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(Casual D&D IV) A Knight for a Pawn


Hiritus pipes up:

"Don't everybody volunteer at once! I mean, we're due back at Brother Aramil's shortly, and I'm sure he's got plenty of time to wait on us to decide who should offer the prayer..."

Fendric casts a sidelong glance at Hiritus, and the rest of the group. Kneeling at the monument, he thinks of something on the fly:

"Blessed Father of Light, we humbly ask for your guidance and provenance..."

"...as we who undertake this noble journey to save the Realm from armies of darkness, based on the dying wish of Sir Exantrius, move ever onward to lands we do not know. We have trusted Sir Exantrius from the outset, and we know that whomever we seek to warn of this danger scarcely knows this Knight we trust, and of further concern, can hardly believe that this suffering has been visited by a once great man who has since given in to war and hatred.

I leave you, O Radiant One, to trust the truth of our message to the people we visit, or to convince us of its error, and the message is this: the people around you are your last best defense against the pestilence that is to come, and to trust them, to love them, to sacrifice for them, is your best hope of seeing through to the coming Dawn. For it is coming, and at its head is a man once renowned as a peacemaker in these parts.

Help Lord Thedoric see that wholesale slaughter is not the answer, O Holy Radiance. Help him find the virtue that once defined his existence again in his heart. Make this Knight Shine Again for the people who revere You, Pelor. I ask you, Great One, as if my very life depends on it, for indeed I think it does.

And may the Holy Radiance Shine Brightly on my city of Hedrogura, and on these my companions.

Fendric stands once again, sweating profusely. Turning away from the monument, he wipes his forehead on his sleeve.

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First Post
"Yep", Raven says. "There's a reaon why I didn't volunteer to say a prayer. I would've said someting like ; Theodric is a traitor, shoot him before he can fancy-alk his way out of it."

He grins "well done, Fendric."

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"Yes, well done," Shavah agrees. "I'm curious to see what comes of it..."

She glances over her shoulder, as if expecting some immediate response, but finding only an empty breeze turns back toward the party.

"In the meantime, shall we pay that visit to Brother Kethett?"


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Nurthk gets to his feet. Noting Shavah's glance, he nods understandingly.

"Don't know how long it could take, but I'm sure we'll see repercussions," he wagers, taking a few steps in the Common Hall's direction.


First Post
"Yes", raven says."I think I know what you mean. Shall we be off to the next one then? No need to stay here, especially not this close to the statue."


Fendric nods his assent, and he and Hiritus walk with the others to Brother Kethett.

"I shall begin sendings after we have spoken again with Brother Kethett."


Hiritus' Dreams

Hiritus seems pensive as the group walks back to Brother Kethett's office.

"You seem pensive, Brother Hiritus. I would like to hear what is on your mind, should it be a concern we should all share."

Hiritus looks at his compatriot, shocked and a little bit embarrassed at the intrusion. "Nothing troublesome, Fendric. Was just daydreaming."

Probably daydreaming was the wrong action to admit to, but a Knight of the Radiant Order is, if nothing else, honest. Fendric's interest has been piqued, his smile is bright, and answers will be forthcoming. "Indeed I would like to hear it, young Knight! What is it that you wish for?"

"No, really, Fendric... it's... I don't know... nothing valorous."

"Oh, boarfeathers. Tell it true!"

"Argh.. no."

"Hiritus! You are a Knight of the Realm, not a Stone Golem atop a chevrier. Of course you have wishes and desires. Can you not confide in me? Have I ever betrayed your trust?"


"No? No... what? You will not tell me?"

"It's... boring."

"You do not know that it is!"

"Promise you won't laugh?"

"I am already laughing! But no, my dear man, I will not, and would never, pour derision upon your dreams! They are something to cherish and admire, not to dash against the cobblestones!"

"All right, then: I want... a castle. A small one, but I want to build it. I was just thinking of whether I wanted it surrounded by a moat and drawbridge, or not.

See? Boring. Bo-o-o-ooring.

"Indeed not! That is wonderful! You would not wish to possess an existing castle, but instead build a stronghold of your own. I admire that, Brother Hiritus. I promise you that I do.

But if you do decide upon the moat and drawbridge, I would leave enough ground in the center for a vegetable garden.

Hiritus is now smiling.


First Post
"To build something of worth like that with your own two hands is an admirable goal, Hiritus. And I definitely advise a moat. You need not fill it with water though, if you think it would be too difficult, an empty moat would do the job just as well if it were deep enough. I'd also suggest lining it with stakes, but you don't strike me as the sort who'd be interested in such a precaution," Nurthk said jovially.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"Moats are for tyrants, to defend against uprising," Shavah says shortly. "At least, that would be my first thought if I saw a castle with one. But I suppose if you made it look nice, made it an inviting moat, I would approve." Shavah seems to hold back from smiling, not quite willing to express true levity on your way to meet again with Kethett.


Returning to the high cleric's chambers, you are invited to sit -- chairs have been brought in for this meeting, crowding the small room and requiring careful steps. Kethett greets you briefly, then comes directly to the point.

"Well, we've passed it around a bit, and the document appears genuine. It's been compared to writings from Thedoric's last visit, and matches up well enough... And the more I've read it, the more I find the tone, and the nature of the advice, to be distinctly reminiscent of Thedoric's on way of speaking, and of thinking. And that cannot be forged... Why the letter was written, and distributed by a man claiming to oppose Thedoric -- that much is a mystery. If he feared that he would fall, he didn't mention so here." Kethett shakes his head, then looks over the group, apparently hoping for some insight... and stops at Tatlock, following the young man's gaze toward the Kingsmen table in the corner.

"You know," he says abruptly, "I played a game with Thedoric once, when he was here to negotiate the peace with Tourne... I consider myself a fairly adept player, no master, mind you, but fairly adept... But Thedoric, well... For most of the game, I felt that I was matching him well, even building an advantage, until, late into our positioning and advances, he chose traded his knight for one of my pawns, in what seemed to be a fairly insignificant corner of the board... The move baffled me, as it gave me a strong material advantage and did nothing to visibly weaken my position. I could only imagine that he was trying to distract me, to draw my attention away from my own advance, so after the exchange I continued as I had planned; but I had blundered. Within only a few moves my defense was drawn thin, and soon I found that my King had been cornered and captured."

He lifts his head out of the memory, to summarize it shortly.

"My point is, I would not presume to have any insight into Thedoric's intentions. I've learned from experience, more from our political discussions than that game, although it makes a good allegory, I've learned that he is capable of looking at things, of understanding the implications of things, far more deeply than I. Far more deeply than most men. Which is why," he concludes, holding up the letter for emphasis, "his advice is trusted, even when the reasoning behind it is unclear."


Fendric raises his hand (slightly) to speak:

"I confess that for my own part, I am ever more bewildered as to whom, specifically, we serve by delivering these messages. But if nothing else, with each letter we deliver, we remove ourselves further from the war and pestilence that comes, and we offer our warning and advice to the larger cities of the Realm. And that comforts us.

I believe with all my heart that the Realm is in danger, and Despia with it. And still, I should like to see Despia prepared to repel invaders, regardless of who rides at their head.

I admire this City, and the people in it - I should also like to see it, and them, endure. Thedoric's advice is his advice, just as ours is ours. Take it, or not. But the seat at the board is yours, and responsibility rests with you.

Today, we must ride for Valsport, to give Anders Peltram the same warning.

Voidrunner's Codex

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