Assassin City

Dire Lemming

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[sblock=Ethan]The guard shakes her head, replying; "Look, I'm just following my orders. I'm not allowed to let anyone in yet. Simple as that."

The merchant glares at Ethan and walks forwards. "What the hell do you take me for? You're not one of Weyland's servants. He doesn't even keep servants, only slaves. Get out of here before I have you arrested!"

The guard looks back and forth between the two of you, obviously quite confused.[/sblock]

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[sblock]Ethranor quickly curses his own idiocy, realizing that he is not disguised. "Ah, well...heck, I'll just have to play the character".

He quickly comes near the girl, and reassures her with a smile "Dear Lady, you are safe, do not fear. I found you lying unconscious on the street, and brought you in the nearest tavern. A healer is on the way".[/sblock]


[sblock]"Then that explains why you do not have papers sir. You do not know my employer. If needed I can wait until my master comes for me, which he should do today." He nods slightly to the guard, "You sir, are rightfully stuck outside the gate." He turns to address the guard, "Do not let this man enter. He does not have his required papers and obviously does not know my master. You are wise to not let one like him in. Let me pass or don't, it matters little."

Second bluff attempt for Ethan (1d20+9=21)


Dire Lemming

First Post
[sblock=Ethranor]The girl at first presses her head against the pillow in a futile attempt to recoil, but Ethranor's soothing words seem to have an effect on her and she eventually relaxes, ever so slightly. She then speaks in a small, horse voice. "W- Who are you? w- What am I... doing here?"

OOC: Oops, her name is Diane, not Diana.[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc] Ethranor shrugs and starts small-talking, using his charm: As for me, I am but a humble merchant named Ethranor...mind you, some unpleasant fellow may say that my father is the merchant and I am just living my life at his expense...that is absolutely true, of course, but no need to say that so bluntly. As for you, instead, you were naked and bruised in the alley right behind this tavern...the winged something, I think. Not a healthy state, in my opinion. Thought that you would appreciate if no one saw you in such a state, so I brought you one, aside for me saw your face. Do you feel ok? I would appreciate if you hold on and no get critical before the healer arrives, my skills in that direction are laughable.

"Whoa, I manged to limit myself on just one lie...that fact about my father. Well, technically I AM a merchant...a merchant of death, but anyway...." - thinks Ethranor. Then, just so probe her reactions and try to make something out of this absurd story, he asks, as a matter of fact: "Do I send someone to call the guards?"[/sblock]



Ethan moves back out of the way, allowing the guard to do her work.

ooc: He will stand there unless the guard has trouble with the merchant, in which case he will help subdue the man. [/sblock]

Dire Lemming

First Post
[sblock=Ethan]As Ethan takes a step back, the guard takes a step towards him, her hand going for her sword. "I said, stand against the wagon!"

Roll initiative please.[/sblock]

Dire Lemming

First Post
[sblock=Ethranor]Ethranor can sense the girl's fear subsiding as he speaks. She looks up at him quietly and makes a weak smile at his joke about his father. "I'm... Diane. It's uh... a pleasure to meet you, Ethranor. Please don't call the guards. My father would be furious if he found out about this. I doubt he'd let me leave home ever again. He's not... he just doesn't understand."[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock] Really? Strange situation. My father pays me to keep clear from his city and his home...I guess that he doesn't really appreciate my way of doing things, so he wants me to keep as far from his business as possible. Old traditional sort of fellow, you know: tightened like a know of hard ropes. He doesn't want me to get in the way of his continual quest to control the markets more and more. After trying to sell me out to some hag, I bullied him into paying me a..."vacation". And here I to roam and live, unless he kicks the bells...although I hope that he feels good for at least another 10 years. Would like to enjoy life before being submerged by all those pesky accountants and scribes and fellow merchants....dear Skaia, I just can't stand them.

Ethranor cuts his chit-chatting and suddenly shoots a penetrating gaze over the eyes of Diane with a sly smile: So, why on earth does a beautiful young girl walk alone without bodyguard here around? I know, bad things sometimes happen...or happened, as it was the case. Or you are going to tell me that you just got drunk, stripped of and the stumbled over the back door? If it's the latter, that was certainly quite the feat, I never managed to do it no matter how hard I tried. Even while drunk like a fish in a wine bottle , I can't bring myself to undress in public.-he softly laughs.[/sblock]

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