Attack on the Bandit Camp [Concluded]


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OOC: Wow, awesome. I think you've just run the shortest completed adventure in LEW history. It was just what you predicted in your proposal. Well done, and have no regrets. I suppose I ought to get my proposal in pronto, now...

IC: Iggy will stay in the tower, keeping an eye on all the bandits, until they all disarmed.

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Rinaldo, doesn't lower his guard, but with his off-hand he takes off his hat, and salute the bandit's chief.

"If they drop there weapon now, there lives will be spared." says Rinaldo loud enough so everyone will hear it, fiends like foes. "Friends, make sure the bandits in the tent learn that offer..." He says, waving at Charlarn and Tenebrynn. "once they wake up from there slumber." He takes a look at Mirnot and smiles at him. "It is true it was rude of us of not presenting ourselves first, but the situation didn't allowed us. I will let the other present themselves if they want to, but I'll be polite. My name is Rinaldo di Senzio, spice merchant. You've attack some of my competitor. It is always good to see one having difficulty, but I prefer when it come from there incompetence, not from some petty thief like you... maybe not that insignificant, as the road warden have put a price on your head."

Rinaldo quickly looks around. He tells to Mirnot "I would suggest you and your men to all stand in the center of the camp, hands over your heads." He then tells to his friend. "Can someone looks at the wounded, on both side. Another to take care of the ones sleeping in the tent and one last one to grab all the rope he can find, to bound that bunch of criminals. I think there will be enough rope on all those tent to bound them all."

Rinaldo pause a moment, and feels his heart beating at tremedous speed. Is it me who is talking like that... Wow! Stress can do marvelous thing. I think I'll be able to relax a bit when I'll be sure they will not try to escape. That will be a nice story to tell to my sons... yeah, but that means my wife would learn everything. That's would be bad... well, someday, she will learn everything. I only hope it is later than sooner.

Once all that is done, Rinaldo will suggest to gather all that worth something and pack it for the return. He will take a look at every tent himself to be sure the group miss nothing, knowing he has more experience with good than his friends. He will use his horse, who is waiting further, as a pack animal if needed.

Appraise +9, Search +9 for the search of the camp.

Patlin: Well, it wasn't that easy, just for once, a plan almost work to the perfection. Rinaldo was able to enter the watch tower without being seen and then take the leader by surprise with his disguise... I can't beleive it, generally, dices screw up any plans that impliacte one of my character :(

Manz: Rinaldo will be please to participate to M3 if possible.
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Steve Jung

Charlarn of Phyrah: Male human cleric 3/ranger 1

Cool. Nice adventure, Patlin. First time that I recall enemies surrendering. :)

Charlarn breathes heavily. "I don't know if we could have taken more bolts like that. Does anyone need healing?" Charlarn checks on the downed men to bind their wounds.

HP: 11/26, 3 nonlethal damage
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"Well that went well." Nezrak will walk around and guard the bandits, gather stuff or do generally what is needed and/or asked.

OOC: Yes! Nezrak quite inevitably reaches 3rd level (150 Xp needed) and gains access to Craft Wondrous Item! Woot! He's taking orders (not that anyone has enough money to have anything crafted). :D

Kahuna Burger

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Sara seems diapointed that the fight is over so quickly, but turns the bandits back from the gate with a firm echo of Rinaldo's surrender command. Once the crossbowman has climbed down from his tower, she follows him closely back to the center of camp, doing a lazy weapons drill, with her spinning swords arcing uncomfortably near his head.... :] There she stands watch over the prisoners while the others search and such. Once she catches sight of Iggy she gives a grin and a wave. "Hey, turns out that gate wasn't very sturdy afterall.... Are you ok? Um, why are there five of you? I mean, I'm not complaining, just saying."


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Iggy, seeing everything under control, smiles awkwardly at Sara's comment and dismisses his mirror images. He climbs down and approaches Rinaldo, listening carefully to anything discussed. He plans to use his detect magic, and maybe his charm person, to make sure the bandits reveal all the loot they've accumulated and hidden.


"Excellent work Rinaldo, you really pulled us all through this with and flawless implementation." Tenebrynn says congratulating the merchant. He does what is needed to disarm and tie up all the bandits including the sleeping ones.

[ooc: sweet and short I like it. Thanks Patlin! On to M3 for Tenebrynn next I think.]

Knight Otu

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"Very good. Lady Sara, I believe you still have the rope?" Ashnar agrees. He also helps with disarming, and tries to find where the bandits stashed their loot.


The party quickly gets organized, tying up the concious prisoners and seeing which among the unconcious prisoners can be saved. A carefull search of the camp follows, as the party makes sure all of the valuables are accounted for.


The party fought 20 1st level rogues, 2 2nd level rogues, and a 3rd level rogue.
It was composed of 1 5th level character, 2 4th, 4 3rd, and 1 2nd.

I'm going to round out the time spent to 2 months for simplicity.

Rinaldo recieves 969 combat xp, 500 xp for time. Total: 1,469 xp.
Tenebrynn and Charlarn recieve 1,000 xp for combat, 400 xp for time. Total: 1,400 xp.
Sara, Iggy, Ashnar and Dioran recieve 1,013 xp for combat and 300 for time. Total: 1,313 xp.
Nezrak recieves 1,013 for combat and 200 for time. Total: 1,213 xp.

The party captures a whole bunch of mundane equipment (leather armor, shield, crossbows, bolts, etc. etc.) which for simplicity's sake I will assume is all sold. If someone wishes to take some of this stuff instead, treat it as a purchase at 1/2 price, and we'll say you put the money into the kitty before the split.

The bandits reluctantly point you to the command tent when you ask about their plunder. Woolen blankets, smoked meats, horses, a barrel of olive oil, finely crafted clay pots, and many other trade goods are stacked neatly alongside a small chest of coins. The trade good I will also asume you sell. Further examining the chest of coins, you find within it 3 potions of cure moderate wounds. At least, they are labeled that way, and the bandit chief assures you they are as labeled.

The total, excluding the three potions, after sale is 3,250 gold pieces. The road warden pay you the agreed upon 1,000 gold pieces when you turn in your captives, and add a bonus of 200 gold due to your capturing so many of the bandits alive.

That gives you 4,450 gold to distribute amongst yourselves, and three potions.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Patlin said:
That gives you 4,450 gold to distribute amongst yourselves, and three potions.
Sara is owed 300 out of the pot (or from whoever was collecting money for the wand I'm not sure we ever bought) prior to te split (bookkeeping on that is page 1 I beleive)

Is the javelin sara threw salvagable?

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