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Ceramic DM- The Renewal ( Final judgement posted)


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alsih2o said:
So, if a writer misses a deadline they are booted form the competition. What do we do with a late judge?

Well, nothing...it's all volunteer. It would just be a rough guidline so we would know, as Orchid Blossom said, when to start hitting the refresh button.

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Thorod Ashstaff

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Eeralai said:
a rough guidline so we would know, as Orchid Blossom said, when to start hitting the refresh button.

I agree with Eeralai and Orchid Blossom, a rough guideline would be great. I'd give it 7-8 days for the first round though, sixteen stories to judge must be a bear, and 5-6 for subsequent rounds. And I agree that critique should be included with judgments, the critique is the best part!
Hard to say from those of us who have never judged, what do former judges think?


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OK, been throwing pots while mulling this...and I may have an answer.

What if the complexity goes up just a bit?

5 judges. 1 person will pick pictures and give just a judgement, no critique.. We have the other 4 judges split the judgements up and write critique. This gives each judge more time and makes the one judge who manages the competition a position as a just a tie-breaker?

Does this make sense?

I am not trying to be confrontational in asking questions. I sincerely WANT this to to be fun for EVERYONE. That is why I started it. This kind of feedback is important, and I appreciate everyones civil tone and realistic approaches.


The Ceramic DM is definitely fun as a writer. I think it isn't quite a fun as a spectator. But I enjoy reading the stories anyway. It is less stressful as a spectator. I have no experience as a judge, but it is important to me that the judges have fun as well.

That is where my largest area of concern really is. We ask the judges to read and judge 30 stories during a Ceramic DM. We ask them to judge each story based on it's merits and we expect them to be fair. I have never felt slighted by the judges! They always do a good job and I appreciate it. I just want to make sure judging isn't seen as an arduous task that nobody wants to take on.

I have considered what would happen with more judges. Would it be possible to get 4 judges + a picture chooser? What are the expectations of the writers? The judges? If we tried a change in judging format, I would suggest that we team up judges and assign to picture sets. For the finals, perhaps all the judges decide?

More ideas?


I have another set of menu links for you, but I will hold off a little later until you have Orchid Blossom & Firelance's pics posted.


Thought this subject would result in a separate thread, but let's just highjack this one...
I don't want to up the complexity of it at all. I don't really care who judges or how long they take. I'm not concerned if there are lengthy discussions or critiques of each story though I like that aspect of it a lot. I think it is not unreasonable to just be patient.

It's sometimes hard for me to make enough space to write something in the 72 hours, and we have plenty of control on when the pics are posted. Why should we press the judges to finish reading two stories and posting up feedback within 7-8 days of my deadline? IMO, I believe asking for that is pushing too much. Many in this group already know that writing and submitting nearly anywhere else takes longer, sometimes much longer. As a result of a demanding deadline for the qualified judges, they will find better things to do with their time than be stressed out by judging this writing competition.

And how about the reverse? What if the judges just posted up the pics for each round every week on Sunday at 1:32 PM? If the writers didn't make it on time or couldn't commit writing in that time frame, tough muffins. The competition would be done in 4 or 5 weeks, and we would still see some quality work. However, we are fortunate that we can choose our own deadlines.

In the current format I think we have struck a balance. This may be one of the longer Ceremic DM competitions with a 16 contestant tree, 5 rounds, and surviving a new server installation. Sure we all want our judgements and waiting isn't easy. But for the love of St. Cuthbert or whoever, see the other side of the gold piece, and give the judges all the breathing room they want.

Adding more judges would add more time to get the judgements organized and post a result. In the writing competitions I judge there is no way someone should, nor would I, split up the story reading responsibilities. The continuity and expectations of different judges is too broad to deal with. Doing so here would be no different, especially with trying to divide responsibilities to get the job done faster.

Hooked on phonics... again...
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Round 2

Firelance Vs. Orchid Blossom

5 pics, 72 hours, 6000 word limit.


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