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characters for Black Sails over Freeport


First Post
Very cool! Just the sort of thing I was hoping for. Now, the question is...why did I never notice this before? Hmmm.... :D

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Karl Green

First Post
I think you were out for that part of the battle... but there was a big clue :)

NOTE that if you want to share what you got with each other, cool BUT I wanted those whom might want to keep a secret to do so


First Post
No, I definitely noticed that. It was cool! I mean in the X number of years I've owned the thing. The question Torren is asking himself is: Has the Black Quill always been able to do this, or is something up? I don't expect you to answer that, just letting you in on his thinking.


First Post
NAME: Sirethia Randiriel.
RACE: Female elf. ALIGN: Neutral Good. Deity: Fharlanghn. Home: Tir na Quin.

(3) STR: 16
(3) DEX: 17 (15 + 2 racial)
(0) CON: 10 (12 - 2 racial)
(0) INT: 11(10 + 1 lvl bon)
(2) WIS: 15
(0) CHA: 10

EXP: 10,000
HP: 34
BAB: 4
WILL: 7 (5 + 2 feat bonus)

AC: 13 (natural)
+3 armor bonus + 5 max dex bonus
TOUCH: 11, FLAT: 10

LIGHT: 76 lbs or less. MEDIUM: 77-153 lbs. HEAVY: 154-230 lbs.

- Magic Sleep Immunity.
- +2 Save vs. Enchantment.
- Low-Light Vision
- +2 Listen, Search and Spot
- Martial weapon proficiency

Elf. Common. Celestial. Aquan (undersea common). Draconic. gnome. halfling.

proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with all types of armor and shields (except tower shields).
Turn or rebuke undead
1st favored enemy: humans.
wild empathy
Combat style archery: virtual point blank shot, rapid shot

(2) Handle Animal...............(2+0)
(5) Heal............................(3+2)
(5) Hide............................(2+3)
(2) Knowledge, Nature.........(2+0)
(5) Listen..........................(1+2+2)
(5) Search.........................(1+2+2)
(5) Move Silently.................(2+3)
(5) Spot............................(1+2+2)
(4) Survival........................(2+2)
(5) Speak language..............(5+0)
(3) Profession, Seafarer........(3+0)

Scribe scroll
Iron will (+2 bonus on all will saves)

Granted Power: You can generate a protective ward as a supernatural ability. Grant someone you touch a resistance bonus equal to your cleric level on his or her next saving throw. Activating this power is a standard action. The protective ward is an abjuration effect with a duration of 1 hour that is usable once per day.

Granted Powers: For a total time per day of 1 round per cleric level you possess, you can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds). This granted power is a supernatural ability. Add Survival to your list of cleric class skills.

Detect Magic (2). Detect Poison. Light

Nimbus of light (sunlight illuminates you until released as an attack for 1d8 + 1/lvl damage) pg 136 complete divine
Summon Monster I
Remove Fear
Long-strider (domain spell)

Size: Medium
Height: 6' tall
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 110 years
Hair: shoulder length, curly blond
Eyes: piercing green
Skin: tanned, healthy

Sirethia is a beautiful 6ft tall she-elf with tanned skin and a slender, deceptively muscular build. Her gold-blonde hair is shoulder length and normally held back in a simple braid. She is wearing a dark blue vest over a loose red tunic. Her boots, belt, cloak and trousers are black. Strapped to her belt is a plain, but beautifully crafted scimitar and dagger as well as several pouches.

She keeps her money in a money-belt under her clothes. Slung across her back is a modified backpack with a quiverfull of arrows strapped to it by a clever arrangment of buckles and canvas. Slung across one shoulder is a well-crafted and intricently carved composite longbow. She generally wears masterwork studded leather armor if she thinks she's going into trouble.

Sirethia’s history began when she was found unconscious on a deserted island beach by pirates who had landed there to make repairs on their ship. They took her in, figuring if nothing else, they could ransom her back to her own people for a fair bit of coin. When they found that she had very little knowledge of her own past and therefore couldn’t be ransomed, they decided that she could work off her debt to them by becoming a member of the crew.

She agreed and apprenticed to the ship’s-healer, a priest of Fharlanghn. She never fully recovered her memory, save for bits and pieces. They found that she had some training as a ranger, which helped her to adapt to life aboard a ship-full of rouges.

After she had worked off her debt, which included a year and a day of service, she decided to stay on and served aboard the Eagle’s Pride for a full ten years, eventually becoming first mate. When they reached Free-Port, she left on good terms and is now searching for her past. The captian of the ship, Peter Graymalkin, gave her his signet ring as a token of friendship.

The only clue she has is the scimitar she had been clutching in one fist when they found her. Though plain, this weapon is beautifully crafted and possesses a strange magical aura that no one has quite been able to identify. The only thing that Sirethia knows for sure is that it isn’t cursed or evil. (she is the eldest child of a major noble family on Tir na Quin, though she doesn’t know it..)

The Eagle’s Pride:
Fairly good reputation for pirates anyway. Generally they’ll take the goods and valuables of the ships they overcome and let the crew/passengers go. They aren’t into wonton mayhem or slavery and in fact have a general policy of attacking slave-ships on sight. The captain is Peter Graymalkin.

+1 Scimitar (+7 melee), family blade................02 lbs
Masterwork composite longbow (ranged +7)......03 lbs
40 arrows...................................................06 lbs
Master Work Dagger (+7 melee)......................01 lbs
Masterwork Studded leather armor..................20 lbs

EQUIPMENT (most of this stuff is in a chest in an inn)
Backpack/quiver...............02 lbs
Bedroll/blanket.................03 lbs
Winter blanket.................03 lbs
Chalk.............................00 lbs
Flint and steel.................00 lbs
Hooded lantern................02 lbs
50ft silk rope...................05 lbs
Tolietry kit......................01 lbs
1 lbs of soap...................01 lbs
Repair kit........................01 lbs
Sewing kit......................00 lbs
Small steel mirror.............01 lbs
Signet ring.....................00 lbs
04 sunrods.....................04 lbs
Healer’s kit.....................01 lbs
Cooking kit.....................01 lbs
Mess kit.........................01 lbs
Silver holy symbol............01 lbs
3 pints of lamp oil............03 lbs
Waterskin.......................04 lbs
02 Cleric’s vestments.......12 lbs
02 noble outfits w/jewelry 20 lbs
02 explorer’s outfits........08 lbs
05 pitons/hammer...........04 lbs
Journal.........................01 lbs
ink bottle/pen................00 lbs
3 thunder stones............03 lbs
2 flasks of holy water......02 lbs
Moneybelt.....................00 lbs

Explorer’s outfit
04 Sunrods
Holy symbol
Signet ring
3 thunderstones
2 flasks of holy water

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First Post
Elias Elsworth, Male Elven Bar1/Drd4

Elias Elsworth
Male Elf Barbarian1/Druid4

Deity: none

Str 14 +2 (6 pt)
Dex 16 +3 (6 pt, racial)
Con 12 +1 (6 pt, racial)
Int 11 - (3 pt)
Wis 16 +3 (8 pt, lv bonus)
Cha 11 +0 (3 pt)

HP 41 (12+6+6+6+6+5)
AC 18 (3 dex, 4 armor, 1 ring)

Base Attack Bonus: +4
Grapple: +2

Fort +7 (6 base, 1 con)
Ref +4 (1 base, 3 dex)
Will +7 (4 base, 3 wis)

Languages: Human and Elven

Knowledge (nature) +10 (8 ranks, +2 class)
Heal +11 (8 ranks, 3 wis)
Concentration +7 (6 ranks, 1 con)
Spot +10 (4 ranks, 2 racial, 3 wis)
Survival +7 (4 ranks, 3 wis, +2 class)
Literacy (2 ranks)


wooden staff +6 (4 base, 2 str)
masterwork longbow +8 (4 base, 1 mstrwrk, 3 dex)

Feats & Abilities
Dodge (lv1)
Mobility (lv3)
Rage 1x/day
Fast Movement
Animal Companion
Nature Sense
Wild Empathy
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step
Resist Nature's Lure
Spontaneous Summon Nature's Ally

Spells (5/4/3)
0th - resistance, create water, know direction, purify food/water, light
1st - entangle, shillelagh, produce flame, obscuring mist
2nd - flame blade, summon swarm, gust of wind

Hide Armor +1
Family Ring (currently a +1 protection)
Masterwork Longbow
Wooden Staff
Chest of Miscellanous Items (at the Inn)

His perpetual scowl does little to marr the distinctive elven features - slender, steamlined face and build. He wears a simple cloak, an attempt to be as inconspicious as possible, but there is little hiding the beautifully ornate longbow. Other than that, of course, he doesn't strike you at all, just another elf trapaizing about the city.

The ring was given to him by his family at the early age of 95. It was a desperate attempt to bring him back into the folds of traditional elven society, a society that Elias had already shunned. Elias took the ring and left. He doesn't plan on going back. For the next half-century, Elias lived, alone, in the forests hundreds of miles from Freeport. In doing so, he learned many of the ways of the druid; how not only to survive, but how to have a symbiotic relationship with the environment itself. When poachers came, he was the one who dealth with them. When the storms came, he always knew where the cave was.
A dire bear was a thorn in Elias's side for almost a decade. The monster ravaged the forest, disrupting life on every level of the pyramid. Slaying the beast was the greatest achievement of his life, up to that point. He had laid a cunning trap, but even bleeding, mauled by various caltrops, arrows, and fallen tree branches, the bear had been a difficult fight. Battered and almost unconcious from the repeated blows from the furious monster, Elias managed to put a flame blade right between the bear's eyes, scorching its eyes and filling its lungs with fire. His ring had saved his life, protected him long enough to slay the beast, but he doesn't know it.
Later, Elias paid a renowned blacksmith to make armor out of the slain beast. Some of the magical beast's life force carried over to the armor, strangely enough. He wears it to this day. Protecting the forest had grown tiresome, and so once again, Elias started his life anew, for much the same reason. His adventures led him to the city of Freeport, the first real urban area he has encountered. Awed by its magnificence, and size, Elias took a human name, Elsworth, and ventured into the city. Into another life.
That was two months ago.
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