Character Level Up Approvals


I was working on approval for Ru Brike and noticed perrinmiller already got it. It appears that rebuilds traditionally only need one approval? Oh well, learned a little about Slayers, anyway.

Hmm, I thought he would need 2 Approvals since it was a complete rebuild of the class. But I guess that was not a big a deal as a fresh character. It really did not take any longer than a normal level-up to go over.

I am fine with 1 Approval only being needed. :)

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I did some quick pre-approval work on Dunkel, all either clarifications or in his favor:[sblock=Disclosure]Clarified the HP lines by removing 'class 2' and adding 'Cleric Level 2' to match the apparent intent; Increased BAB in Sling Attack line to 1 and total attack bonus to +2; Noted number of skill points available is now 5 (no change to skills, 5 pts were already spent)[/sblock]
The only problem is Dunkel has a Favored Class bonus coming to him that needs to be allocated. Go ahead and make that election and I can throw a quick stamp on him.


I APPROVED Mystie for level 4. It was pretty solid and I only had to note she'd taken +1 HP thrice for her favored class bonus. I don't often use that word, but it followed twice, so I decided what the heck. :)

Only thing I have now that I've seen her is, although she may have started that way, I'm not sure I'd currently call her shy. I thought I'd throw that out for your consideration.

Have fun!

Deuce Traveler

I did some quick pre-approval work on Dunkel, all either clarifications or in his favor:[sblock=Disclosure]Clarified the HP lines by removing 'class 2' and adding 'Cleric Level 2' to match the apparent intent; Increased BAB in Sling Attack line to 1 and total attack bonus to +2; Noted number of skill points available is now 5 (no change to skills, 5 pts were already spent)[/sblock]
The only problem is Dunkel has a Favored Class bonus coming to him that needs to be allocated. Go ahead and make that election and I can throw a quick stamp on him.

Thanks. I added a skill point to Appraise, so Dunkel should now be good to go.

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