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Awakening Apocalypse - Shadowrun 5E setup discussion (Recruiting)

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It's been fine for me for awhile now. Hope that means it's all fixed.

Sorry for delay in posting. My brain has seized up a little on how to best do this...partly because of the big pile of work that dropped into my lap two days ago.

I will get an update out tonight or tomorrow.


I think we would be better off if the two pairs united.

The characters need to disrupt the big POW! reveal/taste test and based on our previous discussion plus other recently discovered information we need to do the following:
  • Doctor the POW! ingredients
  • Take control of the security drones
  • Disrupt the 'Everything is Awesome' video (preferably mid broadcast)
  • Get away scott free and pocket our nuyen
  • Anything else I might have missed.

I'm not really sure what's necessary to accomplish those goals.


First Post
Yeah...Skinny and Casper seem pretty well suited for skulking around. Since they mean to hit the secured area, it might be best if they go that alone. If you guys can find a safe place to set up and tap into the security grid, that would be pretty sweet. Keep an eye on their cameras and let us know if we're screwing up.

Sorry I've been posting so slowly. Bought a new computer last week and I've been largely consumed with getting it working and getting the software installed and so on. Should be finishing that up tonight.


Rubberneck, no, it wasn't clear to me that that is where Saint and Heartbreak were headed.

Heartbreak having to manipulate the Matrix for two groups is going to get him caught twice as fast and when the :):):):) hits the fan, and you know it will, a split group is a weaker group.


First Post
Nonsense! You're doing great!


This is a Matrix-heavy op though, so as our hacker you have a lot of say in how we proceed. We do need to minimize the risk to you. That said, smuggling four people into a secured area, two of whom aren't particularly skilled in stealth, is going to be a lot harder than having two sneaks do it alone. There's a lot of ways the shitake mushrooms could hit the fan here. We have to balance those risks.

I'm totally open to suggestions. I figure we'd have had this conversation IC before showing up at the place, so I'm comfortable having the discussion now OOC. :)


First Post
I figured the best place to take over security would be the security room. I'm new to SR but I've heard enough about it to know it's leathal haha. Would it be better to find a quiet place for you to work and get the other two in? It sounds like the halls we're in now are quiet and are not travelled often so we could always hold up here let you do your thing and cover the escape for the other two.


First Post
If you guys have any OOC-type questions, feel free to ask here.

Or, if you need a bit of in-character direction, contact Aleksander in the game thread. He'll be full of advice about how to tackle this run; his reputation is on the line!

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