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characters for Black Sails over Freeport


Name: "Black Jack O'bannon" Dennys thistledown
Class: Rouge 3/Fighter 2

Str 14 6pts +2
Dex 15 8 pts +1 level =16 +2 race +2 enchantment =20 +5
Con 14 6 pts -2 race =12 +1
Ints 12 4 pts +1
Wis 10 2 pts +0
cha 14 6 pts +2

Armor: MW studded leather +3 +5 dex, 18, 19 w/ dodge
HP: 37
Iniative +9
Feats: dodge, Weapon Focus, cutlass, weapon finesse, Improved Iniative


Swim 4/6 Fighter
Knowledge, Sea Lore 2/3
Profession, Sailor 4/4
Balance 5/ 12+ 2 synergy tumble
Climb 8/10 12 w/rope 2 as Fighter
Use rope 5/10
Tumble 5/12 +2 synergy jump
Gather Information 2/4
Knowledge, Freeport 3/4
Disable Device 5/6
Spot 4/6+2 race
Jump 5/9 +2 synergy tumble
Search 4/7 +2 race
Listen 2/4 +2 race
Open Lock 2/7

Languages:Common, Elven, Naval Code

B.A.B: +4
Melee +6/9
Range +9

mw short sword +10 1-6+2 +2d6 w/ sneak attack 310
MW clb +10 1-8+2 +2d6 w/ sneak attack 600
gauntlets of Dexterity +2"Hands of the Jack"* 2,000
spyglass 100 gp
MW studded leather 175 gp
26 arrows 2 gp
18 alchemical silver arrows 3
20 cold iron arrows 2
20 admantium arrows 61
backpack 2 2lbs
bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs
waterskin x2 2 gp 8 lb
50' silk rope 10 gp 5 lbs
MW thieves' tools 100
Entertainer's outfit x2 6 gp 8 lbs
courtasan's outfit 30 6lbs
Jewlry 200 gp
Explorer's outfit 10 gp
trail rations, 14 days 14 sp 3lbs
20 tinder twigs 20
5 sunrods 10 gp 5 lbs
Cure light wouds x4 200
*Grandfather's the original Black Jack, since retired to be a respectable merchant.

Appearance: 5' 120lbs Black hair and blue eyes. Usually dressed in black pants and loose red blouse. Appears to be in his mid twenties.

Background: Jack is at least the the second person to take on the mantle "Black Jack", a legend around these parts for the last 300 years. As a pirate and swashbuckler. Also a fairhand with the bow. The only family he is aware of is his grandfather, Elwynn thistledown.
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Karl Green

First Post
JimAde said:
1) Enchantment and Illusion. I wanted to eliminate those spells that would be hardest to adjudicate over the 'net. Also, Torren's not all that subtle. Smart but not subtle. I'll add it to the sheet.

2) I believe I get two languages beyond Common (for my INT). I'd like one of them to be Elvish, since the elves are big traders and my family has probably dealt with them. For the other, I'd like something with some real campaign flavor. Is there an obscure (possibly dead) language I could have picked up at the institute for studying old texts?

3) My empowered item is, of course The Black Quill (my rapier). It is not magical, but is masterwork and forged of cold iron. It was a gift from a Fey captain to my uncle Borias. Borias allegedly used it to win a duel with a Fey prince. Up to you if the story's true. Torren doesn't know :)

EDIT: Woot! I finally figured out how to get the possessions to line up correctly. Cool. BTW, you may have noticed that I only paid half for the scrolls I easily have enough to pay full price, but I wanted to make it clear that I made these myself. They are all spells I know.

1. OK great
2. Sure... "Valossan" (or the Snake Tongue). Some 5,000 to 2,000 years ago this land was inhabited by a strange snake/lizardmen like race that was VERY advanced but was somehow destroyed. Occasionally digging in around Freeport will turn up artifices from this time period and some underground tombs and places of worship have been found. The language is picture graphs, and it is not a spoken language… at least no one thinks so. Over the years it has been rumored that some of the degenerated descendants of the civilization still live in the Jungle and/or caves around the city.
3. OK got it.


First Post
Karl Green said:
1. OK great
2. Sure... "Valossan" (or the Snake Tongue). Some 5,000 to 2,000 years ago this land was inhabited by a strange snake/lizardmen like race that was VERY advanced but was somehow destroyed. Occasionally digging in around Freeport will turn up artifices from this time period and some underground tombs and places of worship have been found. The language is picture graphs, and it is not a spoken language… at least no one thinks so. Over the years it has been rumored that some of the degenerated descendants of the civilization still live in the Jungle and/or caves around the city.
3. OK got it.
Excellent! I'll update the sheet with Valossan, with the understanding that I don't know what it sounds like, but have as good a grasp of reading it as anybody.

Two other notes about the rapier.

1) I also bought a masterwork dagger. With your permission, I'd like to double its price, make it Cold Iron, and say they're a set. I don't have 2-weapon fighting, but I may take it with my next feat.

2) You asked where we want to go with these items. I'd like to have the rapier (and possibly dagger?) incorproated into my magic, so eventually I'd be able to deliver touch spells with it and maybe even cast spells with somatic components while holding them.

Karl Green

First Post
JimAde said:
Excellent! I'll update the sheet with Valossan, with the understanding that I don't know what it sounds like, but have as good a grasp of reading it as anybody.

Two other notes about the rapier.

1) I also bought a masterwork dagger. With your permission, I'd like to double its price, make it Cold Iron, and say they're a set. I don't have 2-weapon fighting, but I may take it with my next feat.

2) You asked where we want to go with these items. I'd like to have the rapier (and possibly dagger?) incorproated into my magic, so eventually I'd be able to deliver touch spells with it and maybe even cast spells with somatic components while holding them.

1. Sure
2. Hmm sounds good... I will let you know once I see all the players (well at least a few more :))


Fentrith Fade
Chaotic Good Human Cleric of Harrimast 5
Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (37hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 16 or 18 (+2 Dex, +4 armor, +2 shield)
Full Attacks: Bastard Sword +6 (1d10+3)
Attacks: Bastard Sword +6
Racial Traits: Extra skills, bonus feat
Class Features: Turn Undead 3/day, Spontaneous Healing, Spellcasting, Domains: Air, Travel
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +7
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 10
Skills: Balance +3 [2 ranks], Climb +3 [2 ranks], Concentration +9 [8 ranks], Knowledge: Religion +5 [3 ranks], Profession: Sailor +4 [1 rank], Spellcraft +10 [8 ranks], Swim +2 [2 ranks], Tumble +5 [4 ranks]
Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword, Power Attack, Improved Sunder
Languages: Common, Elven, Filcher Handsign

1st (4+d) DC 14 - Bless, Command, Divine Favor, Protection From Evil, Obscuring Mist
2nd (3+d) DC 15 - Bull's Strength, Shatter, Sound Burst,Wind Wall
3rd (2+d) DC 16 - Dispel Magic, Fly, Prayer

Equipment (3979/4000gp)
Cronus's Knife, Adamantine Bastard Sword (3035gp)
Masterwork Chain Shirt (250gp)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds-42 charges (630gp)
Heavy Wooden Shield (7 gp)
Dagger (2 gp)
Traveller's Outfit (5 gp)
Food, Water, Rope, and other essentials (50gp)


First Post
Name: Villard
Class: Rogue 3/Ranger 2
Lawful good

Str 12 4pts +1
Dex 16 (8 pts + 1 level ) +3
Con 12 4 pts +1
Ints 16 10 pts +3
Wis 14 6 pts +2
cha 8 0 pts -1

Xp: 13250
Armor: 16 (MW studded leather +3 +3 dex) flat footed 13, touch 13
HP: 31 (7+7+7+5+5)
Iniative +3
Feats: (1st) Point Blank shot, (1st) two weapon fighting,(3rd) weapon finesse, track(ranger 1),rapid shot (ranger 2)

Hide 8/11
move silently 8/11
spot 8/10
listen 8/10
profession (cook) 4/6
swim 8/9
climb 8/9
tumble 6/11
jump 8/11
balance 6/9
survival 6/8
knowledge nature 5/8
knowledge Geography 5/8
sense motive 4/6

Fortitude +6 (+3 ranger, +1 rogue, +1 con)
Reflex +9 (+3 ranger, +3 rogue, +3 dex)
Will +3(+1 rogue, +2 will)
S.A Sneak attack +2d6, Evasion, trap sense +1, favored enemy(orcs), wild empathy +1,

Languages:Common, Orc,handsign language, elf, sylvan
B.A.B: +4
Melee +5 or +7
Range +7

wealth 50gp.

mw rapier +8 or +6 1-6+1 +2d6 w/ SA
mw dagger +8 or +6 1-4+1 +2d6 w/ SA
MW composite long bow (str+1) +1:+8 or +6/+6 1-8+2 +2d6 w/SA "Blood Freezer" at Point Blank range +9 or +7/+7 1-8+3 +2d6 w/SA
MW studded leather
32 arrows
18 alchemical silver arrows
20 cold iron arrows
backpack 2lbs
50' silk rope 5 lbs
Explorer's outfit
MW manacle
Lantern Bullseyes
2 pint oil
1 cure light wounds
1 invisibility
1 potion sanctuary
2 potion jump

Appearance: 5'10 165lbs Completly bald, black eyes. 27 years old,
Not social person at all. Feels much better in the wild.

Background: Villard had everything to succeed as a young boy, he was smart, wise and very handsome. His father was a rich businessman. When he was sixteen years old, his father business not doing very well, the family left for the north to start a new trade business there. His father was desperate and started using him to do all kind of spying job on his rivals.

Competition in this part of the world can get pretty fierce, one of his father rival hired a group of orc mercenaries to destroy their business and kill them. The whole family got massacred in front of his eyes, while he was fighting them. He got hit in the face by an axe that left him with a big scar. The orcs then destroyed or stole everything in the building and left. By luck he didnt die, he stayed 4 days on the ground and finally woke up.

Looking around, he saw the cadavre of all the family member. As a rich young boy he never was exposed to death and violence. That changed completly his vision of the world and he became very pessimistic and solitary. Looking in the rubles the only family heirloom he found was "blood freezer" his grand mother bow. For 6 years he lived in the forest hunting with it's bow and learning about nature, until he met a group of adventurer. In that group there was a lady named Enrama, he fell in love with her and decided to follow the group just to be with her.

That brought him back to the city. In that group he acted as the scout, improving the talent he developed when he was young with his father. The group got hired as mercenaries on a pirate boat for a few years, having no sailing skills he focused on the kitchen and after a year he became the chef on the boat. He wasn't very popular among the sailor but was tolerated because the food was not that bad.

recently the boat got back to Freeport, they got into a fight with rivals pirate and his girlfriend got killed in the incident. He is currently in the port taking care of her body, Once that will be done he plans on going back in the forest to live alone and never come back to this crazy civilisation that made him suffer too much.

Villards brought her beloved to the crematorium he got stuck with 5 strangers, he is slowly learning to appreciate. for more details of what happened at the crematorium you can read the following thread FreePort Part 1: The problem with Crematorium
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First Post
Name: Zoraster Surefoot
Class: Swashbuckler
Race: Halfling
Size: Small
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Deity: Olidammara

Str: 12 +1  ( 6p.)     Level: 5        XP: 10,000
Dex: 19 +4  ( 10p.)    BAB: +5         HP: 42 (5d10)
Con: 10  -  ( 2p.)     Grapple: +6     Dmg Red: -
Int: 16 +3  ( 10p.)    Speed: 25'      Spell Res: -
Wis:  8 -1  ( 0p.)     Init: +4        Spell Save: -
Cha: 12 +1  ( 4p.)     ACP: 0          Spell Fail: -

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10     +5   +1    +4    +1                 21
Touch: 15              Flatfooted: 17

                    Base   Mod  Misc  Racial  Total
Fort:                 4    +0            +1     +5
Ref:                  1    +4    +1      +1     +7
Will:                 1    -1            +1     +1

Weapons:                Attack   Damage   Range   Critical
MW rapier                  +11    1d4+4            18-20x2
MW privateer               +11      2d6      30       20x3

Languages: Common, Halfling, Elven, Semaphore, Naval Code

Abilities: Halfling Traits, Grace +1, Insightful Strike, Dodge Bonus +1

Feats: Weapon Proficiency (firearms), Dash, Weapon Finesse

Skill Points: 56       Max Ranks: 8/4
Skills:                  Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Balance                    5    +4    +2    +11
Climb                      8    +1    +2    +11 +2 on ropes
Escape Artist              8    +4          +12 +2 escaping ropes
Profession (sailor)        5    -1          +4
Jump                       8    +1    +1    +10   
Swim                       8    +1          +9   
Tumble                     8    +4    +2    +14
Use Rope                   6    +4          +10 +2 tying someone up
Hide                       0    +4    +4    +8
Move Silently              0    +4    +2    +6
Spot                       0    -1          -1
Listen                     0    -1    +2    +1

Equipment:                     Value  Weight  Uses
Mithril Chain Shirt +1*       2100gp   6.2lb
MW buckler                     165gp   2.5lb
MW rapier                      320gp     1lb
MW privateer pistol            600gp     2lb     1
1/2 full black powder horn      25gp     1lb    15
bullets (9)                      3gp     2lb       
traveler's outfit                1gp   2.5lb
Backpack                         2gp     2lb
-spyglass                      100gp     1lb    
-Sunrod x2                       4gp     2lb    
-Sack x2                         2sp     1lb
-4 days rations                  2gp     4lb
-quaal's token, swan boat      450gp     0lb
-potion of cure light x3       150gp    .3lb

Total Weight:  27.5lb          Money:  15gp  0sp  0cp

                          Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:                31    61    97   196   490

*This is Zoraster's signature item.  I'm not really sure how it should develop.  Suggestions?

Age: 22
Height: 3' 2"
Weight: 34lb
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Short Brown

Description: Zoraster dresses to stand out, most notably by wearing his lime green cloak and his mithril chain shirt. He keeps the shirt polished to a blinding shine, and the only thing he likes better than the looks it draws is getting to tell the tale of how he got it.

Personality: Zoraster has one goal in life - he wants to be famous. He wants to walk into bars and hear people say 'Wow, it's Zoraster!' Unfortunately he's still figuring out how to get famous, but he's pretty sure it involves fighting duels and heedlessly charging into danger whenever possible.

Background: Zoraster was born and raised in Freeport, and had an uneventful childhood. He grew up watching the ships travel in and out of the city, and dreamed of sailing out with them to make a name for himself. Once he came of age, he signed on as a deckhand for a small merchant ship, the Seaspray. As luck would have it, his ship was attacked by pirates on his first voyage. They boarded the Seaspray and a fight broke out. During the ensuing chaos, Zoraster grabbed a sword from a fallen pirate, and charged into battle with the rest of the crew, thus beginning a life-long tradition of doing things without considering the consequences. He was promptly knocked unconscious by one of the pirates.

He awoke to discover that he was one of the only survivors on a sinking ship. Fortunately, the captain had a magical feather which he used to create a small boat, and take the survivors back to Freeport.

After his first encounter with pirates, Zoraster decided he would need a better swordarm if he wanted to become famous. So with the recommendation of the Seaspray's former captain, who had already seen his courage (if not skill) in battle, he secured a position on a privateer that guarded larger merchant ships.Its name was Barracuda. He spent the next two years of his life on the Barracuda, learning the ways of the sea and the sword, occassionaly fighting off pirates, and generally having a good time. This came to an end one fateful night when a trio of unknown ships came over the horizon, and made a beeline for Barracuda's current charge. The three pirate ships managed to encircle Barracuda and her charge, and proceeded to board both ships. The fighting on Barracuda was intense, but Zoraster's skill with the rapier had greatly improved, and he soon was one of the last men standing on the ship. Then he saw the captain of the pirate vessel -- a halfling wearing bright red clothing, and the brightest chain shirt he had ever seen. He immediately recognized a kindred spirit. He charged across the deck and challenged the pirate captain to a duel. The captain laughed and asked if he wanted to take over the pirate ship. To which he replied "If killing you means I have to command these knaves, then I'll do it." The pirate captain laughed again, and the battle was joined. Zoraster immediately realized he was outclassed, and was forced to take a defensive stance just to stay alive. As the battle continued, the rest of Barracuda's crew was subdued, and the pirates gathered around to watch the fight. So there was quite an audience when the pirate captain suddenly slipped in some of the blood that was splattered across the deck and fell onto
Zoraster's rapier.

There was a stunned silence as Zoraster looked at the assembled pirates. "So, I'm the captain now?" he said. Then one of pirates smiled at him and said "Yup, and this is a mutiny. But don't worry, since you're the captain we'll take you back to land and hang you instead of just slitting your throat." Zoraster charged at the grinning pirate, but was quickly subdued and tied up by his many compatriots. They tossed him and the old captain's body into the captain's cabin, laughing at the irony. Zoraster's luck continued to hold though, as he wriggled free of the ropes and searched the cabin. He found a hidden compartment that contained several large gems and two odd feathers, which he recognized from his last day on the Seaspray years ago. Taking them and the captain's armor, he squeezed through the captain's small window and fell into ocean. He stayed there treading water in the ship's wake until it was out of sight, then activated one of the tokens, and sailed back to Freeport just like he had two years ago.

Once he was back in Freeport, Zoraster promptly sold the gems used the money to buy himself the finest suite of weaponry he could find. He then spent the next several months living the high life traveling between the city's inns, gossiping about adventure on the high seas, and making sure everyone noticed his new armor. However, his money has now just about run out, and he's looking for work again. Hopefully this time he won't have to ride back to Freeport in a magical boat after his ship sinks and most of the crew dies, but he has a boat handy just in case.
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Karl Green

First Post
Alright they both look good with just a quick glace over them... like the backgrounds for both a lot...

Oh yea DarkMaster, you get 3 bonus languages from your INT. Standard from the PHB plus the ones I added around here if you would like


First Post
Don't mind me, I just want to put this thread on my subscription lsit and the only way I know to do that is posting in it.

Karl Green

First Post
Yes found this thread. Anyway as the game is almost wrapping up Part 1, I thought I would post your 'special' item, but will include spoiler for each. Some of you already know these but anyway. Oh and for XP I want to see about your idea on how to get off to give some for that, but I have the basic worked out. Right now, I am rounding up to 3,500XP for each character. Like I send there is a bump for getting off the island, but not enough to raise a level :(
That will have to come when I return and run part 2, the Haunted House on the Bay. Pretty well have it already worked out ;)

so then Torren spoiler
Your Rapier has Spell Storing [DMG pg. 225] and can hold a single targeting spell up to 3rd level in it. Any time the spell strikes a target, the spell can be immediately cast on that creature as a free action

for Kitsch spoiler
Of course your crossbow has the 'Frost' special ability on it [DMG pg. 224]. Your magic word must be spoken lightly each time you want to 'Frost' extra to be activated on it

for Black Jack spoiler
Your 'Hands of Jack' give a competence bonus of +10 to Hide AND allow you to take a Full-Round action such that you can "hide in plain sight" just like the 1st level ShadowDancer [DMG pg. 195]

Fentrith Fade spoiler
Cutter is a Keen weapon [DMG pg.225] and crits on a 17-20

Villard spoiler
When you hold your longbow in one hand, Villard can see in the dark, with Low-Light vision (x2 humans as an elf) AND/OR with Darkvison up to 60ft, whichever is better. Also when holding the bow, Villard gains a +5 competence bonus on his Survival check for Tracking

Zoraster Surefoot spoiler
Your Mithril Chain Shirt has the Blinding special ability on it [DMG pg. 218]. It can be used twice a day, plus once per 4 full levels the character is (so right now 3 times a day) on command. The Reflex DC is 14.

Voidrunner's Codex

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