Caves of Chaos (Group 1, PF) - IC


Thy wounds are healed!
The goblin screams out something unintelligible as Cid kills one of his charges. It swings at Dorian wildly but the cleric gets his shield up to block the clumsy blow.

[sblock=Round 5]
Cid -
Kara -
Belthasar -
Goblin (HP: 6/6) AC 12
Dorian <----------- is up
Goblin dogR8 - dead
Goblin dog R9 (HP: 4/9) AC 13
Quentin (HP: 7/16) [/sblock]

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Walking Dad

First Post
Dorian Greenleaf

With one enemy fallen, Dorian goes back into offense, his swing nearly downs the remaining goblin dog. The beasts looks barely able to keep standing.


standard: attack goblin dog

no much praise for the dice roller, as his benevolence is fickle as seen by the damage roll.


HP: 13/13

Ini: +2 - AC: 20
CMB:+3 - CMD: 15
Fort: +3 - Reflex: +2 - Will: +4

Cleric Spells Prepared: DC = 10 + spell level + 2 [WIS]
0 (3): Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1 (2+1): Bless, Shield of Faith - Enlarge Person[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
Like a whipped puppy the goblin dog yelps before tucking it's tail between it's legs and withdrawing from the mighty warriors.

[sblock=Round 5]
Cid -
Kara -
Belthasar -
Goblin - (HP: 6/6) AC 12
Dorian -
Goblin dogR8 - dead
Goblin dog R9 (HP: 0/9) AC 13
Quentin (HP: 7/16) <----------- is up[/sblock]


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Disposable Hero

First Post
Quentin smiles as his earth breaker connects with the goblin, smashing him against the wall. "Now for his little four legged friend."

[sblock=Action]Move: R8
Standard: PA Goblin[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]WOOO! Finally hit something after 3-4 attempts? At least it was a kill.[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC]It wasn't anything coherent. I'll make sure to let anyone know they understand anything spoken outside of common.[/sblock]


First Post
Cid watches the rat-like thing as it flees, then refocuses his attention on the tunnel that branches off next to him. He carefully puts his back to the cave wall trying to let more of the light from Dorian's shield illuminate the darkness. He keeps a tight grip on his rapier as he does so, watching his shadow stretch into the tunnel he winces and mutters, "Could somebody finish that thing off while I make a target of myself over here?" He inches into the side passage a short way keeping to wall.
[sblock=ooc]Taking a look around.[/sblock][sblock=Actions]Readying an attack. Moving to.. well, I don't know exactly, roughly 10 feet into the east branch of this section of tunnel keeping to the wall.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]

Cididien 'Cid' Starion
Initiative: +4
Current Effects: None
AC: 17 (13 Flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 9/9
Move: 30'
CMB: +1 CMD: 15
Fort: +1 Reflex: +6 Will: +0
Weapon in Hand: Rapier

Dagger: Attack: +01 Damage: 1d4+1
Rapier: Attack: +01 Damage: 1d6+1
Shortbow: Attack: +04 Damage: 1d6
Normal Arrows (20)

Walking Dad

First Post
OOC: BTW, withdraw is a fullround action, so the goblin dog should be collapsing now. Doing more than a move action causes the loss of 1 HP.


Kara sighs in relief that the tide as turned. She draws her crossbow back once again, and fires.

[sblock=ooc]Move: Reload
Std: Fire at dog

[sblock=Kara Starsplice stat block]
Initiative: +4
AC: 15 (10 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: -2 CMD: 12
Fort: +5 Reflex: +5 Will: +3
PER Roll: +2
Current Weapon in Hand: Crossbow

Weapon(Club): 0 = +0(BAB) -1 (Str) + 0 (feat) + 0 (item)+1 (size) +0 (magic) / 1d4-1 b 20/x2
Weapon(Dagger): 0 = +0(BAB) -1 (Str) + 0 (feat) + 0 (item) +1 (size) 0 (magic) / 1d3-1 p or s 19-20/x2
Weapon(light crossbow): +5 = +0(BAB) +4 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 1 (size) +0 (magic) / 1d6 p 19-20/x2 rn 80ft
Weapon(Club, thrown ): +5 = +0(BAB) +4 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 1 (size) +0 (magic) / 1d4-1 b 20/x2 rn 10ft
Weapon(Dagger, thrown ): +5 = +0(BAB) +4 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 1 (size) +0 (magic) / 1d3-1 p 20/x2 rn 10ft
Acidic Ray (Ranged Touch attack): +5 = +0(BAB) +4 (Dex) + 0 (feat) + 1 (size) +0 (magic), 30' range limit, 1d6 acid; 7 uses/day

Sorcerer Spells: DC = 10 + spell level + 4 [CHA]
Cantrips: 4: Mage Hand, Dancing Lights, Read Magic, Spark
Level 1: 2 (4 uses/day): Grease (DC 15); Color Spray (DC 15)



Thy wounds are healed!
With both the goblin and the dog taken care of the group stands silent for a few seconds longer before letting out a collective sigh of relief that no other goblins heard the small melee.

As Kara's grease spell dissipates Cid notices to his good fortune that the passage he put his back to is a dead end. Although his good fortune is short lived as his nose identifies the tunnel as where the goblins must go (and the dogs) when they have to umm... go.

The smell is terrible and by the light coming from the shield there looks to be nothing but trash, spoiled food, and refuse about.

[sblock=OOC] Where to next?[/sblock]


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