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Chicago Gameday XVI planning thread - Feb 24th: Head to the sign-up thread

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Hey, guys! I have not made a GameDay in a while, but got wifely approval for this one. I will be running a game for the morning slot (and then fighting the tough decision between Mark and pbartender's afternoon games!).

Dungeons & Dragons - The Animated Series! "Beneath the Blade of Sword Mountain"

Nostalgia is a powerful tool-- it can make 37-year olds enjoy poorly animated cartoons aimed at 8-year olds. Now, you, too can re-live the magic!

This scenerio uses D&D 3.5 rules playing the famed adventurers from the 1983 cartoon series (and Uni the Unicorn). It comes along with the DVD set of said cartoon, so no fair cheating a peek if you have not read it already. But as long as you overact appropriately, I will let cheating slide.

A game of cheesy nostalgia for 6 players. Fond memories of the series are not required, but will probably help the fun factor.


Creature Cataloguer
like i told Buzz, i might just be able to make it so long as it doesn't conflict with my wife's b-day plans (Feb 19). :)

Nev the Deranged

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buzz said:
What rvalle said. Nev, you are more than welcome to run something, and it warms my heart to see you considering so many cool indie RPGs.

Well, that begs the question, what would y'all (yes I said "y'all") rather play? DRYH or IWAMD? That'd be 3 slots for DRYH, or a minimum of 1 Male, 2 Female slots for IWAMD, with no real limit beyond that.

For those who aren't familiar:

Don't Rest Your Head is a game about insomniacs who have been awake so long that they start to see things others cannot... and eventually DO things others cannot. But are they seeing the true underlying nature of reality, or are they just losing their minds? A bit of Neverwhere, a bit of Matrix... here's a link: http://www.evilhat.com/?dryh (sorry, the link inserty thing isn't working for me).

It Was a Mutual Decision is the world's first Breakup Simulator. Yes, that's right, it's a game about a relationship in decline, following a couple through their downward spiral into, at the very least divorce, if not mischeif, madness, and possibly murder. Why would I want to play such a game, I hear you ask. Did I mention one or both members of the couple might be wererats? Yeah. Linkage: um... hm. What do you know? IWAMD doesn't appear to have a dedicated web page. Which is a damn shame. Or my Google-Fu is weak. *shrug* Anyway, trust me, the game rocks.

So, yeah. Pick one.


Mark CMG said:
Thanks for adding me to the schedule. :)
No sweat. You're, like, a Gameday Platinum Card member. :)

rowport said:
I will be running a game for the morning slot (and then fighting the tough decision between Mark and pbartender's afternoon games!).
Sweet! :cool: Ladies and gentlemen, this is rowport's debut as a Gameday GM.

BOZ said:
like i told Buzz, i might just be able to make it so long as it doesn't conflict with my wife's b-day plans (Feb 19). :)
Can we bribe her or something?

I would definitely like to run a game, although I'm not sure which slot yet.

For what game to run, I'm trying to decide between one of three possibilities:
"Rule, Britannia": The year is 1801 and shipping is the lifeblood of
England in its struggle against revolutionary France. Join the
officers, mages, and men of H.M.S. Circe as they strive to defend the
merchant ships of the West Indies against French privateers,
men-of-war, and magic. A game in the style of Hornblower and Aubrey,
with a mix of action and role-playing, using the Ars Magica rules.
Novices welcome; characters supplied and rules will be taught. (3-7

For King And Company: A D&D 3e game, 7th level characters provided. The Western Mountain Company is trying to cover something up. You all want to know what, some of you out of loyalty to the Princess of Aalterdam, others because of your loyalty to your own merchant company. It's a good thing that you're all working towards
the same goals here. [This is an Age of Exploration-style D&D game, role-play intensive.]

All that Glitters... A sudden murder enmeshes the PCs in politics and intrigue. A Greyhawk murder mystery for 4-6 characters of level 1-3.

I've run each of the three games several times, and they've all gotten good responses. All that Glitters... is a retired Keoland-region LG module that I wrote, but obviously could not be run as an LG game now.

Any preferences as to which game I should run, or what slot?

William Ronald

All the games sound interesting.

As I am pretty busy right now, I will pass on running anything for the upcoming Gameday.

I know that we have a lot of good GMs in the Chicago area, so consider running an event. It is a lot of work, but it is a lot of fun.


Cerebral Paladin said:
Any preferences as to which game I should run, or what slot?
All of those games sound pretty freakin' cool, CP. D&D will probably attract more players, but that ArM game sounds schweet!

As for a slot, we've got space in either. If you're a morning person, go for the first slot. If not, don't. :)


Okay, I'm throwing my headband of intellect into the ring, as it were.

I'll be running GW1: The Legion of Gold, using the 1st edition Gamma World rules. That, and players will most likely take the roles of the central characters from The Wizard of Oz, but gamma-fied. Thankfully, this being Gamma World, I don't gotta justify that decision.

EDIT: Oh, yeah... afternoon slot, table with the whiteboard.

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