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BADD- evaluate my dragon DM'ing? (KotSQ, Glacier Season module SPOILERS)


Ziona said:

As for Doc not asking for your opinion on this situation, will you please re-read the thread name for me...yeah, that's right...it says EVALUATE MY DMing!

For the record, I think you've misinterpreted the thread. Doc asked people to evaluate his DRAGON DM'ing, not his DM'ing in general. There's a huge difference between the two. Considering the thread was addressed specifically to BADD, I think it was fairly obvious that he was soliciting help on tactics for a dragon to use. Nothing he said implied to me that he wanted opinions on any of his DM decisions other than tactical decisions.

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Dr Midnight

Wow, this sucks. A little beefing about game-table politics and the matchhead is lit. Allow me to address some points, then I'll go to the smooth-over hug-n-kiss session.

The purpose of this thread was to get some opinions on what I did right in Dm'ing the dragon, and what I could have done better. I've picked up a lot of ideas and been shown a lot of mistakes.

I did state at the beginning that I don't want any characters reading this, and I don't know why they did anyway, but that's pretty much moot now.

As for all the debate about the "harm" spell, I think that was more of an issue when the group felt like they were being attacked for being such stupid players.

Well, there's a large part of the problem. I wasn't groaning and bashing my head against my fists because it was stupid. It was mostly that I had prepared for the first third of the module that night, and wasn't prepared IN THE LEAST to tackle the epitome of white dragons. I also had to quickly cross-reference teleport, bag of holding, and other elements to keep things from falling apart. PLUS, it looked to me to be a TPK. I put a lot of love and time into the campaign, and I didn't want to see it shot to hell over something you might read in Knights of the Dinner Table.

Doc says we've been bad & that we're going to get spanked, and I think it's silly.

What I meant by this was much more along the lines of Dennis Hopper in Speed mumbling "Don't &^$% with daddy," then pushing the bomb button. The players messed with a dragon and fled. They threw rocks at the bee hive, and can't run far enough from what's coming.

don't say we were over our head when the DM made the decision during the battle that he was definetly going to use the house rule.

I told the players beforehand that I was definitely going to use the house rule. I confessed to wavering, but that didnt' mean I was committed to do it. I stood by my decision.

You're all complaining about Vek's whining and complaining, but Doc started a whole thread to complain about his players instead of addressing the issues with them. It's one thing to ask for some ideas or opinions, but it's another to say all these things and to think that the players weren't going to see this thread.

I didn't start it to complain about the players, and I did talk to the players about the problems. Ask anyone around here- I rave about my players. They bathe, they're sociable, they wed.

As a side-note to that, DM'ing is a thankless job. It really saps you when you put a lot of effort into a game and you never hear a compliment or word of thanks. That's okay. What's draining is when you hear the complaints that are really just barbed comments disguised as jokes.

All I know is that I play D&D for fun, and when a game gets to be taken so seriously and things start getting taken personally, it's time to step away from it for awhile. Like Xaltar, I'm sorry that our enthusiasm upset Doc, and I'm sorry he was so "livid" and "beyond mad" that he had to create this thread.

I don't believe "livid" and "beyond mad" are my words... please don't put them on me, because I wasn't. Vek put it much better: I flipped out for a while. Breakdown time. "Waaaaughhh!!", etc.

So, here we are, it seems some people think that blows were thrown, and there's some cleanup to be done. This has happened before. I'm not as familiar with the group as they are with each other, and I might not know what lever not to pull once in a while. When something like this happens, it'll undoubtably put me in a bad situation because I'm the new guy, and am easily closed out of communication. I'm really not sure what's being said of me right now.

Stupid ^&$$ing dragon...

Squire James

First Post
Given the chaos that Teleport decision made of your campaign, I would consider pulling a "Bobby Ewing" here. The PC's just had a baad dream about what would happen if they tried Teleporting directly to the Wyrm's lair! Maybe the gods are doing them a little favor in return for their part in keeping "Mr. T" locked up. Maybe Vek drew (and used) another "avoid any situation" card when nobody was looking. This AIN'T worth ruining a campaign over!

Frankly, I think it is a glaring weakness in the module itself. I read all this text about various "what if's", and not ONE of them mentioned the obvious: what if they decide to Teleport (if they meet mod level guidelines, they can T w/o Error!) in? One little sentence with even a lame explanation of why that wouldn't work (special ice, y'know!) would have sufficed. Perhaps it should be made clear that Scrying is insufficient to establish Teleport coordinates (an iffy thing, but I can see it working). As it is, the module left the DM high and dry.

Then again, it's amazing how many published adventures for levels 9 and up don't say a thing about handling characters who Teleport! If the old "D-series" can think of it (and give an explanation about as bad as the special ice), why can't these new guys?


First Post
Thread Recap

Here's a summary of the thread as I see it.

1. Dr. Midnight asks for advice about the dragon's tactics.

2. Several people respond on why the dragon has the ability and motivation to kill the entire party.

3. In concert, it is discussed whether Doc should show mercy to the PCs.

4. Personal criticisms of the players and characters start to arise.

5. Two players reveal that they have been reading the thread in defiance of Dr. Midnight.

As I see it, the players are challenging the DM to make a decision that he doesn't want to. That is, to kill the party and possibly end the campaign. There are still many options for the players to recover from their bad decision. Everyone makes bonehead moves once in a while. But the dragon would likely scour the earth for the PCs. I can think up at least three ways that the heros can recover from a TPK. I'm sure there are more than that.

Good Luck!


First Post
You know, Wolfspider, you're right. Doc said not to read this post. I will not lie by saying I didn't read the whole thing, (i read most by skimming, but it was read nonetheless.) I guess what really gets me is that almost each and everyone of you said we had no right to do what we did. Who says? It's a game, and can be played a thousand different ways. People have said we disrespected our DM by attacking the dragon & that's silly as well. Doc was involved in Xaltar's campaign when we've pulled similar manuvers, and he had no problem with it then when he was the player.

Another thing that gets me is that nearly all of you said to TPK, which (although obviously this is what the dragon would like) destroys Doc's game. Any new characters we make after a TPK will have no ties to the current story line, so there would be no point in continuing what our heroes were doing. Also, if Doc completely ruins the characters (by taking each and everything they have) this renders them useless. I don't think sending a dragon to a sleeping party and destroying them while they are helpless is fun for Doc or the players. My concern is that your advice is going to destroy Doc's campaign.

Besides that, you're right about something. We should not have read this thread. Because I read this thread, I got angry by what I saw posted by people I don't know and took it out on Doc. But, in the end, if it helps save his campaign, or helps us all communicate better while gaming, then it was worth the trouble. That's what I see as our biggest problem...communication. I'm not going to continue posting on a board talking to people I don't know about the issues we had with last week's game. I'll discuss it with Doc & the players since that's the only way things will get resolved. Now that I've read the things I posted in anger last night, I see that I was harsh, too. But, I think you still have no right to say that we have direspected our DM by our gaming, and I think your advice on Doc trashing his friendship with us over a game is outrageous. Stuff like this happens from time to time no matter who you are or what you're playing, but a game is not worth losing friends over.


I guess what really gets me is that almost each and everyone of you said we had no right to do what we did [read this thread]. Who says? It's a game, and can be played a thousand different ways.

Well, if you want to CHEAT, sure, the game can be played that way.

I'm afraid this statement really didn't change my position toward what you did. If anything, I think it's a little pitiful that you just then justified cheating by saying it was a valid way to play. Strangely enough, I don't really feel angry. Just sad. Very sad.

Another thing that gets me is that nearly all of you said to TPK, which (although obviously this is what the dragon would like) destroys Doc's game.

Don't be ridiculous. Bringing your character's back to life would be simplicity itself, if you and the DM decided that's what you wanted to do. If Spock can come back to life in a universe with no magic, then you're high level characters can be raised and ressurrected back into action within days, no worse for wear other than perhaps some lost magical items. So, again, I feel utterly unconvinced by your argument.

I'll discuss it with Doc & the players since that's the only way things will get resolved.

I can't disagree with you there.

But, I think you still have no right to say that we have direspected our DM by our gaming, and I think your advice on Doc trashing his friendship with us over a game is outrageous.

I have every right to say that you've disrespected your DM because it's true.

As far as your other comment, consider the following hypothetical situation. If I were playing a game of poker with a group of friends, and I had played poker with them for years, and then I found out that they had been cheating, you bet I'd be angry. I'd probably never play poker with them again, although more than likely I'd remain friends with them (after a short period of being pretty sore).

If you go back and read, I never encouraged Doc Midnight to give up his friendship with you, just that you probably were not worth gaming with due to your untrustworthiness. That's my advice to give, and I can give any advice I damn well please. Of course, Doc Midnight is free to completely ignore this advice, as is his right as a thinking human being.
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First Post
Ziona said:
You know, Wolfspider, you're right. Doc said not to read this post. I will not lie by saying I didn't read the whole thing, (i read most by skimming, but it was read nonetheless.) I guess what really gets me is that almost each and everyone of you said we had no right to do what we did. Who says? It's a game, and can be played a thousand different ways.

Actually, what most of us said was you had no right to still be alive. Doc asked us for the tactics a White Great Wyrm Dragon would use, in the situation you already played through and what he would likely do afterwards. If Doc would play the Dragon even close to it's full potential, your PCs should all be eradicated. Your PCs have every right to charge blindly into an encounter that's over their heads, but you shouldn't expect the DM to spare you just because your PCs were stupid.

People have said we disrespected our DM by attacking the dragon & that's silly as well. Doc was involved in Xaltar's campaign when we've pulled similar manuvers, and he had no problem with it then when he was the player.

And... so? All that means is Docs character in Xaltars campaign should be equally dead. As for you disrespecting your DM, you disrespected him by reading this thread when he, in the first line of his post, told you not to. That alone proves you have zero respect for the guy running this campaign.

Another thing that gets me is that nearly all of you said to TPK, which (although obviously this is what the dragon would like) destroys Doc's game.

First off, like Wolfspider said, the campaign will eventually die anyway if encounters like this continue, and the lack of respect for the DM remains. Second, you keep complaining that your characters shouldn't be killed because what they did was "in character", and then you admit that the in character response for the Dragon would be to eliminate your party, but say it would "destroy the game". Sounds like a double standard to me.

Any new characters we make after a TPK will have no ties to the current story line, so there would be no point in continuing what our heroes were doing.

As I said earlier, there are several ways to continue in the campaign world, and at this point I wonder if you all wouldn't be better off restarting anyway.

Also, if Doc completely ruins the characters (by taking each and everything they have) this renders them useless. I don't think sending a dragon to a sleeping party and destroying them while they are helpless is fun for Doc or the players. My concern is that your advice is going to destroy Doc's campaign.

That is utter crap. Your concern isn't with the campaign, your concern is with the fact your precious items might be taken away, or your character might be killed. You obviously don't give a rats arse about this campaign or the DM running it, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this thread.

Besides that, you're right about something. We should not have read this thread. Because I read this thread, I got angry by what I saw posted by people I don't know and took it out on Doc. But, in the end, if it helps save his campaign, or helps us all communicate better while gaming, then it was worth the trouble.

Yet more utter crap. I don't see how it helps "save" Docs campaign when his players read a thread he specifically told them not to, ruin all the careful planning he has made, as well as the advice he got from the other posters, and helps your group better "communicate". If anything, I'd say this would cut back on your "communication". If your DM can't even trust you to do a simple thing like not reading this thread, why should he trust you with anything else?

That's what I see as our biggest problem...communication. I'm not going to continue posting on a board talking to people I don't know about the issues we had with last week's game. I'll discuss it with Doc & the players since that's the only way things will get resolved.

If you don't even respect your DM enough to stay out of the cookie jar he told you not to touch, I don't think there's much you are going to "resolve".

Now that I've read the things I posted in anger last night, I see that I was harsh, too. But, I think you still have no right to say that we have direspected our DM by our gaming, and I think your advice on Doc trashing his friendship with us over a game is outrageous.

First off, like I said before, you disrespected your DM by reading this thread. It's no better than pulling out the adventure notes he carefully prepared and reading them right before the game.

And if you would break off your "friendship" with Doc just because he has a Great Wyrm White Dragon react accordingly in response to your characters actions, you aren't really a friend in the first place.

Stuff like this happens from time to time no matter who you are or what you're playing, but a game is not worth losing friends over.

If the people you're playing with are really your friends, you don't need to worry about losing them over a silly game. And Doc apparently does have to worry about that.

Doc: If I were you, I'd drop the campaign. Your players obviously don't care about the work and effort you put into it, and have no respect for you. The one I just responded to indicates that they would no longer be "friends" with you if you eliminated their characters (justifably so) in a D&D game. DMing for such people is not worth the time or the effort, and I think you'd be better off spending your time doing something else. In any event, good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Dr Midnight

MasterOfHeaven said:
Doc: If I were you, I'd drop the campaign. Your players obviously don't care about the work and effort you put into it, and have no respect for you. The one I just responded to indicates that they would no longer be "friends" with you if you eliminated their characters (justifably so) in a D&D game. DMing for such people is not worth the time or the effort, and I think you'd be better off spending your time doing something else. In any event, good luck with whatever you decide to do.

That is some of the worst advice I've ever read.
I do wish you people would stop "helping" me with this issue...
(necessary smily face goes here: :D )


OK, as per requested by Doc Midnight, my participation in this thread is ended.

Again, good luck!

Oh, Doc, you might want to contact a moderator about closing this thread, if that's what you want done.

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