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Cabal, City of Factions D&D 4E recruiting now!

Jack of Tales

First Post
*click* Blood thirsty tiefling soldiers make trade with halfling river dancers who just happen to be trading goods taken from a group of scavenging thieves. *click*A man in silver armor leads a group of fifteen soldiers against a small group of goblin archers sitting atop a building and firing through trees. *click* In the middle of a city, a prowling demon goes unnoticed *click* An ancient park now overflowing with vegetation is the spawning ground for horrendously evolved beasts *click* A sprawling underground filled with dwarven warriors fighting against half-seen shadar'kai warriors.

Welcome to the city of Cabal, an ancient and ruined metropolis split between various factions as each strives to use the vast resources of the city to achieve individual goals whether it be the domination of the city or the maintenance of the city's powerful trade routes. This will be the setting for two city-themed, urban sprawl & dungeon delving games each following a quite different path. The campaigns will be introduced in full below, but this section will be for character development.
System: Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition
Setting: Homebrew
Starting Level: 1
Starting Gold: As normal
Race: All PHB, All MM excluding: Shadar'Kai and Orc but for specific exceptions. IF you must play one of these two races please PM me with specific concepts/wants.
Stats: Standard 4E point buy
Website Wiki: http://cabalcity.wetpaint.com This contains all relevant faction and game information
Addition Requirements: See game descriptions

Power Level: Characters are beginning at lv 1 but this does not mean they are nobodies amongst the faction. To those who have trained them, fought with them or known them the characters are perceived as skilled individuals who have the ability and capacity to greatly enhance their strength and are expected to become great warriors, leaders, magicians or whatever else strikes their fancy.

Character Proposals:
When you propose your character please include the following:
Character Name [spoiler with character sheet]
Game character is being proposed for
Physical Description
Personal Goals/Family/Friends/Other NPC Connections
Background [Training, key events, interesting details]
What you want: [What you, as a player, want in the game]

Game 1: [sblock="Another Day in Cabal"]
As members of one of the city's many factions you must set out to discover your own destiny. Strange creatures have been seen wandering outside the faction's district, rampaging bandits are assaulting faction resources, new places have been discovered in the Undercity beneath the district and seemingly typical animals have begun attacking those caught outdoors at night. The players are each known for specific talents amidst their faction whether it be magic or sword. While not quite heroes, they are already seen as stronger then many of their peers and are respected by those who know of them.

As members of the Union faction you will be free to act on a number of 'quests,' jobs and adventures proposed to you by various NPC's at the start of the game. Whether you delve into the city's history, attack opposing factions or discover one or more of the many secrets of Cabal's individuals is up to you.
Will you have what it takes to survive and make a name for yourself in Cabal? Or will you simply be another skeleton rotting in the dust of an abandoned streetway....

Additional Requirements:
Posting Rate: 4 times a week minimum
Players: Looking for 4-6 players
All players will be starting in the Union faction and as such character backgrounds must reflect such. You must either be part of said faction or from one of the allied factions [Mirabel, Savuy]. Union is the largest and most inclusive of all the factions as such most if not all concepts should fit into it.

Game 2
[sblock="Battle in District Nine"]

Competitive forces within Cabal have caused the city to be both filled with turmoil and a great proponent for trade. The various resources spread throughout the city have kept many factions on their toes against others. Now, a mysterious new resource has been discovered. In the district known only as D9, or District Nine, a gearhouse has been sighted. It is well known by all that whoever holds a gearhouse in Cabal holds the reigns to providence. Food is a driving force and for some reason the magics of a gearhouse always seem to be coupled with additional resources in the area.

However, D9 is mostly unexplored territory. The few to venture into its borders are never seen from again. The survivor who said he had located a gearhouse within the district told tales of disfigured men, swarms of barbaric orcs and gruesome trolls. Somewhere within District Nine's sprawl of houses lays a deep, underground pathway to a forgotten Gearhouse.

Armed with this knowledge, entrepreneurs have set out to the District seeking to obtain its resources for themselves. Each of you is one of these and will compete against the others through military action, assassination and diplomacy to secure allies and eliminate the opposition. In addition to facing other players there are mysterious forces at work within the district...

Additional Requirements:
Posting Rate: Determined by each individual player but for Player vs player battles where rate will be 1/day
Players: Looking for 5 players

Forum: This game will likely be held at DnD Online Games, an off site PbP forum. The reason for this is the numerous tools it has at a DM's disposal for creating a section of the forum for their game.

Background: Each player for some reason or another is the leader of their own tiny faction. As the leader, it is up to you to name your faction. At the time of play the faction consists of themselves, four combat-ready troops and a small handful of non-combat support NPC's that provide food, building and other labor. The descriptions and background for each can either be made by the player, by myself or a collaboration of both. It is up to your own wants and desires.

These troops can be of any race or type [striker, tank, leader, controller]. If you have no preference I will do it all for you. If you have a preference simply add on a section with your interest that contains the following:

Battle in District Nine Troop Request

Battle in District Nine Troop Request
Race(s): Elf 2, Human 1, Shifter 1
Position(s): Striker, Magician, Leader, Archer

Recruiting: When a character levels up, does something exceedingly well or accomplishes a goal they will receive Recruit Tokens (RT). These can be traded for new or improved soldiers. After the players are chosen I will be providing a 'menu' of sorts as to the costs of various things.[/sblock]

*Note* Both games are set in the New World Campaign setting which is mostly designed by two other Dm's. The work-in-progress site can be found here.
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Seems pretty interesting to me. I can't say I'm very familiar yet with 4e mechanics, but if the game isn't due to start until after the books come out, that shouldn't present too much of a problem.

Jack of Tales

First Post
Here's some on another one of the factions.

Junkers, The Kings of Scavenging
Brief Description: A faction of thieves, con-artists and scavengers. This faction above all others has delved deep into ancient buildings and taken whatever was useful. They dwell in an old warehouse district now called The Downs in the corner of the ancient wall.

Leadership[sblock]The Junkers are led by a single leader who occasionally holds votes on important issues to determine opinion. While he or she can go against this opinion it often leads to the overthrowing of the leader. The Junker leader gains the title of the King or Queen of the Downs and is often referred to simply as King or Queen from then on even by his closest friends. The King/Queen stays in power until death where upon a vote is called to determine a replacement.
The current King of the Downs is Derrick Gervin.

Code of Laws
The Junkyard Code is a codified list of various laws that the Junkers must follow. The laws are as follows:
1. Do not steal from a fellow Junker.
2. Trade fairly to the Savuy and one’s fellows.
3. Do not kill. The Junkers do not murder unless in war.
4. Do not wear purple, it is the color of pride and brings bad luck.
5. Do not go outside the palisade after midnight.
While these are only a sample of the laws in the code, they contain the most important and the most peculiar. Going against any of the laws often brings a fitting punishment. Minor offenses such as wearing purple lead to public chastisement and an hour in a stock. Murder leads to imprisonment and possibly death.

Dwellings [sblock]
Since The Downs was a former warehouse area it is filled with large, spacious buildings. Wood from the nearby forest has been harvested to build walls and make-shift rooms within these warehouses creating an apartment complex-like atmosphere. Those families seeking a more private living area build wooden huts in the wide streets. The entire area has been cordoned off with a sharp palisade which works as a makeshift wall against other factions.
Visual Art[sblock]The Junkers have a unique take on painting that uses several dyes made from breaking apart plants grown in the Gearhouse. The Junkers paint on the walls of Faction. The Downs itself has no free wall space and many paintings are often over-painted by the younger generations. This Junkyard Graffitti appears throughout the city where Junkers have scavenged.[/sblock]
Music: Junkers play a down-to earth style of music with lots of heavy beats and slow, methodical dancing. Common instruments are percussion, guitar and singing.

Holidays [sblock]
Day of Determination: When a trio of trolls found their way into the Downs, the Junkers began to be decimated. The trolls feated on the flesh of the faction for days while dwelling inside their own homes. The greatest Junker warriors ran forth to fight the creatures but unfortunately failed and were killed. It took a great combination of efforts to finally separate and bring down the beasts one by one. This day is celebrated now as the peak of Junker determination for life. Flowers from the forest outside and various gardens decorate the walls and windows of the Downs. Many people play music in the streets and dance. Little work is done on this day. Lots of painting contests occur.

Winter-Fall: The day when the coming of winter is celebrated, or prepared for. The winter festival brings forth a parade of white-garbed individuals performing the Dance of Snow and the famous The Love of Imna Faucha.

Careval: This festival occurs during the beginning of spring. It celebrates the life-style of scavenging of the Junkers. A large market-day occurs where the rarest scavenged items are sold or brought out to be displayed. Bright colors, banners and ribbons are strung across the warehouses.[/sblock]

Dress: [sblock]
Junkers dress in urban colors that are difficult to see in the city. Grey, brown, black, white. The style of dress is very simplistic with men wearing tunics, leggings, a belt, sturdy boots and a sound hat (typically a skullcap). Women are expected to dress very traditionally in one piece dresses or a skirt and blouse. They also wear boots. [/sblock]

Organized Crime: The Junker faction is in itself a form of thieves' guild but at the same time there is a localized thieves guild within the faction.

Cuisine: Prepared dishes unique to the faction include the use of fennel seed and lots of salt which can be found in almost unlimited quantities in the undercity. Fennel seed grows wild along the walls near the Junker territory.

Other Entertainments: [sblock]Junkers are skilled gamblers and like to try their hands at games of luck. Common sports amongst the faction include a variety of baseball using wooden balls and a version of football using a leather ball and the streets. Junkers also encourage their children to play games of stealth that involve one team hiding and the other seeking them out. This trains the children in the most useful Junker traits: stealth and scavenging. Drinking is a common occurrence for all Junkers young and old alike.[/sblock]

Jack of Tales

First Post
If you have an idea of what type of character you would like to play or what type of faction you'd vote to start in then I would be very pleased. ^^ If not, don't worry we have alot of time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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