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D&D General Best VTT for the most players?


Im using the free version of Roll20. I looked online with a quick google search but cant find an answer and I have a game in an hour. Does anyone know how to zoom into a map tighter than 250%? I zoomed in as far as the slider will let me but I want to zoom in closer to a specific spot, but this is as close as I can get. Im not that knowledgeable in the program, still learning. Thanks.


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Im using the free version of Roll20. I looked online with a quick google search but cant find an answer and I have a game in an hour. Does anyone know how to zoom into a map tighter than 250%? I zoomed in as far as the slider will let me but I want to zoom in closer to a specific spot, but this is as close as I can get. Im not that knowledgeable in the program, still learning. Thanks.

View attachment 121431

I’m not sure this will help but...

I’ve never had this issue myself. Maybe scale the IMAGE up? I suppose you may lose quality.
Alternatively: assuming this is a map that the players might have in their inventory you can make it a handout for the players to look at at their leisure.

I want to use a VTT but I wan’t to pick one that can reach the most players. I think I need one that will work across most peoples computers/tablets/phones or whatever.
Like Ruin Explorer, I'm using Roll20 and pairing that with the free browser extension Beyond 20 that connects my DnDBeyond account to VTTs. This allows me to use the DnDBeyond character builder and digital character sheet. That saves me from having to buy options on Roll20 or laboriously enter character options.
I click on skills or saves or attacks on DnDBeyond.com and if Roll20 is open it rolls there, even using Roll20's quantum rolling.

This could also take advantage of the DnDBeyond's subscription feature. For a convention you could get a master subscription for a month, make a few campaigns, and share purchases with people who signed up (with 3 campaigns and around 12 characters per campaign you could share with 36 people with a single account).

Alternatively, you could also use Beyond20 with Discord, and instead of using the full functionality of a VTT you could just use Discord for handouts, audio, and maps but handle combat via theater of the mind.


No flips for you!
Im using the free version of Roll20. I looked online with a quick google search but cant find an answer and I have a game in an hour. Does anyone know how to zoom into a map tighter than 250%? I zoomed in as far as the slider will let me but I want to zoom in closer to a specific spot, but this is as close as I can get. Im not that knowledgeable in the program, still learning. Thanks.

View attachment 121431
That's... odd. At 250%, you most definitely should be so far inside the map area that you cannot see the borders, regardless of anything else. I'd click on the map, zoom all the way out using your mouse wheel, and then zoom back in using your mouse wheel and see if that fixes it. I've sometimes seen issues where you get stuck outside the map area and things go wonky, but not for awhile.


Thanks for the suggestions.

I’ve never had this issue myself. Maybe scale the IMAGE up? I suppose you may lose quality.
Alternatively: assuming this is a map that the players might have in their inventory you can make it a handout for the players to look at at their leisure.

I thought about this but not exactly sure how to go about it. I'll give it a shot though. I want a map of the inner sea to map locations and distances so that's why I want it to scale in the program. Im still learnig how all the page and grid scaling work, I can get what I want by screwing around with it, but don't know how to do it again without just messing with it.

That's... odd. At 250%, you most definitely should be so far inside the map area that you cannot see the borders, regardless of anything else. I'd click on the map, zoom all the way out using your mouse wheel, and then zoom back in using your mouse wheel and see if that fixes it. I've sometimes seen issues where you get stuck outside the map area and things go wonky, but not for awhile.

I tried pretty much what you said and didn't help. I have a few ideas why its not working but Im guessing the biggest culprit is me trying to learn and play as I go along. Sure I'll figure it out the more I use it. Im thinking the page size has something to do with it.


No flips for you!
Thanks for the suggestions.

I thought about this but not exactly sure how to go about it. I'll give it a shot though. I want a map of the inner sea to map locations and distances so that's why I want it to scale in the program. Im still learnig how all the page and grid scaling work, I can get what I want by screwing around with it, but don't know how to do it again without just messing with it.

I tried pretty much what you said and didn't help. I have a few ideas why its not working but Im guessing the biggest culprit is me trying to learn and play as I go along. Sure I'll figure it out the more I use it. Im thinking the page size has something to do with it.
Oh, yeah, that could do it.

I am allergic to VTT. So because of the pandemic, I fell back on Discord and Theater of the Mind. I share maps on Messenger so we have computer and phone to work on. I draw the map and add details as the adventure goes on. So far, it works out fine.

I've found Roll20 to be very oddly designed.

It's both very unintuitive and very finicky. To get dynamic lighting or tokens to work you have to click so many options and often you have to do them in the right order. For example, players can't see the names of each others tokens unless you go in and click show nameplate (which seems obvious) but then you have to go into advanced options and also give them permission to see the name plate. There's a lot of stuff like that - GMs have to do an awful lot for the players - and while I can see how that might suit some GM styles it seems an odd choice to frontload that level of control as the default. Another example, with dynamic lighting you can set a player's token to emit light but no one can see it unless you also grant player's permission to 'see' the light.

Tokens don't link to character sheets when you drag them from the journal unless you have already linked the token to the character before you link the character sheet to the token - just bizarre lack of common sense functionality.

Even the character sheets seem to be a bizarre kludgy workaround for the fact that macros are overly complicated. If they had a good interface for setting macros then character sheets wouldn't really be necessary and house rules would be much simpler.

That's... odd. At 250%, you most definitely should be so far inside the map area that you cannot see the borders, regardless of anything else. I'd click on the map, zoom all the way out using your mouse wheel, and then zoom back in using your mouse wheel and see if that fixes it. I've sometimes seen issues where you get stuck outside the map area and things go wonky, but not for awhile.
My usual response to this kind of situation in Roll20 is to refresh the page.

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