand against any of you knights, let along your armed men. But I have no where else to go either." She sets down her utensils, and folds her hands demurely in her lap. "A passing fancy I had was that you might escort us to the tourney at Lakelights, Ser Laton; at such a gathering I might find someone willing to aid in my plight, and remove me from the tangled mess Jace and I have dropped on your lap. It's not a small request though, I know, so I will hold no ill will against you if it you do not wish to press Ser Patrek on his own duties..."

"Millady," Ser Jarl began. "We have sworn to protect you, and we will not abandon those oaths. We shall escort you to the tournament and vouch for your child's birthright. There is likely to be some difficulty from the Lynderlys and Weatherlys. Who was the septon who wed you? If we could find him, he would surely speak on your behalf about the marriage. That would avoid conflict and protect you."

Ser Jarl knew it was a hasty decision. But the Lady Palla needed protection and support. It would be easier for her to gain backing if one house had already backed her. Jarl considered who else could he might convince to get support. He could talk with Lord Royce, and maybe Laton could talk to Lyn Corbray, assuming they were at the tourney. And a raven would have to be sent to Splinterhold, to let Lord Loughton know what his family had stumbled into, especially if it could harm the house's relations with others.
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Mhyrko finishes off his drink and breakfast silently listening to the lords and now lady make with the lord talk. He wonders if the mercenary will be handed over to corbrays men and if so, how far they will get before he makes his escape.


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Morning chores

Having seen nobody in the main room that isn't eating or busy, Roy grabs his gear and heads outside. He has a look at all the people out there getting the horses and gear ready for the day's travelling. That done, he looks at the horses and gear bearing the Vantri crest or in the Vantri colors to check that it is in good shape, at least as much as he can without actually touching it. Touching would, of course, require permission.
If anything that he could fix looks to be in poor or badly worn condition, he asks the person responsible if they would give permission to fix it, or, if they can't give such permission, who is the owner of the equipment in question, that he might ask permission of them at a later point.


First Post
Mhyrko finishes the last of his drink and waves the mug at the serving girl for more. "So then, whats it to be, good Sers? Shall we take the lady to the tourney and let her find someone to take up her cause? Or would you, Ser Patrek, prefer to take up this tangled skein and the responsabilities that come with it? I know not how comfortable you are with letting us continue resolving this issue or if you feel your duty demands you do otherwise but as allies...well, im sure you know we would not let the matter reflect badly on Lord Corbrays house.


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"Oh, by the way, does anyone know who this new face is that has been wandering about? He looked like he wanted to assist somehow and I don't recall him from either of our parties."

Cor Azer

First Post
Haken moves about the inn's courtyard, ensuring the House Vantri party is well underway with its preparations. He smiles warmly as he sees the eager Roy Stone pitchign in where he can.

Boy'll fit in well he thinks. No Vantri ever shied away from hard work.

He beckons to Adham, and tells him to fetch Sleepy Pate. "Ser Gough's wagon looked a bit more laden than yesterday - might want to check that he didn't have any of his provisions topped up at House Vantri's expense."

He glares at Raquinno as he passes the merchant and his remaining sellswords. Merrillio bows pleasantly, but the big Dothraki and greyscale-scarred one ignore him.

He tilts his head curiously as he notes Ser Gough approaching, with his lady and her handmaid in tow. Haken is about to greet him when the rotund knight passes by, hailing the merchant.

Best mention that to Ser Laton, he decides. That'll be a friendship to watch...

Haken enters the inn, and notes Ser Laton, Ser Jarl, and Mhyrko at a table with Ser Patrek and the Lady Palla, while the squire Jace sits just to the side.

Waiting for a lull in the conversation, Haken finally makes his way over. At Mhyrko's question, he fills him in with an aside, "New boy? Roy Stone, apprentice blacksmith; used to work in the Vantri mines. Witnessed the -" he cuts himself off with the lady at the table. "- business - last night."

The serjeant turns to address the rest of the table.

"Sers. M'lady. The train'll be ready in just under an hour." He bows to the Lady Palla. "Pardon my presumption, if the Lady and Ser are riding with us?"

Ser Patrek nods slowly. "Yes, yes, I believe we will. I've not the authority to decide the Lady Palla's fate, and have no interest in battling Ser Laton or Ser Jarl for her. I must see the sellsword Agorn to Lord Corbray at Heart's Home, and your path passes near there in any event. Strength in numbers."

He sighs heavily, obviously uncomfortable deciding matters of such weight. "Beyond Heart's Home, I cannot say. Lord Corbray will decide if he'll allow the Lady Palla to travel on to the Lakelights with you." He winces, but forces through a smile. "For what it's worth Lady Palla, I'm a romantic at heart, and hope your child's claim is upheld."

With one last swig of his drink, Ser Patrek stands. "If you'll excuse me Lady, Sers, by your serjeant's words I only have a short time to get my men ready to ride." He bows courteously to Palla, and then exits the common room.

"Dunkyll," says Palla softly after a moment.

Off unknowning looks, she continues. "Septon Dunkyll. He travels from village to village near Squallfield. He wouldn't be hard to find, but you'll need a letter from me for him to believe I sent you."

"Thank you for believing me, Sers," she adds. "It's good to see gallantry still lives in the Seven Kingdoms."

Ser Jarl breathed a sigh of relief. "Honor bends nor breaks, Milady," he said. "And we'll have no shortage of warriors for this leg of the trip." Jarl stepped up from the table. "It'll be good to have a smith at the tourney. As for the septon, we need to find him quickly. Once this becomes known, I fear some my try to silence him. If you'll excuse us, Milady."

Heading outside, Jarl went to check his horses and make sure they were ready for the trip.

Voidrunner's Codex

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