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B.P.R.D. Issue #1 "City of Night"


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OOC: Paul will evaluate how hard it will be to repair the seals. He will use his Detect Magic.

Spot: 13 + 3= 16
Know(Ritual): 6 + 9 = 15 (If Andy's Gadget is on at that time: 15 + 6 = 21)

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Karl Green

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Working together, Paul and Andy think that they might be able to 're-create' the Seal within 2 minutes with an average roll (around 15-20) within 5 minutes with a fairly easy roll (around 10-12) and automatically with 10 minutes of time (less then a 10)...

As they look around, some of the other people start hearing and seeing...

Paul is concentrating on the symbol to much to see or hear anything out of the ordinary…

As Andy is examining the symbol he hears some low growling, almost a low hiss like a big alley cat might make, coming from the area behind him. Glancing back he don’t see anything…

Kongmind looks around the big doomed room, and not 50 feet away he sees some green eyes glowing in the darkness coming from behind a large marble column. In a second he can better see what looks like a cheetah creeping out of the shadows and hanging low to the ground… the creatures’ eyes are glowing a sickly green in the light and it’s silently hissing and staring straight at Paul, creeping towards him… Kongmind also catches a glint of light and notices that the big cat is wearing a diamond studded color around its neck. He then detects some movement behind of couple of other columns… there might be 2 or 3 more of these creatures in this room.

Michael hears the hissing like growl and then see another set of green glowing eyes coming from different parts of the room. He sees at least 4 cheetahs creeping out from the back of the doom, coming from the deep shadows around… at present most of them are focusing on Paul and Andy who have moved up to the Seal on the floor…

Those that noticed can decide what they wish to do… if they ‘attack’ this is the surprise round. Roll Initiative. If not, post your actions… anyone with Handle Animals can make a roll to see how and when the cheetahs might react ;)


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Paul Decker, HP:2, Stun:0, Lethal:0, Status:Healthy

"Two minutes. I need two minutes." Paul make a step closer to be just in front of the Seal.

He will not do that ritual.

It is his job.

He doesn't know how to do a Ritual.

He was disturb last time.

As if he will not. Undeads outside, you know. He lacks concentration.

Give him a chance.

He must do it, many lives are at stack, maybe every live on earth. At least ours.

We are lost!

Help him.

Paul, I will tell you all you need to do.

I know the ritual. I studied it twice today.

Fine, but in any doubt, ask.

My pride is not high enough to endanger us all, but now, let me concentrate.

OOC: Initiative: 19 + 0 = 19
Force Field 6 active
Last edited:


I aim to misbehave
Sgt. Michael Camden "Ace" HP's 2, [1 lethal hit]

"I've got a couple cats over here, too," Michael said in a calm voice. He slowly paced nearer to the seal [If there's no attack].

If the cats attack . . . Michael flips the switch on his weapon, using the lower barrel. This barrel fires a viscous glob of goo that expands in flight and impacts on a target, adherring them to the ground (or a wall or pillar if one is nearby).

Initiative: 26 (Roll of 17 + 9 base)
Attack: Snare (anchoring to the ground) - Reflex Save DC 16, To hit: +26 = Base 11 + 1 Focus +1 point blank + 13 Roll)


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The Red Knight strides into the room and stays near the two magicians, ready to protect them while they work there magic. Just like old times when... no, not now, concentrate on the present, not the past.

Spot roll: 2+5=7
Listen roll: 10+4=14
Initiative: 18-2=16
(Finally, a high roll)

As the others head in Christopher stands guard at the door, keeping an eye out for any new arrivals.

Spot roll, Luck to roll: 18+2+3=23

(OOC-Init 5+5=10)

"Let's aim for two minutes? The sooner the better and if worse comes worse we'll be able to try twice and still come out with less time than if we tried to do it in five..." Andy suggests to Paul. "I'm sure the others can handle whatever's lurking in the shadows behind us...at least I hope they can...


First Post

"Two minutes, five minutes, whatever just get started allready."

Seeing that the other react to some threat she hasn't spotted she hurries to the side of the two magicans to be able to intercept anyone trying to attack them.

Karl Green

First Post

The cats continue to come out of the shadows, Michael and Kongmind see maybe 5 or 6 each, the Red Knight see another two or three, creeping out from behind cover, etc. Lia thinks she can hear more... They are making no attack yet, just creeping and gathering about 50 feet from the party. There is a deep growl that is coming from most of them though and their sickly green glowing eyes hold only hatred


Christopher standing guard by the door notices that the corpses nearest the dome start to stand up, jerking and twitching in very unnatural ways. A couple start moving toward the huge double doors, very slowly. The ripple of bodies' looks like it is moving out into the city... hundreds; maybe thousands of corpses are starting to twitch...

Paul and Andy, you will not make the Ritual roll until the 2 minutes are up… you MAY have to make concentration rolls… as…

back Inside…

Paul and Andy start the Ritual to re-create and Seal of Solomon, chanting in low voices, and stepping in a ceremonial patter on the floor… as they start the cats growl in rage… and…

Initiative (those that have already rolled it do not need to… on the chance that one of the cats can get to Paul and Andy, please roll a concentration check for me. The rest, Initiative and Attack rolls please! The cats are coming to attack!)


First Post
Christopher turns to the others when the dead start walking once again.

"Guys, we've got a problem out here."

Seeing that the others are have their own problems to deal with Christopher moves to close the two doors and looks around for something to wedge them shut with.

Spot Roll, Luck to roll: 3+2+3=8
(Definately should have gotten the unlucky weakness :( )

The Red Knight summons his flames and with a roar charges at the nearest cat.

Free action: Activate energy field
Full action: Charge
Attack roll: 3+12+2=17
Strike Damage save DC 26
Energy Field Damage save DC 21

Voidrunner's Codex

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