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characters for Black Sails over Freeport


First Post
I will work one up, my monk idea, but it will be a few days, but don't wait for m, if you gt enough before then, I am cool :) not that you would ait just saying, bleh :)

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JimAde, my character is going to have a couple ranks in Craft (alchemy), maybe he's taken some time tutoring under you to learn the craft better. It'd prolly be a good tie in for my character.


Kitsch - filcher rogue 5

Male Filcher Rogue 5
Experience: 13500/15000

Str 10 -- (6 pts, -4 racial)
Dex 22 +6 (8 pts, +1 lvl, +6 racial)
Con 12 +1 (4 pts)
Int 14 +2 (10 pts, -2 racial)
Wis 8 -1 (0 pts)
Cha 10 -- (4 pts, -2 racial)

Hit Points 27 (5d6+6)
AC 21 (+6 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 Size), Touch 17, Flat 19
Init +6
BAB +3, Grap -1
Speed 25 (base 25, load 20.5/24.75, light)
Climb 20 (base 20, load 20.5/24.75, light)
Fort +2 (+1 base, +1 con), Ref +10 (+4 base, +6 dex), Will +0 (+1 base, -1 wis)

+3 Melee, rapier, 1d4, 18-20/x2
+11 Ranged, mw heavy repeating crossbow, 1d8, 19-20/x2, 120'r

Small monstrous humanoid, 3'0" tall, 34 wt, 12 yrs old
Gray and brown fur, Golden eyes

Speaks filcher and hand sign.
Understands filcher, common, hand sign, and draconic.

+4  Appraise (2 ranks, +2 int)
+13 Balance (3 ranks, +6 dex, +2 racial, +2 syn)
+8  Bluff (8 ranks)
+10 Climb (0 ranks, +10 racial)
+10 Craft (alchemy) (8 ranks, +2 int)
+8  Disable Device (4 ranks, +2 int, +2 circ)
+10 Escape Artist (2 ranks, +6 dex, +2 racial)
+16 Hide (4 ranks, +6 dex, +4 size, +2 racial)
+6  Jump (4 ranks, +2 syn)
+3  Listen (4 ranks, -1 wis)
+12 Move Silently (4 ranks, +6 dex, +2 racial)
+12 Open Locks (4 ranks, +6 dex, +2 circ)
+6  Search (4 ranks, +2 int)
+12 Sleight of Hand (2 ranks, +6 dex, +2 syn, +2 racial)
+5  Spot (4 ranks, -1 wis, +2 racial)
+4  Swim (4 ranks)
+15 Tumble (7 ranks, +6 dex, +2 racial)
+8  Use Magic Device (8 ranks)

-Point Blank Shot (+1 to hit & dmg within 30 ft.)
-Exotic Weapon Prof: Heavy Repeating Crossbow

Filcher Traits
- Darkvision 60 ft.
- Effortless Climber: Filchers possess the supernatural ability to climb any surface, no matter how sheer or steep. They can climb glassy surfaces, even scuttle across ceilings as effortlessly as a spider. The filcher must have bare hands and feet for this ability to function.
- +2 racial bonus to balance, escape artist, hide, move silently, sleight of hand, spot and tumble

Rogue Abilities
-Sneak Attack +3d6
-Trap sense +1
-Uncanny Dodge (retains Dex)

Armored black spider harness (mithril shirt) (worn, 5wt)

Rapier (hip belt left, 1wt)
Dagger (right flank, .5wt)
Dagger (small of back, concealed, .5wt)
Bolt Clips (5), 9/10 (chest bandoleer, 2wt)
Darts, 6/6 (2nd chest bandoleer, 1.5wt)

Masterwork Heavy Repeating Crossbow (left shoulder, 3wt)
Backpack (center back, .5wt)

Knit Cap (head, --wt)

Flasks of Acid, 1 (spider harness pouches, 2wt)
Whetstone (spider harness pouch, --wt)
Antitoxin, 3 (spider harness pouches, --wt)
Black adder venom, 10 (spider harness pouches, concealed, --wt)
Drow poison, 6 (spider harness pouches, concealed, --wt)
Sassone leaf residue, 4 (spider harness pouches, concealed, --wt)
Pouch of chalk dust, 3 (spider harness pouches, --wt)
Wand of cure light wounds, 47/50 charges (spider harness, --wt)
Climbing kit (spider harness, 1.25wt)
Masterwork thieves tools (backpack, 2wt)
Waterskin- water (backpack, 1wt)
Tindertwigs, 20 (backpack, --wt)

Coins- 20gp, --sp, --cp (pouch, ??wt)

Used Equipment:
Alchemists Fire (spider harness pouch, 1wt)
Flasks of Acid, 1 (spider harness pouches, 2wt)
Sassone leaf residue, 1 (spider harness pouches, --wt)

Description: How would you go about describing a three foot tall black and gray lemur wearing an armored (mithril chain shirt) black leather spider harness with various pouches, a small backpack, a knit cap, sheathed daggers, a rapier at the hip, and a heavy repeating crossbow across its back with a bandoleer of bolt clips and a bandoleer of darts in an X across his chest? Its large golden eyes dart about with inquisitive mischief, and it?s hard to really make out whether its smirking at you or just smiling. What appears to be a round furry belt is wrapped about its waist, although you can?t really tell if its part of the little creature or not until it shifts of its volition proving instead to be a long prehensile tail.

Personality: Kitsch grew up as part of a pack, so he always prefers the company of others to being on his own, although this occasionally can be a love/hate relationship. He is usually upbeat and is more than happy to play card games or dice games, which he's acutely deft at. A few things will turn his mood almost sinister; any sort of abuse against children, although when he's in a sinister mood he can be quite disregarding of life. He abhors slavery of any kind and will go out of his way to teach the slavers a lesson and free the slaves. He's pretty spread out when it comes to his moral and ethical views, so some might say he's almost bipolar.

History: Kitsch isn?t all that old, although compared to most filchers he has a more seasoned past. At a young age, Kitsch and other filchers would dash about the cities, a general nuisance to the general population, although a vast source of amusement to children. Slowly, the filchers in the city started to disappear and rumors circulated that the merchants had hired a party of adventurers to cleanse the city of the filchers; pests they called them. Many of the filchers fled the city, although many were hunted down and killed, Kitsch remained in the city.

One day, while attempting to snatch some fruit from a cart a dwarf in armor gave a shout and a rabble of adventurers were soon in pursuit of the scurrying Kitsch. Arrows thudded into the walls and roofs as he scampered from building to building, then something blasted him off the wall, scorching his fur and he was sent reeling to the ground. Dazed and barely conscious Kitsch began crawling for an alley only to be surrounded by the adventurers. Giving up he lay himself upon his back, and looked up into the sky; hoping for a swift death. The adventurers conversed for a moment and then one, a shadowy human looked down upon him and gave him one chance to live: swear an oath of fealty to him, and he would be spared. Torn between a decent death and servitude, he paused and was booted for his indolence. He feebly nodded and lapsed into unconsciousness.

Kitsch became the human?s servant, who he came to learn was named Kerwyn. Kerwyn treated him harshly, but over time with the adventurers he started picking up some of the finer points of Kerwyn?s unscrupulous business. Kitsch served for a year and a half when the adventurers took up a challenge that was too much for them to handle, they had attempted to ambush a number of hobgoblins and it had backfired. Swiftly the hobgoblins had massacred most of the party except for Kerwyn, who along with Kitsch, fled into the forests. Kerwyn slowed and eventually slumped against a tree and Kitsch approached him slowly. With a start Kerwyn slammed Kitsch to the ground and clutched his side, blood oozing from a ghastly wound and both slipped into unconsciousness. Soon Kitsch awoke with a numbing headache and staggered to his feet, Kerwyn was slumped against a tree, still unconscious. Kitsch approached more cautiously this time, prodding the wounded human with a long finger. No response. Kitsch glanced around and found one of Kerwyn?s daggers lying upon the ground, picking it up slowly he rolled it over unconsciously in his grasp. Kerwyn shook with a start and looked upon the filcher holding one of his daggers. With a snarl he lunged at Kitsch but winced and collapsed again. Kitsch strode up to his master, looking down at him, and with a vicious stroke plunged the dagger into Kerwyn?s windpipe, a look of hateful surprise left on his face as the life drained from it. Kitsch snatched up his former master?s valuables and headed off to make a life of his own.

Ending up in Freeport after being run out of one too many town for stealing or some other mischievousness. He ended up becoming a semi-pet for a pirate who found his agility remarkably well-suited to the riggings. He became a lookout and sniper, harrying enemies from the rigging with a crossbow. He eventually earned the pirates respect and friendship, and has taken his leave from the pirate, receiving a parting gift of a masterwork heavy repeating crossbow which he takes extreme care of.

He has since fallen into a sort of friendship with a wizard named Torren Blackquill whose slightly eccentric ways and companion parrot make for good company.
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First Post
Ferrix said:
JimAde, my character is going to have a couple ranks in Craft (alchemy), maybe he's taken some time tutoring under you to learn the craft better. It'd prolly be a good tie in for my character.
Cool. Torren would definitely be up for spreading knowledge. I assume you're not going with the Filcher, then?

EDIT: I didn't see your post. That's what I get for relying on e-mail notification. But what is Craft(alchemy/poison)? Aren't those separate skills?
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I've seen craft (alchemy) used for poisons, so i just put /poison next to alchemy to point out specifically what i'd want the character to be using it for.

Karl Green

First Post
Not really sure about the whole alchemy/poisons, I will check when I get home and look at my DMG... and I don't mind poisons but rememeber the natural "1's" and also that most of these (especially Drow poison) is TOTALLY illegal even in Freeport [note in the world of Freeport the Drow live in the north, are albinos, are sea raiders, totally evil and crazy but can operate fine in the sun...most people just call them Dark Elves though]

Karl Green

First Post
JimAde said:
Torren Blackquill
Medium-size Male Human
Rogue 1/Wizard(Transmuter) 4

Torren just a couple of questions...

1st what are your two restricted sphere? I am sure I can figure it out but don't have my book on me

Also languages are more or less as in the Players Handbooks so Elven, Dwarf, Terran, etc. are all good.

Last what is your 'empowered' item?


Karl Green said:
Not really sure about the whole alchemy/poisons, I will check when I get home and look at my DMG... and I don't mind poisons but rememeber the natural "1's" and also that most of these (especially Drow poison) is TOTALLY illegal even in Freeport [note in the world of Freeport the Drow live in the north, are albinos, are sea raiders, totally evil and crazy but can operate fine in the sun...most people just call them Dark Elves though]

Understood that they are illegal, they're the things for cases of last resort. Yeah, natural 1's are a pain. Would it be possible to end up eventually entering a class focused on sniping that might give the ability to make poison use eventually safe?


First Post
Karl Green said:
Torren just a couple of questions...

1st what are your two restricted sphere? I am sure I can figure it out but don't have my book on me

Also languages are more or less as in the Players Handbooks so Elven, Dwarf, Terran, etc. are all good.

Last what is your 'empowered' item?
1) Enchantment and Illusion. I wanted to eliminate those spells that would be hardest to adjudicate over the 'net. Also, Torren's not all that subtle. Smart but not subtle. I'll add it to the sheet.

2) I believe I get two languages beyond Common (for my INT). I'd like one of them to be Elvish, since the elves are big traders and my family has probably dealt with them. For the other, I'd like something with some real campaign flavor. Is there an obscure (possibly dead) language I could have picked up at the institute for studying old texts?

3) My empowered item is, of course The Black Quill (my rapier). It is not magical, but is masterwork and forged of cold iron. It was a gift from a Fey captain to my uncle Borias. Borias allegedly used it to win a duel with a Fey prince. Up to you if the story's true. Torren doesn't know :)

EDIT: Woot! I finally figured out how to get the possessions to line up correctly. Cool. BTW, you may have noticed that I only paid half for the scrolls I easily have enough to pay full price, but I wanted to make it clear that I made these myself. They are all spells I know.
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