• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Carrion Crown AP (Savage Stampede) - OOC


Thy wounds are healed!
So Zeldana's item will not be coming from the professor?

Your background says that he did give her an "object" and that she still carries it to this day.

I have been waiting for what it is exactly (not needed till you reach 2nd lvl but would help me decide properties of it).


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Just to sooth any concerns, I will not be leaving this game. I do not expect it to complete its full run, but I will allow it its run. However this will be my last game here. History has shown, at least in my case, 0% completion rate of campaigns here.


Thy wounds are healed!
0% WoW that is really unfair for such a long time.

Have you thought of making a character for a Living World. In those if the game meanders out someone is around to fill in (usually a judge).

And I know in the LPF that I have completed more adventures (ok they were all short but the group completed the goal/quest) than any others I have tried getting off the ground.

I'm sure it is the same for LEW, LEB, and L4W.



Thy wounds are healed!
Well I am here for the long haul. My RL group broke up about two years ago and I remembered I had fun RPing here (for the short time I did before my incarceration :().

This game will go through all six modules so I hope everyone else is in it for the long haul as well.



First Post
I haven't had the misfortune of rangerjohn or Herobizkit, but I'm not going anywhere. As long as it holds my attention I would never leave and if I'm in a game I WILL finish it unless it fizzles to nothing. I say we raise 20 million dollars and purchase an island and call it E'n and get all the RPers to live there. That way we never run out of games...

Also for some reason my home games fizzle...I don't know why. Also we lost our normal GM, the worst I have ever had by the way, because he split with his wife. The reason why he was the worst? He was loose with the rules and by loose I mean they almost didn't exist. We would gain 2-3 levels at a time. Things like that. In his games with all the material he made and allowed...you could break any class. He created a bow that dealt 2d12's and when I first met him I asked him about it. He said it was created by Gnomes and was magically treated to speed up the air behind the arrow. So I accepted that. I askd what the cost of it was...10,000gp. I said ok. I asked what spells are needed to create this magical bow...none. Truth be told I'm glad he is gone so I can avoid telling him no...

Also HM are you allowing us to use UM for this game?
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Thy wounds are healed!
I am still reading my copy of UM - I haven't found anything to to bad yet. But I am going to very firm with what I allow so as not to upset the game (which was designed and playtested before UM came out).

So as long as what you want fits the character concept it should be allowed without problem.



I gotta say, I'm in rangerjohn's situation... so many games joined, but either the posting was too slow, or the GM quit.

Well honestly, I jumped into running a game without really being fully prepared to run a message board game. I didn't have a good feel for the pace, but I felt the need to DM a game since I hadn't in quite a long time.

Anyway, I think HM's good for it, he seems to be doing a decent job running his various games. I'll stick with them as long as I can so as not to inconvenience him, playing a character in one of these games isn't terribly time consuming, so it's not a problem.

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