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Carnifex's Story Hour (Updated January 20th, "The Union")


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The dark-skinned wizard that Irial and Burl are facing quickly blasts the elven rogue into unconciousness with some magic missiles, and the outmatched Burl flees back into the priests quarters where he slams the door shut and desperately looks for a way out - then realises that he's just left his ally in the hands of the foe. He desperately reads the scrolls he picked up from the cleric, able to decipher two of them - but they're divine magiks, dispel magic and water breathing. He then sips the potions but they have a vile taste that makes him retch so he doesn't drink either one.

The necromancer is caught between a rock and a hard place, and realises he's going to have to take his chances. Casting a resistance spell on himself he formulates the desperate plan of charging out the room at the mage, firing his crossbow and then grappling his foe.

It all goes rather well, especially when the crossbow bolt hits the wizard in the throat and kills him instantly :)

A quick check of Irial's body shows he's dead - the wizard cut his throat while Burl had fled. He finds some gold and scrolls on the body of the spellcaster, then checks out the room which the manc ame out of - a mostly bare room with three pegs on the wall - one of which has tatty brown robes on it - and stairs leading down over the other side. Flickering torchlight shows figures coming up the stairs and he can hear goblin-speech as they run up.

Grabbing Irial's corpse, which is remarkably light, he flees the place.

Wyshira and Kale:

With the corsair mages shield down and the spellcaster under attack by Kaerval, Kale quickly hops over and kills the mage with one solid blow of his enchanted blade, acid eating into the man's flesh.

With Wyshira aiding him, Wolf manages to strike the sahuagin corsair captain, shattering the ice armour and drawing blood. Kaerval, now freed of the mage, attacks him as well but misses, but in return the embattled corsair doesn't magae to strike any of his foes.

Kale, operating with grisly machine-like efficiency as he has cut down one foe after another with the alarmingly lethal brine blade (the player seems slightly unnerved by the waepon :)). But now he wants the carnage to stop, and he demands the captains surrender - "Your crew is DEAD! Surrender, or you will
join them,"
he says, and its obvious he means it.

The sahuagin defiantly hisses... and then, with a clang, drops its tridents onto the deck in submission. Around them the sailors gain the upper hand as the corsairs see their captain surrender and lose heart. The day is won for the crew of the Dragon's Eye...

The Five In The Cave:

Tempers in the cave calm down as Melisande and Sandslipper check out the back of it, finding a pool of water which is the source of the brook outside - it looks like there might be an underwater tunnel. Melisande's two-headed toad familiar, Pierre, takes a quick swim, confirming that it does indeed come out in an open space beyond. It looks like this might be a good way out. Melisande and Sandslipper converse a bit as they both realise that the other is, like themselves, different from normal people - they've found a kindred spirit in each other.

Meanwhile Seb has, on the instruction of Mel, dragged the fleshtearer corpse right into the entranceway, since she knows the dreadspawn are superstitious and 'tearers are frankly pretty unnatural and fierce-looking. Seb has noticed by this point that Mel really is blue - it isn't just a trick of the light, and Sandslipper is rather odd-looking too - but he doesn't make mention of it just yet. Maybe her blue skin is explanation for Mel's odd behaviour, he thinks.

As they converse a little more, trouble hits. Two ogres have lumbered over to the cave to check out whats in there, and unlike the dreadspawn they couldn't care less about the 'tearer corpse. Stepping over it and into the cave, the two nine-foot beasts, clad in grime and blood-matted furs and gripping greatclubs, snarl and advance...

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Hello! I'm Wyshira, the water genasi cleric of Ishrak in Carnefex's game. I am definitely having a lot of fun playing, and I hope that everyone who is reading along - both here and on our board - is enjoying the story. (Which reminds me: Carnifex, you should put a link to the Story Hour in the Game Notes section on the board.)

I was hoping the players could use this story thread as our game OOC thread. So.... Is everyone having fun so far? :) I think Kale and I are coming to your rescue soon, Burl! That is, if Burl is the captive of the Pendarme family that Wolf is referring to....

I also wanted to ask Molly (who plays Melisande): Was the title of your last post ("Grab your torch and pitchforks") a reference to Shrek? I just had to laugh!


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Hi Wyshira! I'm Julie, the player of the Earth Genasi Psion. Like Wyshira said I am having a blast as well. It is my first stop when I log in. I feel a little intimidated with all the excellent RPing going on. They add things to thier posts that I just don't think of. I look at my post and see it is only four lines long, and see that theirs is several paragraphs. I am hoping that the quality will rub off on me.

I just realized that I have spent all of my time trying to get away from a fight instead of engaging in one. I'm not going to get much XP that way. And just so everyone knows, I have not forgotten about the package I have. Seems some nasty stuff is up with it.


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Kale Amegrion signing in- indeed, this is a good group of folks. I know Siduri and Steve and Carnifex from a previous game I played with them in, and they're all the stuff. Molly (Melisandre, and Oak (Meganna) I've also seen neat stuff on the boards. That leaves me, Lisa, Topcat (Burl), and Julie in great company.

I enjoy reading all the good posts, too. Carnifex also has a flair for verbal illustration. This isn't to be a big flatter fest or anything, but, damn. Great fun. It's all about getting in there and growing the old skillz. Personally, I think I think way too much about my posts. With time, though, I think I'll be able to bring a more comfortable flavor to the char... a product of growing in a nice environment. Cool.

For you lurkers and viewers out there, post those thoughts and comments! I can't wait to see what things are like months from now, after much is said and done. I love to hear other people's perspectives on the story and my char.

Kale is a novice in the world, having searched for a long time for a hint of what he's to be. Forsaking the influence, benefit, and ties of family, Kale sets off on his own, finding things he likes, and things he doesn't. The merc life is good, gold, success, freedom, but to become one more cynical sellsword would be just as much a failure as floating as a politics-steered merchant wage-slave (his father, as Kale views him when he's the most cynical...) Fun fun.

Note: this message is paragraps long. I just can't resist, even with ooc... =)


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Bulges said:
I just realized that I have spent all of my time trying to get away from a fight instead of engaging in one. I'm not going to get much XP that way.

Don't worry about it - you'll still get plenty of XP from roleplaying.

Another update to the Story Hour soon:

- The battle with the ogres in the cave...

- Burl recovers back in the Pendarme residence, and meets some odd aquaintances of Tewlcroghens...

- Wyshira and Kale divide the spoils of the battle with the corsairs, and discuss future plans...


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Stinky? Bulges? You guys couldn't make it easy on the rest of us and use character names as login names? :) I only say that because I have such a terrible memory for names! Although I am pleased to say that I do have a handle on who is who in the game now finally. (For instance: Julie = Sandslipper, Molly = Melisande, etc.)

I spend way too much time on my posts sometimes too, I think. Especially when a lot of stuff has happened in game since my last post, and I feel that Wyshira ought to react to it all. What does she think of this? How does she feel about that? I'm not really sure she's coming out the way I planned...

But I really enjoy reading the other players long posts. Especially when I get a chance to see inside their character's heads. I know how lucky I am to have gotten into a game with a group like this. I've only been doing the PbP thing since around last spring, so I if any of you more experienced types have any advice for me, I'd love to hear it!


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Sorry about the confusion Wyshira. Bulges is a nickname given to me by an ex-girlfriend. I started using it as my online name when we were together and though she is gone, I kept the name. Why change it I thought.

Julie 'Bulges Sandslipper' Payne


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Unfortunately, I made 'Stinky' when I logged on to the Fight Club forum in the bits n pieces portion of this board (which, by the way, is pretty funny...)- before we decided to run OOC here.

Julie, I'd go right along with focusing on roleplaying rather than combat. Carnifex has a flair for tactical thinking and making baddies difficult (not just from the few baddies that I've seen, but alos evidenced by other posts I've seen on the boards here). Carifex knows to give xp for things other than battle, which is good, because I'm sure there will be times that even Seb and I will be turning tail and running. I've seen examples by experience and reading other discussion posts of Carnifex's that say that in his game, drawing the old sword is definately not always the first best option...

As for you, Carnifex, I hope to stay alive by always looking for the escape, the high ground, the sneak attack; and for Bulges, I hope that Sandie and the others consider running soon, cuz I don't see Carnifex or those ogres playing nice anytime in the near future...


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Yes, I want to run from them too. But I don't want to play Sandslipper in a leadership role (unless they wind up in the desert). Since the other women are staying, Sandslipper will stay as well. Besides, her Onyx has the Hero attribute, so it usually pushes for risk-taking.

And that ring you took, I was going 'Ooh, ooh! I want it!' just because it was onyx.



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Are we interupting the flow of the Story Hour?

Carnifex, are we interupting the flow of the Story Hour by posting things to here?


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