CB's Shackled City OOC [Closed]


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Math for Stairs

Ok Stone Shape allows us to do 10 cu ft +1 cu ft/level.
Which means Nyla being a 6 level caster can do 16 cu ft. per casting and I think 3 castings per day.

Aaron (a.k.a I) being a 7th level caster can do 17 cu ft. per casting and 3 casing per day.

If we make each step 1ft x 1ft x 5ft we would need 200 hundred steps. (My math may be wrong here but I here is my method of thinking. If the shaft is 200 ft deep and each step lowers us 1 ft then we will need 200 steps.) This puts the steps at a 45 degree angle that may or may not be too steep. We can make the steps only 6 in high and we would need 400 steps (using the method of thinking.) Either way we can get 6.4 ft closer to the bottom each day. 200/6.4=31.25 which means on the 3nd day Nyla and I both need to give up 1 third level spell. I decided to start at the top so we can guarantee the steps will start on our side of the shaft. We may have to adjust abit to ensure we don't cover the door a the bottom and that is beyond me. Worste case we put ledge over the door way andcontinue down which will add two more 3rd level spells on the 32nd day. If need be we can attach a ladder at 10 ft high which will help if the spiral happens to ends in the middle of the door way.

This doesn’t give us a railing. So if anyone has a fear of heights this will wig them out. I am not worried about the fact that the steps are not supported because they come from the side of the wall. And I don’t think it should be an issue. If I have made any errors please let me know and we can try to hash it out.
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Li Shenron

Mellubb said:
Well, Meenah what you like to do. would you rather answer a want ad or build up your own personal courage and hope the group of heroes who have saved this city countless times doesn't think you are a freak.

I've noticed that you were a bit undecided... :p I'd say that if Meenah knows about the heroes who saved many children already, she would be honored to join such a party, but at the same time she probably wouldn't dare to step and ask them.

Joining the group before knowing that they really are the heroes she already admires is probably the best.

But if planning the proper ad is difficult for the group, what if is Meenah posting an ad?

She would be probably offering her lock/traps expertise for hire to solve specific problems (a stuck door or treasure chest? a doorstep trap you forgot how to bypass?), and only hint at the possibility of being hired for an entire adventure.
I think that at the moment she is quite suspicious too about new comrades being evil, so she'd hesitate at joining a party with the promise of a long lasting relationship.
That is of course, until she discovers that the party is definitely good-hearted. :)

I've gone ahead and fast-forwarded things a tad. I had the group post a want-ad at the Halls of Healing. Meenah saw it and replied to Sister Jalie Sweetvine, who then brought word to Nyla, Aaron, and Bollaron at the lockshop. I fast-forwarded a bit after that, bringing everyone together for a meeting at the Tipped Tankard Tavern. That should get us going.


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Ok I am leaving to return to Iraq today I expect to be out of the loop for about 3 days. My course of action is simple. I plan to cast detect thoughts on my next turn and face Meenah and try to get the majority of the tavern in the spell to try to see if can see if we are being spied on. So, that being said I do not plan on asking an questions myself however, I plan to get the surface thought of those around. I will monitor the thoughts and unless someone is taking interest in our conversation I will wait to we return home to discuss what I found out. CB if you could take control of Aaron until I can get back in the loop. Any questions ask Nyla as I will contact her at least daily until I arrive in Iraq.


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Well, I am back in Iraq safe and sound. Thanks, Li for the well wishes. I know it’s awkward. But all that aside lets go kick some bad guy butt.

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