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B.P.R.D. Issue #2 "the Hunger"

Kevin Perrine

First Post
Rudolf Cavendish gets equipped

Heading down to Supply, the group meets up with the young 'Danny' of supply. He greets everyone and provides all equipment requested so far, along with winter coats (black with the B.P.R.D. logo on the back) and the B.P.R.D. standard Transponder/Locator/Communicator belt unit. He says "Not sure about what is up with the weather in New York, so I would not expect these unit to be good more then an couple miles. Of course they are no good at all underground, just as a reminder in case it matters"

After that, the team heads over to Transportation to check out the sedan and cargo van. Both are non-descriptive without logos or any other identifying markings.

Who is planning on driving. I assume that the Red Knight has to be transported in the van. Who is riding in what?

ACE said:
Ace spoke up when he reached supply, "I'll drive the van, if no one has a problem with that. I can had a vehicle reasonably well . . at least I'm not driving through sand storms this time."
"Danny, I need some good goggles, see into a couple different spectrums," Michael stated. "What do you have that will work for me?"

"...good plan there 'ACE', thanks Danny....."
as Rudolf walks with the group toward Transportation taking the short sized coat and comm belt off Danny's hands.

"If nobody else wants to drive I suppose I can handle the car, some'athem specturm-goggles might come in handy if you got a spare set Danny... an' you can load in my personal equipment request in the trunk, 'cept for the 'Magnum... gimme the shoulder-holster and extra rounds sos I can get comfy with'em now... Thanks again Danny"
Rudolf looks around as he helps Danny with the equipment he'd requisitioned, getting all set for the trip.
None of the resta the team had said mucha anything to him...
...figures, buncha frog-racists...
Rudolf thought as he slumped his shoulders and slipped on the overcoat. It's the way it'd always been since the change. Hellboy, Abe, even Roger had had a few words with him about it...
"it" being the subtle looks that even his team would give him in the future, afterall he had been a part of a major case-file... Even Manning didn't really feel good about lettin' a former Rasputin controlled Cavendish into the Bureau...
a-well... what the hell....

"SAY, any'a you fellas wanna stop at a Starbucks before hittin the road.....?
Rudolf yelled out as he slumped down to get a feel of the Sedan driver's seat......

Karl, here's the equipment from the list I'd be interested in having... most of it will probably remain in the trunk, I just wanna be cautious.
I looked for something more like an old school .35 pistol but you didn't have one on the equipment list...

this is the gun from Nocturnals sourcebook.
Colt Python (.357in pistol) +4L 30' Multishot Mag 6 4 Pts.
(maybe specialized with a BPRD logo on it?) :)

here's the rest
BPRD Tactical Vest - load bearing Type IIIA Standard SWAT Vest. Color: Black with BPRD logo on back [Armor +3]
Multi-purpose tool/pocketknife. Color: Black with BPRD logo on the hilt [Weapon/Melee +1 lethal]
All-weather lighter. Color: Silver with BPRD logo
"Diving" lamp/flashlight/ Color: Black with BPRD logo
Personal Radios -resemble cellular phones, generally with a range of 5-25 miles depending on local conditions. Can act as a cellphone in most modern areas [Radio Hearing/Transmitting]
Belt Signal -go for locating other belt signal within a 5-25 mile area (depending on locate conditions)
WristWatch GPRS unit Global Posting Satellite receiver with digital audio recorder built in.

S&W Md.29 .44Magnume revolver [Weapon/ranged +5 lethal, Armor Penetration 1, Range 40ft, 6 shots, requires a minimum Strength bonus of +3 to fire this pistol effectively]

Remington M860 12G shotgun [Weapon ranged +6 lethal, +1 Attack bonus, 30ft range, 6 shots]
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Karl Green

First Post
[occ]These all seem good to Danny.

I guess we have lost the Red Knight so...

Ace gets behind the wheel of the van, and the rest of the group piles in, ready to head down to NYC. After re-checking weapons and equipment you leave the B.P.R.D. Headquarters grounds and head south.

After about an hour, the weather starts getting worst. Wind, snow, sleet and rain all mixed together to create increasingly dangerous roads. Ace has to slow down as the surrounding traffic putters to a crawl. After another 45 minutes or so though the van pulls across the bridge and onto Manhattan proper. There is a full blow blizzard going on here and the streets are clogged with traffic, both vehicle and foot.

Where do you wish to head first?


I aim to misbehave
Sgt. Michael Camden "Ace" HP's 4

Michael concentrated on driving the vehicle through the difficult weather conditions. He was defensive, constantly checking mirrors and distances, eyes darting to and fro. As such, he was quiet on the way into Manhattan.

Finally, he decided he wasn't going to drive through the dead stop crap any more until he knew more about his destination. "Alright, everyone, I got us into Manhattan. Any ideas where to go from here?"

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
"Not really," says Kongming. "Unlike last time, we don't really have anyone to meet or a place to be. I guess as good a place as any might be some of the crime scenes. Maybe there's things left, traces."

I'll get myself an armored vest if I can.


First Post
Paul leaves the group, and first start to search the book containing the ritual to find someone. He will use the body part as a link, so he doesn't have a penalty due to the lack of link.

OOC: See OOC thread for the description of the ritual. The ritual usually take 10 minutes, so I'll use 20 minutes per ritual, so I lower the DC by 2, making it 13+Will save of target. I will do the ritual for every person that have dissapear. I'll start with the last one that have dissapear up to the first one, making all with body part before the other, as their ritual will be easier. As it take time, I suggest you make me roll every 20 minutes in game play, and I'll cal them on a cellular as soon as I have some news.


First Post

Without a comment Lia takes her usual package of stuff. She still doesn't like to rely on equipment but some base neccesities are just too usefull to go without.

BPRD Tactical Vest - load bearing Type IIIA Standard SWAT Vest. Color: Black with BPRD logo on back [Armor +3]
Multi-purpose tool/pocketknife. Color: Black with BPRD logo on the hilt [Weapon/Melee +1 lethal]
All-weather lighter. Color: Silver with BPRD logo
Personal Radios -resemble cellular phones, generally with a range of 5-25 miles depending on local conditions. Can act as a cellphone in most modern areas [Radio Hearing/Transmitting]
Belt Signal -go for locating other belt signal within a 5-25 mile area (depending on locate conditions)
WristWatch GPRS unit Global Posting Satellite receiver with digital audio recorder built in.

Rudolf said:
"SAY, any'a you fellas wanna stop at a Starbucks before hittin the road.....?

"What's Starbuck's?"
Not very much of an introdcution as these are her first words to the new team member at all. Apart from the supernatural attraction her werewolfside projects Lia doesn't do much to improve social relationships.
With a very unahappy expression she takes the front seat of the van beside Ace. Driving is a stupid habbit of two legged prey creatures. Hunters should run. But if she absolutly has to drive she at least wants to see the road.
Her experience of her last few missions tells her that she'll just get nervous twitches otherwise.

Kongming said:
"Unlike last time, we don't really have anyone to meet or a place to be. I guess as good a place as any might be some of the crime scenes. Maybe there's things left, traces."[/color]

"The latest. Smells will be fresh. If not we might at least find some more information and numbers for you to play with. Maybe some occult stuff for Andy and Paul. Nobody commits the perfect crime there must be some traces to work with."
Unlike the beginning of their first mission Lia sound pretty confident in her teammates this time.

Karl Green

First Post
[occ] depends on where you want to go? You can contact the police officers and they can meet you at any of the crime scenes with any of the 'evidence' that you request. Depends on where you want to go first. It will take at least an hour to get there and for the police detective to arrive there also[/occ]


I aim to misbehave
Sgt. Michael Camden "Ace" Hps 5/5

Lia said:
"What's Starbuck's?"

"Sorry to disappoint anyone, but we are not going to Starbucks," Ace finished. "Unless anyone has any better choices than Starbucks, we should head over to one of the crime scenes and gather some intel."

"Paul, will that ritual thing of yours work better at the residence of the person missing?"
Ace asked, having no real knowledge of those things.

If there are no objections, Ace will get on the phone with the local authority contacts they were given to set up an immediate visit to the closest crime scene.

OOC: Taking charge. Don't want this to drift any more.

Karl Green

First Post
[occ]To at least get the base DC to find the person he might wish to locate, Andy would at least need a item or something personal of who he wishes to locate. Being at the location where the 'parts' of the victims where found, might also help. The nearest crime scene was (rolling random) victim 17. The two detectives could meet you there in 20 minutes. [/occ]


First Post

Ace said:
"Sorry to disappoint anyone, but we are not going to Starbucks," Ace finished. "Unless anyone has any better choices than Starbucks, we should head over to one of the crime scenes and gather some intel."

"Oh, the little frog will be heartbroken. I'd still prefer the scene of the latest crime, but as long as we get to one this year it will be fine."
She just stares out of the window for the rest of the trip, the unnatural weather makes the wolf more than a little nervous.

Voidrunner's Codex

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