Blueholme: A Simulacrum


Crafter of fine role-playing games
Still shooting for the post-Easter date, so internet time is strictly rationed and it's all hands on deck - or keyboards, at any rate!

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Enjoy WoW, I've not made it myself but do enjoy the local other WoW: Wings over Wairarapa! I also just made our 15th Anniversary to Sydney (sans kids!) so enjoy that too! NZ is a lovely place, though I am a bit biased ;) The museum at Wigram (where my Grandfather served for a while) Christchurch is certainly worth a visit too, if you can convince your other half.


Crafter of fine role-playing games
I am now waiting for my print proof copy of the BLUEHOLME™ Prentice Rules perfect bound edition to arrive in my letterbox. It might be a while, so be patient - even if all goes swimmingly, it takes a while for things to wing their way to me across the Pacific.

If things don't go swimmingly, of course, it may be back to the drawing board for some serious reformatting ...


Crafter of fine role-playing games
Seems to have gone fairly swimmingly, but I think it can be improved before general release. Also, I want to do both perfect bound and saddle stitched versions.


Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
However, for the Compleat Rules I am still in two minds as to whether to stick with 10-point or go 9-point to reduce the page count.

Much of your target audience is older, yes? I wonder if most would prefer to pay a few extra bucks for a larger font and avoid fumbling for their specs during a game if they need to look something up.


Crafter of fine role-playing games
Much of your target audience is older, yes? I wonder if most would prefer to pay a few extra bucks for a larger font and avoid fumbling for their specs during a game if they need to look something up.
The writer is in the same boat, so you can be sure this has been taken into consideration! The revised PDF already has a larger, simpler font than the original, and it looks very clear in the printed book.

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