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Blood's Eberron Game (Closed)


RE: her past, I was hoping to have her completely secluded from her family. As stated in her background, she doesn't even remember them, and identifites more with the humans who have been moving into this area over the last few decades than she would with any Elf. I doubt after so long she would even be recognizable if it were not for her red hair (Which Is extremely odd for elves in most campaigns.. is it in Eberron?).
Also of note, I was pondering her having some human blood in her, explaining her red hair and un-elflike attitude as the human blood manifesting.

As for weapons of legacy - Never read it, what did you have in mind?

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Bloodweaver1 said:
Eryndur: Does your character come from a family of Dragonmarks or did you manifest it outside of the house? If the later, was one of your parents a mistress/ secret lover? Do you have a superior or someone to report for your assignment in New Cyre.

Windlemas is a true-blooded scion of House Orien, and was brought up within the Transportation Guild. His last name is d'Orien, and he was born in Passage, in Aundair. His father was a house member as well, but unmarked. His mother was a Passage local, untied to the house. Windlemas is the youngest of seven, and the only marked. His father has always been determined to see his lone marked son rise high within the house hierarchy.

Windle's immediate superior is an unmarked Orien employee named Soodem. He's a mid-level expert who was a lightning rail engineer and conductor many years ago, based out of Metrol. He professes to be loyal to House Orien only, but it is widely known that the man is fiercely proud to be Karrnathi. Take that for what it's worth...

Soodem tolerates the young d'Orien heir, but harbors some resentment because of his mark. He fears that Windle is actually an inside agent for House Orien, sent to check up on him.


First Post
Jemal said:
RE: her past, I was hoping to have her completely secluded from her family. As stated in her background, she doesn't even remember them, and identifites more with the humans who have been moving into this area over the last few decades than she would with any Elf. I doubt after so long she would even be recognizable if it were not for her red hair (Which Is extremely odd for elves in most campaigns.. is it in Eberron?).
Also of note, I was pondering her having some human blood in her, explaining her red hair and un-elflike attitude as the human blood manifesting.

As for weapons of legacy - Never read it, what did you have in mind?
A mysterious past definately works for me as as does some human blood. I was just wondering if you knew (OOC) what that past was, but its no big deal. We can work something in when the time comes. If you never read the WoL then forget it. For future reference it is a book that gives details on what you proposed but at the same gives horrible rules and way to do it.

Eryndur: Sounds great.

Necro_Kinder: Book of Nine Swords is fine. A forged warblade works.

rserio: Extensive Knowledge is not required. Arcane and/or psionic fire power is fine. Looking forward to your submission.

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First Post
Name: Dar
Race: Changeling
Class: Warlock
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Homeland: Unknown

Appearance: Normally appearing as a male half-elf, with dark brown hair, cut short, and green eyes. Somewhat slim.


Dar was orphaned at a young age. He doesn't know his parents, or where he came from. He was found in a blanket on the outskirts of what would become the Mournland by a retired half-elf Magewright named Dunkle. The doddering old man took pity on the small baby, thinking at first that it was deformed from some of the odd magicks in use during the war. At the age of two, Dunkle first noticed the ability of the toddler to alter its appearance -- it came as a horrible fright when the child looked at him while trying to alter its appearance to look like him. Dunkle was not very worldly, and had no idea what this child was -- he had never seen a changeling in person before. But he did his best to raise the child as normal as he could. "Dar" was the childs first words, and he came to call himself that.

Nowadays, Dar still knows nothing of his parents -- were they killed during the Last War? Were they fighting for a particular side or cause? Were they in the wrong place at the wrong time? Did they abandon him? Could they still be alive? He really hasn't come to grips with these questions. He does his best just trying to fit in and live as a half-elf.

The one thing that he does know, is that they passed onto him a dark gift. He has felt the dark power coursing through his veins for quite some time, not knowing what it was. He has begun to harness it, to bend it to his will. His adopted 'father' died about a year before the end of the Last War -- Dar was 14 years old. Now 17, he is trying to stay alive and fed.

He has gravitated towards a town called "New Cyre", as he is looking for a fresh start, along with the rest of the people who live there.

Bloodweaver: What all do you want? Full character sheet?


Here's a draft of my dude.

[sblock=Windlemas d'Orien]WINDLEMAS d'ORIEN

NG Human Male Scout 1

ABILITIES (28 point buy)
S 10 (2pts) +0
D 16 (10pts) +3
C 10 (2pts) +0
I 14 (6pts) +2
W 12 (4pts) +1
Ch 12 (4pts) +1

Fort 0 (+0)
Ref 2 (+5)
Will 0 (+1)

BAB: +0
Grapple: +0
Speed: 30'
Action Points: 5
Initiative: +3
HP: 8
AC: 15 (Leather, Dex), Tch 13, FF 12

Handaxe Att: +0; Dam: 1d6; Crit: x2
Throwing Axe Att: +3; Dam: 1d6; Crit: x2; Range: 10'

Balance 2 (+5)
Climb 3 (+3)
Escape Artist 3 (+6)
Hide 4 (+7)
Jump 2 (+2)
Knowledge: Nature 2 (+4)
Knowledge: Geography 4 (+6)
Listen 4 (+5)
Move Silently 4 (+7)
Search 4 (+6)
Sense Motive 2 (+3)
Spot 4 (+5)
Survival 2 (+5)
Tumble 4 (+7)

Least Dragonmark of Passage; Expeditious Retreat 1/day; +2 Survival
Favored in House; 1 favor/week; +1 to check

Skirmish +1d6

one extra skill point/level

Flint and Steel
Belt Pouch x2
Rations, 1 week
Rope, Silk 50'
Torch x5
Climber's Kit
Traveler's Outfit

77 gp


Windlemas (usually shortened to "Windle") is short and compact, with long dark hair and thick eyebrows. He keeps his body slung low to the ground, similar to a predatory animal. He's quick with a smile and a quip, and he keeps his bushy moustache carefully trimmed. He loves maps, and can easily spend hours poring over the smallest fragment.[/sblock]


First Post
Character Sheet - Maltrinox

Here's my initial take on the character. The basic concept is a necromancer who, rather than focusing on raising an undead army, seeks to unlock the school's power for good. Fascinated by legends of the Undying Court, he aims to one day tap into the same positive-energy force that sustains those ancient beings. Disgusted by the bad name that most necromancers have given the school, he will seek out them and their undead minions, and see that they are brought to justice.

Name: Maltrinox
Race: Human
Class: Wizard (Necromancer - Focused Specialist Variant)
Level: 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion: The Undying Court

Strength: 10
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 10

Hit Points: 6
Movement: 30'

Armor Class: 12
Flat Footed AC: 10
Touch AC: 12

Will: +2
Reflex: +2
Fortitude: +2

Base Attack: +0
Melee Attack: +0
Ranged Attack: +2

Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170
Hair: Gray
Eyes: Blue

Skill Ranks
Concentration - 4
Decipher Script - 4
Knowledge (arcana) - 4
Knowledge (history) - 4
Knowledge (religion) - 4
Spellcraft - 4


Spell Focus (necromancy)
Greater Spell Focus (necromancy)

(banned schools - abjuration/enchantment/evocation)
1st Level - Backbiter, Cause Fear, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Ray of Enfeeblement


Heavy X-Bow
:20 Bolts

Spell Component Pouch
Wooden Holy Symbol

:Flint and Steel
:paper (10 sheets)
:Vial of Ink
:Torch (2)

Gold: 29
Silver: 7
Copper: 7


Gavrin d'Lyrandar

[sblock=Background and Personality]Dandy. Fop. Neer-do-well. All of these have been ascribed to Gavrin numerous times during his life. When said to his face, they're met with laughter. As a Dragonmarked scion of House Lyrandar, Gavrin has been...disappointing to his elders. Rebellious even.

It's all so frustrating, considering how brilliant Gavrin was as a child. He was a natural at swordplay and his studies. When he manifested his dragonmark at age 13, it was just another sign among many that Gavrin was destined for greatness. But something went wrong. Perhaps Gavrin's family spoiled him with their expectations of greatness, perhaps Gavrin was just unmotivated. The end result was the same.

After the umpteenth drunken tavern brawl, the numerous innocent daughters, Gavrin was out. He wasn't excoriated--that punishment is reserved for the truly criminal Dragonmarked scions--but he was cut off from the family fortune and exiled from Stormhome. They said it was for his own good, that being on his own would bring Gavrin maturity and responsibility for his own actions.

Forced to rely on his own sword, wit, and meager purse, Gavrin has made his way to New Cyre. A place for new beginnings. Low on funds, Gavrin is willing to take on any job that offers enough coin for another month of debauchery...and freedom. Sir Rugrew's coin is as good as any.

Description: Gavrin is a handsome half-elf with an athletic build and a cocky, mischievous smile. He has shoulder-length, loose brown hair and stormy blue eyes. He's dressed in worn, once fine clothes. His weapons are equally unimpressive, being of average quality only. Gavrin's armor, however, makes a statement. It is tailored to his build, and crafted from fine black leather with shining steel studs. He looks good in it, and knows it. Gavrin's dragonmark appears on the back of his right hand (his sword hand). He doesn't wear gloves to hide it.

Party Role: Gavrin is a competent melee fighter who specializes in precision and mobility rather than toe-to-toe hacking. His skills and decent Charisma also make him a decent party face... assuming the rest of the party trusts him in that role.[/sblock]

[sblock=Level 1 Character Sheet]
Gavrin d'Lyrandar
CN Medium Half-Elf Swashbuckler 1
Init+2; Senses Low-Light Vision; Listen +0, Spot +0
Languages: Common, Elven, Goblin, Draconic
AC 15, 13 flat-footed, 12 touch (+2 Dex, +3 studded leather)
hp 11
Immune sleep and similar effects
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; +2 vs. enchantment spells/effects
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +3 rapier (1d6+1/18-20/x2) or +3 dagger (1d4+1/19-20/x2) or +3 sap (1d6+1*/x2)
Ranged +3 dagger (1d4+1/19-20/x2)
Base Atk +1; Grp +2
Atk Options gust of wind once/day (DC 14)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 14
Feats Weapon Finesse, Least Mark of Storm (gust of wind)
Skills Balance +6 (4 ranks), Bluff +6 (4 ranks), Diplomacy +8 (4 ranks), Jump +5 (4 ranks), Sense Motive +3 (4 ranks), Tumble +6 (4 ranks)
Possessions rapier, masterwork studded leather, 5 daggers (belt, thigh, boot, small of back, off-hand upper arm; all are visible), sap, identification papers with portrait, backpack, whetstone, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, wineskin, small steel mirror

42 lbs. total, light encumbrance (barely). 13gp, 8sp, 8cp. Max starting gold for swashbucklers is 240gp--see the official WotC errata.

[sblock=Planned Progression to Level 6]2nd (Swashbuckler 2)

3rd (Swashbuckler 3): Storm's Riposte (regular)

4th (Fighter 1): +1 Dex (16); Weapon Focus (rapier) (class bonus)

5th (Fighter 2): Improved Initiative (class bonus)

6th (Storm Sentry 1): Lesser Mark of Storm (wind wall) (regular)

Gavrin will use feats and a prestige class from the Dragonmarked Eberron book. Should the game make it past 6th level, Gavrin will likely finish Storm Sentry and then stick with Fighter, with the Daring Warrior feat from Complete Adventurer. As you can see, he really starts to shine in combat at 3rd level, with the gain of Insightful Strike (Int to damage). After that, the Storm Sentry abilities really take off. He should be very flashy in combat, and a whole lot of fun to play.[/sblock]
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Massif Dardungren - Dwarf Barbarian

Starting in New Cyre and hiring hands? Sounds like it's time for Defender's Guild member Massif Dardungren to get some work in again! I've used Massif in two other games here on ENWorld previously, and will offer him up for this adventure as well. Hope you like!

[sblock=Appearance and Background]
Appearance: Massif is a little shorter than your typical dwarf, but also a little wider. His dark, gold skin ripples over thick, meaty muscles, and his long blond hair is pulled back into dozens of thick ponytails. His face belies his unhappiness with being away from home as his lips are in a perpetual scowl and his brown eyes are constantly narrowed. Thus he appears much less attractive than he otherwise might. He is always dressed very simply in various earthen colored tunics that he makes no effort to keep clean. His body is unpierced as he finds that particular affectation to be somewhat silly, but he has no problems wearing rings, amulets, or other types of jewelry. In fact, a very large medallion bearing the symbol of House Deneith hangs prominently around his neck.

History: If you move throughout the Mror Holds, you will find thousands upon thousands of well-settled and urban areas filled with dwarven, gnome and human occupants. However, as you reach some of the deeper areas underneath the towering peaks... areas which begin to encroach upon orcish clans... those areas can be pretty deadly indeed. The dwarven Dungren clan has lived for hundreds of years in one small section of caverns that leads further towards several of those orcish outposts, and they have spent their lives keeping watch. These dwarves have lived a simple martial lifestyle, fighting and defending their caverns from humanoid attack. Every child who is raised in this community is taught from an early age whatever skills would be necessary to survive in this environment. Massif Dardungren is one of such children.

The third son of two honest, good-hearted parents, Massif grew up wanting to follow in his father's footsteps of combat and defense of the clan. An extremely healthy boy, Massif would spend hours upon hours running, lifting, and practicing his weaponship so that upon his graduation into adulthood he would assume his place alongside his father and brothers patrolling the tunnels of their clan's lands. This was the life he had chosen for himself, as it was the life most of his male family had chosen for themselves for several generations. However, upon his ascension to manhood, his plans were changed by a most unlikely source. With two sons having already joined as defenders of the clan, his father decided that Massif might better serve both the clan and himself by in fact LEAVING the caverns from which he had grown up, and instead plying his trade as a protector to other people who would pay handsomely for his services.

Needless to say, Massif was not pleased with this idea, as he had never any desire to leave the warm embrace of the Dungren clan. However, his respect for his elders was strong enough that when select members of House Deneith arrived to collect a number of the younger dwarven warriors to add to their protection staffs, Massif went without complaint. Thus began his stint as a member of House Deneith, working as a defender and protector for anyone who was willing to pay the House's fees. Thus far he's guarded a few caravans here and there as he's made his way slowly across Khorvaire. Although not yet a member of the Defender's Guild, he figures it's just a matter of time that he earns his stripes. Because at that point the House can charge clients more for Massif's services.

Massif tends to be quiet and unassuming, however when it appears as though the people around him are acting in a manner that he finds stupid or foolish, he will willingly point that out to everyone else around him. This has given him the reputation of being somewhat of a whiner, but in truth he just does not suffer fools gladly. As long as everyone acts to the best of their abilities, he won’t put up much of a fuss. The one advantage of his getting riled up is that he can easily channel that rage into his fighting, and once he’s worked up it is hard to knock him back down.

If you were to speak to Massif, he would tell you he is just putting in his time with House Deneith until he is able to return home and rejoin his family. However, based on the money House Deneith is undoubtedly paying the Dungren clan for the "loan" of several of their warriors, it might very well be some time before the clan asks for him to come home. So until that happens, he will travel where the House asks him travel and protect whomever it is that is willing to pay the fees.[/sblock]
[sblock=Stat Block]
[B]Name:[/B]       [COLOR=Red]Massif Dardungren[/COLOR]
[B]Class:[/B]      Barbarian
[B]Race:[/B]       Dwarf
[B]Size:[/B]       Medium
[B]Gender:[/B]     Male
[B]Alignment:[/B]  Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B]      Dol Dorn     

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)     [B]Level:[/B]    1     [B]XP:[/B] 0
[B]Dex:[/B] 14 +2  (6p.)     [B]BAB:[/B]     +1     [B]HP:[/B] 15 (1d12+3)
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3  (6p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +4     [B]AP:[/B] 5
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0  (2p.)     [B]Speed:[/B]   30'
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1  (4p.)     [B]Init:[/B]    +2
[B]Cha:[/B] 06 -2  (0p.)

                      [B]Base  Armor  Shield  Dex  Size  Misc[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B] 18              10     +4     +2     +2   +0    --
[B]Touch:[/B] 12
[B]Flat:[/B]  16

                      [B]Base  Mod  Misc[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]  +5              +2    +3   --
[B]Ref:[/B]   +2              +0    +2   --
[B]Will:[/B]  +1              +0    +1   --

[B]Weapon                Attack  Damage  Critical[/B]
Dwarven Waraxe         +4     1d10+4     x3
Handaxe                +3      1d6+3     x3
Javelin                +3      1d6+3     x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Dwarven, Common

Darkvision 30' (Dwarf)
Stonecunning (Dwarf)
Stability (Dwarf)
Weapon Familiarity (Dwarf)
+2 save vs. poison (Dwarf)
+2 save vs. spells (Dwarf)
+1 to hit vs. orcs & goblinoids (Dwarf)
+4 to AC vs. giants (Dwarf)
+2 to Appraise on stone/metal items (Dwarf)
+2 to Craft on stone/metal items (Dwarf)
Fast Movement (Barbarian)
Rage 1/day - 8 rounds (Barbarian)

[B]Feats:[/B] Powerful Charge

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 16      [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2

[B]Skills:               Ranks  Mod  Misc[/B]
Read/Write              2
Craft (Smith) +4        2     +0   +2
Listen +5               4     +1   --
Spot +5                 4     +1   --
Ride +6                 4     +2   --

[B]Equipment:                Cost  Weight[/B]
Backpack                   2gp     2lb
Bedroll                    1sp     5lb
Belt Pouches (2)           2gp     1lb
Flint & Steel              1gp     0lb
Lantern, Hooded            7gp     2lb
Oil (3)                    3sp     3lb
Rations (4 days)           2gp     4lb
Waterskin                  1gp     4lb
Whetstone                  2cp     1lb

Dwarven Waraxe            30gp     8lb
Handaxe                    6gp     3lb
Scale Mail                50gp    30lb               
Shield, Lg Metal          20gp    15lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B] 78lb
[B]Money:[/B] 38gp 5sp 7cp
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First Post
I so want in. I was thinking a valenar crusader (book of nine munchkins) who's guardian spirit is making him atone for his peoples' crimes against Cyre. How would we work the mechanic of maneuvers? Let me know if it's good and I'll have a write up this weekend

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