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Bothered About Disposable Dragons (B.A.D.D.) Membership Drive


Any thoughts on how I ran these encounters? Oh, and I will join B.A.D.D. as well.

Welcome aboard! If you could give us some more details on what the dragon did in these 15 rounds (besides breathe on the party the first round), we'll be better able to give you input....

Can I join B.A.D.D now

Oh, yes. Welcome to the group. :D

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scaredy-cat PC's

BADD seems a great idea, when I eventually get the chance and confidence to run something, I'm going to be plundering the ideas presented here.

As a PC, my first/last/only one so far, encounter with a dragon was terrifying, exhilarating, and gained me much needed respect from the other PCs in my party, who were convinced I was an over-idealistic wuss.

It was a quest thing, I'd been told to go get a 'Dragon's Tooth' by the ArchDruid. (I owed him a major favour) I had a hint at where to look, and was pointed towards an old-ish Green, who claimed a large forest as her realm. Since the party was about 4th/5th level, everyone thought we should wait a while before doing anything about it, since it wasn't an urgent thing.

I spent the next 2 levels of game time finding out everything I could about the Green, ending up having spoken to people who had spoken to her and having a fairly good idea that if I was polite, took along an appropriate gift, and interested/amused her a little, I would at least be able to ask what service I could perform for her in return for a tooth, and withdraw safely if she wasn't at all interested. (At no point did I consider killing a dragon for a tooth. As a party, we'd have had trouble, and every other PC didn't want to go within a hundred miles of anything that big and dangerous for 'no good reason'. My quest was my problem.)

At this point I discovered that the rest of the party, while happy to kill demons, wouldn't go with me to face the Green, without extensive planning on exactly how to run away when I screwed up the discussion and it attacked us. These guys were terrified of even talking to a dragon, and wanted me to give up on the whole idea.

I got mad (for a lot of other reasons on top of this last straw) and went off on my own to go talk to the dragon. The party to their credit did follow and try to catch up (mainly to stop me doing something they saw as suicide). I found the dragon first, and after a brief, very polite (on my part) and utterly terrifying conversation, she picked me up in her claws and flew off with me to a clearing. Knowing that the only thing that stood between me and being crunched was the fact that I was being respectful and courteous and she was being curious made for some of the most memorable roleplying I have ever done. Of course, If I'd bored her, she might have only flown off, but goodness knows what would have happened if I hadn't been sufficiently polite...

She turned out to know the ArchDruid quite well, and the 'Dragon's Tooth' turned out to be a large 'canine tooth'-shaped mushroom. (I called the DM a bastard at that point - god was I going to be the subject of so much ridicule over that one).

The party had seen from a considerable distance me being carried off by the Dragon, so when I walked back into camp I did get a hero's welcome, until the point came where I had to explain what I was doing with a huge mushroom...


LOL! Very entertaining story. Yeah, I imagine you were sore at the DM for a while, but it really was a clever thing having the tooth be a mushroom. You can never assume anything.... :D


First Post
I'll do it.

Wolfspider - I agree totally about the misuse of draconic natural abilities. I've been guilty of it in the past - but these days my players get a look of fear on thier face when I use the 'D' word.

Anyway, I know HTML, CSS, Javascript, all that stuff. I'd be glad to put a page together for B.A.D.D. Keep premade dragons like the ones that have been posted here, dragon lairs, tactics for all varieties, and plot ideas.

Anyone who has thoughts on this post them here - or you can email me, maddman_75@yahoo.com.


Can I join B.A.D.D. now?

Warning: Contains spoilers for "The Forge of Fury":
I just ran my group of PCs through a fairly refurbished version of "The Forge of Fury", but what I didn't change was the final encounter with the young black dragon, Nightscale. The party consisted of the following: Druscilla (half-elf Drd4), Garrick (dwarf Wiz4), Korven (human Ftr2/Rog2), Phyllis (human Clr 4 of Pholtus), and Baneshere, the druid's 4HD large (and exceedingly tough) wolf. The dragon was CR4, and considering that the party had been warned and were expecting to meet it, should have been a decent challenge at most.

There was a great fight, involving a bunch of criticals by the party and incidents such as the rogue leaping onto the back of the swimming dragon (and being promptly rolled into the water :)), the wizard taunting the dragon to try to draw it out of the water, and the dragon climbing onto the unconscious cleric to attack the others. At the end of the fight, the cleric and the wolf had both been stabilised at -9, the wizard was at 1 hp, the ftr/rog had 3, and the druid had healed herself back up to 29. The dragon survived, fleeing successfully when it was almost out of hit points.

So would that count as a BADD-worthy result?


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I have maaad dragon tactics and I've killed PCs before. Can I be a BADDass too? I even don't allow Harm in my games! That oughta qualify me ;)


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The first time I ran a dragon in one of my game I made it a memorable fight (The party was almost dead and every damage counted), the dragon ran off with only 8 hps left.

I feel it is my duty to uphold the might of these mighty creatures!

I find that B.A.D.D goes hand-to-hand with my ideals(Sp?) of them, sign me up!

P.S. I have a D20 book that is only about Dragons, called : "Dragons" published by Alderac Entertainment Group, it's very interedting :D

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