Chicago Gameday XXIII Planning Thread

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[highlight]This thread is for planning purposes only. A separate thread will be created for player sign-up closer to Gameday. A link to that thread will be posted here.[/highlight]

[h1]Gameday XXIII Planning[/h1]
This is the planning thread for Chicago Gameday XXIII. If you're interested in running an event for Gameday, or just have planning help to offer, this is the thread for you. If you're confused, go here to learn more about Chicago Gameday.

[h2]The Time, The Place, The Basics[/h2]
[highlight]Gameday XXIII will be held on Saturday, July 18th. Events start at 9:30am[/highlight]. Gameday XXIII will be hosted by Games Plus, a.k.a., Earth's Greatest Game Store™.

Gameday has two event slots that are 4-5 hours each: a morning slot from 9:30am to 2:30pm, and an afternoon slot from 3:30pm to 8:00pm (and beyond). We typically run six events in each slot, with 4-6 players plus GM in each event. GMs may request more/fewer seats in their event, but we have found that 4-6 players per event is ideal.

If you do not have an ENWorld Community Supporter account with Private Messaging enabled, please make sure I have your email address. Feel free to email me.

[h2]Current Event Lineup[/h2]

Morning: 9:30am - 2:30pm
  1. D&D 4e, Trevalon Moonleirion, private room
  2. TZG:CotN, Ninjacat, table by back door
  3. D&D 4e, Vyvyan Basterd
  4. Reign/ORE, ekb
  5. Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game, Mark, big blue minis table
  6. shock:, WJMacGuffin
  7. ...

Afternoon: 3:30pm - 8:00pm
  1. D&D/d20, Mark, private room
  2. Supernatural, Ninjacat, table by back door
  3. **********, WJMacGuffin
  4. Hackmaster Basic, AnthonyRoberson
  5. Shadowrun 4e, Dfranco83
  6. Barbarians of Lemuria, Reidzilla
  7. ...

[h2]Submitting and Running an Event[/h2]
How do I sign up to run an event?
If you would like to run an event for Gameday XXIII, please post a proposal in this thread.

What info should I provide as part of my proposal?
At the minimum, we need to know:
  • The game system you will be using
  • How many players will be accomodated
  • A catchy title
  • An event "blurb," i.e., a basic summary of your event
  • Whether you want to run the event in the morning or the afternoon

Optional, yet helpful info you can provide includes:
  • If there is a particular table you would like to use
  • Whether your event expects prior experience with the rules
  • Whether your event is or isn't suitable for all ages
  • Whether pregens will be provided
  • Links to said pregens (PDFs, Word files, etc)
  • Links to info about the game system
  • Links to any other files you'd like to offer potential players
  • Any images you might like included in the final event description

How long should my event last?
Your event should last at least 4 hours.

If you are running an event in the morning, it should not run longer than 5 hours, as you will be taking time away from the lunch break.

Events run in the afternoon may last longer than 5 hours, but please be respectful of: a) Games Plus's hours of operation, and b) the needs of players who may be reliant on the Metra scheudle.

When do poeple sign up for my event?
A separate player sign-up thread will be created in a few weeks. You will be notified in advance of the sign-up thread going live.

May I screen potential players?
Pre-approval of player sign-ups is not allowed. By volunteering to run an event, you're agreeing to run it for whomever signs up. Thankfully, everyone who comes to Gameday is totally awesome.

What if I want or need to cancel my event?
Once the sign-up thread begins, GM volunteers have until one week before Gameday in which they may remove their event from the schedule. After that point, the schedule is set, and you are expected to come ready to run your event, regardless of whether anyone has signed up for it. Barring genuine emergencies, of course.

May I run more than one event?
I would ask that people initially refrain from submitting more than one event. I want to give as many people as possible the chance to submit an event before GMs start doubling up. As soon as we see there is room available, GMs can add second events.

If you have suggestions, recommendations, or ideas for enhancing the fun of Gameday, please feel free to post them here and we'll open up discussion.
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I'd like to run a Slot Two, d20 (D&D-esque) RPG for 7th-level pregen characters (provided at the table) in the private room for fie players, please. Anyone who has played 3.XE D&D will be comfortable with this game. (All simple adjustments in rules will be explained at the table.)

The Lost Temple of Lorensis - Locals around the town of Loren have uncovered an entrance to an ancient temple from the time of the founding of the town. Several people in the town have died under mysterious circumstances. The crime rate is beginning to rise and a madness seems to have settled over the community. True heroes are needed to clear up the trouble and determine if the temple artifacts warrant leaving the temple unsealed.
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I'd like to run a Slot Two, d20 (D&D-esque) RPG for 7th-level pregen characters in the private room for fie players, please. Anyone who has played 3.XE D&D will be comfortable with this game. Any adjustments will be explained at the table.
Added to the schedule. Man, you're fast!

Vyvyan Basterd

Return to the Slavers Stockade: The Hill Fort
Adapted for use with Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition
Originally written by Harold Johnson with Tom Moldvay

The battle against the slavers continues! You and your fellow adventurers have defeated the slavers of Highport, but you have learned of the existence of another slaver stronghold, and you have decided to continue the attack. But beware! Only the most fearless of adventurers could challenge the slavers on their own ground, and live to tell of it!

This adventure will be run in old-school tournament style. What will your group score?

PLEASE NOTE: New BYOC (bring your own character) rules! You are allowed to bring your own character for this event. To do so you must send me a legal DDi character builder file a minimum of one week before the event (no exceptions). Send the file to vyvbasterd at Your character receives 3 magic items (1 of each level 6th, 5th and 4th), 840 gp, and any mundane equipment at no cost. Yes, this means that you need a DDi account or find someone who has one if you want to BYOC. Otherwise, the following 9 pre-gens will be available:

Elwita – Female Dwarf Battlerager Fighter
“Ogre” – Male Human Rageblood Barbarian
Freda – Female Human Archer Ranger
Karraway – Male Human Devoted Cleric
Blodgett – Male Halfling Artful Dodger Rogue
Dread Delgath – Male Human Summoner Wizard
Phanstern – Male Human Illusionist Wizard
Eljayess – Male Half-Elf Avenging Paladin
Kayen Telva – Male Eladrin Ensnaring Swordmage


Mark, I'd like to run in the slot opposite Ninjacat again. If he doesn't check in soon enough and you need a decision from me I'll take the morning slot.
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Nev the Deranged

First Post
I'll take a morning slot, TBA if that's acceptable. I have a few possibilities in mind. I'll nail it down some time over the next few days.

Although, of course, if there end up being games I want to play submitted for both slots, I might rescind.


I'll take a morning slot, TBA if that's acceptable. I have a few possibilities in mind. I'll nail it down some time over the next few days.

Although, of course, if there end up being games I want to play submitted for both slots, I might rescind.
What a diva!

Slot reserved.

I'll grab the private room for the morning, good sir.

It'll be a 4e 19th or 20th level romp through the mean streets of Iriaebor in the Forgotten Realms. Pregens provided, Newbies welcome.

(The 3e version of the realms with bits of the 4e rules. No spellplague garbage in my games :rant:)

Edit, now that i'm posted and my spot is secured....

Title: Iriaebor Intrigue
Players: 5 (with room for one more if there's extreme demand)
Pregens will be provided, new players welcome, but BYODice (no one likes to share ;) ) Each character has a little RP blurb that'll help you get into character, and are amusing, I promise.

Meetings with old adventuring companions are always fun, especially after you've all gone your separate ways, some of you settling down, some of you just flying solo, or even finding new parties to adventure with. And what better place to do it than the city where you all got your start: Iriaebor, the city of towers, nasty guild wars, and a thriving thieves' guild. What could possibly go wrong when a group of high level adventurers get drunk in the party thief's inn?
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First Post
Holy CRAP, I've got too much gaming stuff going on this weekend, hah!

I totally forgot this was going live at noon; I was up all night finishing my entry for Game-Fu 5 at RPGnet, oops. And now I'm off to run my first Cortex Supernatural game, and I'm gonna be late, whoops.

Buzz, I'd like to call in my b-day favor and go ahead with the running in each slot plan, but if Vyv wants the morning that's fine, I'll run SPN in the afternoon.

So, that's Cartoon Action Hour, Season 2: After These Messages Expansion in slot one, title TBD but using "the StormBirds", for five players, no experience necessary, I'll get back to you with a blurb

Afternoon: Supernatural, Cortex, "Nightmare City", for up to 6 players. No experience needed, but knowledge of the show will be helpful, though not required. Blurb on that later, too.

CAH Sn2: ATM is supposed to be released this month, but I know Cynthia at Spectrum Games was having issues with the hardbound version of CAH:Sn2, so if ATM gets delayed too, I may have to drop the first slot, or at least change my game. But since sign-ups won't start until July, I ought to know by then. I'll keep you informed here, or by email if that's better for you. Whatever works.


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