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Chicago Gameday 37 Event Planning


Warhorn update!

I've been fooling around with the interface, and I think I have the hang of things now.

When you go to the Gameday 37 Warhorn page, you should see a big Join now! button on the right.


Click that and you'll go to a sign-up form. Put in your info, submit and Warhorn will send you a confirmation email you use to confirm your account.

Once your account is set up, you can go to the Gameday 37 Warhorn page and view the Event Schedule. Once sign-up is live, you'll be able to view the events and sign up for them by clicking the Play button for that event. I've highlighted the location of the button in the screenshot below.


Once you're registered, you'll be able to view your registrations under Your registration in the left-hand menu.

If you're running an event, you definitely want to register ASAP. I can then assign you as GM for your event once I enter the games into the system.

I hope this helps!

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I respect that you'd rather not have to do it all by hand, Mark; but for the record, I detest the thought of signing up for yet another random internet site. My list of handles and passwords is already six pages long. I sincerely hope this is a genuine improvement to the process, or I'm gonna be really cranky. Which would make me an ungrateful swine, cuz, y'know, this is all free. So let's hope that doesn't happen.
Nev, I totally sympathize with your position. Requiring people to register with another site was definitely a concern of mine when considering alternatives to the ENWorld forums for sign-up. Still, I felt it important to explore some of our options, and Warhorn.net seems the best one at this point. The site has a lot of cool features that I think will simplify the process for both me and for attendees, assuming all goes as planned.

I feel it is inevitable that Gameday move to something more formal than threads here on ENWorld. We just need to determine what that next step is going to be.

And really, you've had to sign up for, what, one site in the almost twelve years Gameday has been around? That's not too onerous. :)

Aside: if you need help managing your passwords, check out 1Password. I've been using it for three years now, and it's been incredibly helpful. It simplifies management and makes your accounts more secure. Win-win!

EDIT: I'll definitely poll attendees afterwards and see how people liked using Warhorn. If everyone hates it, we can go back to using the forums or explore other tools.


First Post
Oh man, for a second there I thought I was gonna be able to play Dresden FAE and Dresden Files. Sigh.

I will run *something* in the PM slot if you still need GMs. I have no idea what- Monsterhearts? Apocalypse World? I think somebody offered Ghostbusters/Inspectres already so that rules out InSpectres.

I mean... let's face it- it'll probably be Monsterhearts. I should know myself better. :p

Oh, ACK.

Hey, Buzz hasn't ruled out Dresden Files yet...
You should run Apocalypse World in the afternoon, otherwise somebody ends up sad. I could swap my events BACK and drop FAE!Dresden to play your Monsterhearts, since Laurie is making both slots after all. But then you don't get to play FAE!Dresden. If we leave it as is, PhilK and I don't get to play Monsterhearts, and Laurie only does if she abandons my Dread. (Phil doesn't get to play your event unless one of you switches to the morning slot...I could totally cancel FAE!Dresden and play Monsterhearts in the morning, heh-heh-heh...)
But I really SHOULDN'T cancel FAE!Dresden. Darn it, we need more slots! *g*


First Post
Oh, ACK.

Hey, Buzz hasn't ruled out Dresden Files yet...
You should run Apocalypse World in the afternoon, otherwise somebody ends up sad. I could swap my events BACK and drop FAE!Dresden to play your Monsterhearts, since Laurie is making both slots after all. But then you don't get to play FAE!Dresden. If we leave it as is, PhilK and I don't get to play Monsterhearts, and Laurie only does if she abandons my Dread. (Phil doesn't get to play your event unless one of you switches to the morning slot...I could totally cancel FAE!Dresden and play Monsterhearts in the morning, heh-heh-heh...)
But I really SHOULDN'T cancel FAE!Dresden. Darn it, we need more slots! *g*

Eh, we've got some time, we can work it out.

If I run Monsterhearts in the morning I could take 3-4 players (in addition to the hubby, who I'd be saving a seat for).

There's a lot of ifs up in the air- anybody good at juggling? :p

(Also- I registered at Warhorn but am not able to find a 'play' button to sign up for the breakfast session.)


Okay, I am going to run Dresden Files.

Which slot will make the most people happy? Morning or afternoon?

(I'm leaning towards the morning, but I am flexible.)

Vyvyan Basterd

There should be a "Log In" and a "Sign Up" link in the upper right side of the green nav bar at the top.

Registered with Warhorn :)

I registered both Laurie and I, but when I go to Warhorn I don't even see the green nav bar. :erm:

If I could figure out how to post a screenshot I'd show you what I'm seeing.

Okay, I am going to run Dresden Files.

Which slot will make the most people happy? Morning or afternoon?

(I'm leaning towards the morning, but I am flexible.)

Morning would make me happy.
Last edited:


I registered both Laurie and I, but when I go to Warhorn I don't even see the green nav bar. :erm:
I don't see you guys as registered for Gameday 37, though. Remember, you have to both create a Warhorn account and register for the Gameday 37 event specifically.

Feel free to email me directly with screenshots, and I'll do what I can to help.

I've been in touch with Warhorn.net support and made it clear that they need to post some documentation. :)


Eh, we've got some time, we can work it out.

If I run Monsterhearts in the morning I could take 3-4 players (in addition to the hubby, who I'd be saving a seat for).

There's a lot of ifs up in the air- anybody good at juggling? :p
Maybe this will help: I am going to run The Dresden Files RPG in the morning slot. Added to roster.

Now everyone can make their decisions. :)

(Also- I registered at Warhorn but am not able to find a 'play' button to sign up for the breakfast session.)
I added the breakfast event as part of my testing things out, but it's not really active yet, so you won't be able to sign up until Official Registration™.

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