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B.P.R.D. Issue #1 "City of Night"

Karl Green

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[occ]I meant to put this in the above post but oh well…[/occ]

Damage Save results from Round 1…

the blow to the Red Knight bounces of him without affect.

Xavier is able to avoid any lasting affects from the glancing blow he suffers at the impure things hands.

Kongming however suffers a nasty cut on his left arm Kongming takes 1 lethal hit from the Zombie


Battle with the Undead Round 2
Michael - 23
the Red Knight – 17
Lia - 16
Andy - 15
Undead – 14
Kongming – 12
Christopher – 7
Dr. Clay – 6
Paul – 4
Xavier – 4
Dr. Husseini – 3

Michael again unleashes a murdering hail of lead into the zombies…
hitting every time, first shot Damage save 14 vs. 19, takes a hit, second shot 18 vs. 19, takes another hit, third shot 5 vs. 19…
…pumping three shots into one of the creatures pursuing Dr. Clay, shifting his aim at the second…
Damage save natural 20!, second shot 9! Vs. 19, missing by 10…
…and while the first shot seems to pass through the creature without affect the second one snaps the creature’s neck, dropping it instantly.

The Red Knight was moving towards the walking corpses chasing the doctors but seeing them both falls, turns on the three that are pursing him, slamming his metal fist into the advancing ones face…
Damage save 12 vs. 24, missing big time
…and crushes the thing with almost causally. His flames continue to lick the ceiling and spread…

Lia leaps at the creature advancing at the Red Knight (closes one) and bites at the back of the things neck…
Damage save 12 vs. DC21
… and rips its head off with a howl of rage! Surging over to another of the attacking creature, she slashes at it with your claws..
Damage save 10 vs. DC 21
...tearing out the things spin and causing it to fall in a heap (editing for the Red Knight as now he is not attacked this round)

Andy fires two rounds into the creature attack Kongming (Andy does not have Precise shot so -4 firing into melee, but even so still hit twice :))…
Damage save 18 vs. 19, takes a hit; Second save 16 vs. 19, takes another hit (now has 3 hits on it!)
…blowing of rotten flesh with both hits, but the thing refuses to fall!

The last few of the undead continue to attack with furry at the living (or constructed living)…
…still advancing on Michael, the undead slashes at him Attack roll 11, miss.
The wounded creature attacking Kongming attack roll 12, a miss! but fails to connect.
The creature on Christopher roars and attack roll natural 20! Christopher Damage save of 15, vs. 23 (because of the crit), misses his roll by 8, taking a lethal hit and stun! catching him a terrible blow, knocking him backwards and off his feet.
The creature continues to attack Xavier Attack roll 13, miss but misses this time!
[occ]not many left![/occ]

Kongming takes a step back and shots the attacking zombie again…
Damage save 6, vs. 16, missing
…and the thing collapses at his feet!

Christopher is stun and has fallen to the ground (if you wish to spend a Hero Point for him he can react but he is on the ground)

Dr. Clay continues to run, half-dragging, half-pulling Dr. Husseini Will check 15, INT check 16 and he yells “We have to find a fire extinguisher now!”

Paul shifts his aim and blasts the creature advancing on the downed Christopher…
Damage save 17 vs. 19
…and while he sets the creature hair on fire it does not go down!

Xavier blasts the creature with holy fire…
Damage save 18 vs. 22, makes it!
…and while it burns one of the creatures arm to a snider, the creature comes on without concern!

NOTE everyone that does not have Immunity (Suffocation) must make a Fortitude Check at the end of Round 2 due to smoke, etc. This round it is not TO high a DC but it will increase each round. Failure will be “Nauseated” (pg. 140). If you go prone (like Christopher is right now) you can get +2 to your Fort check but anyone attacking you gets +2 to hit you…

Actions for next round!??!?! Round 3. IF you could put any Damage Save rolls in there (just in case) that would be cool also)
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Bottled up rage, fifty years of frustrating inactivity and an instinctive hate for the undead cook up an interesting mix inside Lia. Combined with the rush of cutting down the Zombies so effortless she doesn't even stop to regard the burning roof. After she cut down the tow zombies on their way to the Red Knight she launches herself towards any others she can find. Her eyes growing brightly in the Knight's fire. Again she moves faster than should be possible and slashes each of her claws into the throat of another zombie.

using herioic surge again, using the free hero point to negate fatigue
inititative: 8+4=12
Fortitude Save: 18+4=22
Attack 1: 13+8=21
Attack 2: natural 20+8=28
Damage Safe (just in case): 12+4=16
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I aim to misbehave
Sgt. Michael Camden "Ace" HP's: 3

Watching the flames lick across the ceiling, Michael had a feeling they were running out of time.

“We’re leaving, let’s go . . . living only please,” Michael called out to his teammates. With that said, Michael plugged one shot into the zombie on him, them moved toward the exit to cover the retreat of the others.

OOC: Attack Base (+13 = +6 base +5 dex, +1 Point Blank, +1 Attack Focus) + (Roll 5) = 18 to hit. Move 30 feet toward exit. Damage save: 28 = (Base +9 Roll + 17 + Vest +2), Fort Save: 16 = (base +2 + roll 14).


First Post
Out of nowhere, the voice of Paul can be heard... "Zombie are too much flammable"

With all his wits (OOC:Heroic Surge), Paul think he must do something with all that smoke. He looks around for a pipe where water could be found. (OOC:Spot: 15+3=18)

Seeing one, he fire a bolt of flame to break it (OOC: Attack 7+2=9, DC: 19 hope it will be ok...). After that, he use his power over water to guide the water on the flames (OOC:I use an extra effort to raise by 2 my sorcery (using my extra HP to cancel the fatigue) IF the pipe havn't broke, maybe rising the strenght of my power will help to make the water out...)

OOC: If I didn't spot any pipes, proceed here.

Not spoting any pipe, he go as far as he can from the door, than he turn around and unleash a great wind to push all the smoke outside the room, sadly, by the same time, tripping friends like foe. (OOC: Trip, as normal. I have a bonus of +4. I suggest you roll both mine and yours if it ever come to that one).

Damage save: 8 + 2 = 10 (14 with Force Field)
HP use if I can: 9 become a 10: 10 + 2 = 12 (16 with Force Field)
Fortitude roll: 12 + 3 = 15
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Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Kongming, 3 H.P.

Kongming's dark eyes reflect the light of the fires, and this combined with his beard and a quick grin that flashes over his face gives him an almost devilish appearance as the zombie falls at his feet. He fires another shot at the nearest zombie, casting his eyes over the walls.

Fortitude save 18 + 1 = 19
AC 17 + extra hero point = 22
Damage save vs. any attacks this round 6 + 1 = 7
Attack roll 13 + 4 = 17, +3L damage
Spot check 10 + 7 = 17 to find a fire extinguisher if Zodiac's plan doesn't work


First Post
Last Round
Christopher quickly regains his senses and puts a bullet in the zombie above him before crawling backwards.

"Hey Knight, a little help here."

Christopher attacks the zombie standing over him and then crawls backwards as far as possible
Attack Roll, Luck to attack, 18+6+3-2=25
4L damage +1 armor penetration
Fort save 7+2+2=11

This round

The Red Knight moves to give Christopher a hand. Or rather, a large flaming spikey fist.

Christopher stays prone and begins crawling towards the door.

The Red Knight charges toward the zombie attacking Christopher. Or a zombie near Christopher if the one attacking him is destroyed.
Attack roll to hit 13+12+2=27
11L Strike damage plus 6L fire damage

Christopher spends the whole round crawling towards the door.

Damage saves for any hits this round
Red Knight (6 ranks protection)

Christopher (1 rank armor)


First Post
Prophet HP: 3

OOC: In this turn he is swinging his staff, not firing a blast of holy energy at them.

Xavier swings his staff around his body and aims it at the zombie he hit last round, this time hoping that it strikes true and kills the impure beast.

Staff Attack Roll: 19 (roll) + 9 (melee) = 28 total; 7L
Fortitude Save: 4 (roll) + 9 (Fort) = 13 total
Damage Save: 15 (roll) + 9 (DMG) = 24 total (only if he gets hit in this round)

OOC: not spending hero point this round.

Karl Green

First Post
Updated Round 2
Christopher is able to shake off the pain of the creature's blow and starts crawling towards the exit as fast as he can…

Also the two Doctors make it out the exit

Fires of Timbuktu Round 3
Michael - 23
the Red Knight – 17
Lia - 16
Andy - 15
Undead – 14
Kongming – 12
Christopher – 7
Dr. Clay – 6
Paul – 4
Xavier – 4
Dr. Husseini - 3

Michael, coughing a little from the smoke, fires into the creature trying to claw him…
Damage save 11 vs. DC 19
…and blows most of the creatures head off. He then moves towards over to the door to the exit (next round can be out of the room)

The Red Knight charges the creature advancing on Christopher, slamming into it…
Damage save 4 vs. lots ;)
…and the creature is literally blow apart by his blow, falling in pieces around him.

Lia charges the last creature on Xavier, slashing it with her claws…
Damage save 19 vs. 21
…but when that fails to drop it, she goes for the throat with her teeth…
Dave save 11 vs. 26 for the crit
…and comes away with most of the things head and spinal cord!

Paul, coughing a bit from the smoke, spots a water pipe running along the ceiling and fires a blast at it…
Damage save for the pipe 5 vs. 19
…and it burst, spraying water everywhere. Focusing his will, he starts spraying the water knocking down the flames (next round it should be able to get a better handle on the fire, but for this round…)

Combat has ended, Andy, Kongming, and Xavier can do something different (if you doubled moved you could be out of the room this round). Christopher can crawl to the exit this round. Anyone in the room at the end of the round requires another Fortitude Check…


(sorry about that :()
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First Post
With the battle over Red Knight drops his energy field and stretches his arms, making several loud squeaking noises.

"That was a nice warm up. Maybe sticking around with you guys won't be so bad if we get to do that often."

Christopher looks about to reply but a fit of coughing convinces him it would be better to get outside and into some fresh air first.

OOC: RK just stands there, completely unnefected by the smoke and looking for any zombies that survived. Christopher crawls outside and stands up again.


I aim to misbehave
Sgt. Michael Camden "Ace" HP's 3

Michael will guide those that need it out of the building, then get out himself.

"Anyone care to tell me what just happened in there?" Michael asked the nearest person quietly.

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